kickoff meeting program
The Kickoff will be held at San Francisco, during the IROS Conference, on monday 26th of September
"Union Square" 1&2 room
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Presentation of ict-Pamm (A. Spalanzani) document
9:30 Presentations of the partners
- 9:30-9:50 ITS Lab, Japan (Z. Hu) document
- 9:50-10:10 Ira-Lab, Taiwan (R. Luo) document
- 10:10-10:30 INRIA-Emotion, France (C. Laugier, A. Spalanzani) document
- 10:30-10:35 Mica Center, Vietnam (A. Spalanzani) document
- 10:35-11:40 ISRC, Korea (A. Spalanzani) document
- 10:40-11:00 Institut Blaise Pascal, France (P. Martinet) document
- 11:00-11:20 INRIA-IMARA, France (F. Nashashibi) document
- 11:20-11:40 PAL project (D. Daney) document
12:00 Lunch time
14:30-16:00 Tasks definitions, allocations, leaders document
16:00-16:30 Next Meeting organization