Main research activities

Synoptic of the research activity

Some invited talks

Keynote at Conference on Autonomous Mobile Systems 2009(AMS'09) on Robots in Human Environments: The Intelligent Vehicle Context. [Abstract, Talk]

Keynote at Field and Service Robotics Conference 2009(FSR'09) on Human, Dynamic and Open Environments: A New Challenge for Robotics. [Abstract, Talk]

Keynote at Singapore Robotics Game 2004 (SRG'04) on Will future robots really share our "living space" ?[Keynote Slide]

Plenary talk at IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference 2002 (ITSC'02) on Towards "Automated Road": Some projects and new Technologies [Keynote Slide]

Invited talk at JNRR'03 on Dynamic Simulation and 3D Interaction : [Talk]

Conference talks

ICT-Asia seminar (2007) : ICT-Asia project "FACT"
Talk at IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robots and Systems Conference 2003 (IROS'03) : Intra-Operative CT-Free Examination System for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction

some videos

Bayesian Occupation Filter paradigm (BOF) for Dynamic Perception : [Pedestrian tracking and avoidance, Vehicle Tracking in urban environments]

Probabilistic Motion Planning among Moving Obstacles Following Typical Motion Patterns [Risk based motion patterns]

Learning and predicting intentional motion for world changes prediction : [ Real data from Leeds dataset and simulation data ]

Reality-based echographic simulator : [ Echographic interaction with virutal probe, Force-feedback haptic interface]

Map buiding and automated driving of Cycab vehicle : [ SLAM ]

Obstacle avoidance in a dynamic environment using velocity obstacle concept : [ Obstacle avoidance simulation , Obstacle avoidance in a crossroad ]


Presentation of the e-Motion Project-Team :Presentation

Evaluation report of the e-Motion Project-Team 2004: Report

Evaluation of the e-Motion Project-Team 2009: [Report, Talk]

The press

INEDIT #55 july 2006 : Toward a "Zero Accident" Car.

Ordinateur Individuel 2006 - Hors Série N188 : Des systèmes d'aide à la conduite intelligents OBJECTIF ZERO.

L'Expansion, avril 2007 : La voiture qui peut prévoir les accidents.

Les Echos, juin 2007 : Valeo fait de l'aide à la conduite une de ses priorité.


International Master MOSIG Course on "Autonomous Robotics" (MOSIG'09) [Part 1, Part 2]
Tutorial on "Robotics Technologies & Applications" (SSIR'09)
Tutorial on "Motion Autonomy & Robust Navigation" (SRG'04)