firstname.lastname AT
Main address:
LPPA, Collège de France
11 place Marcelin Berthelot
75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Secondary address:
Team E-Motion, INRIA Rhône-Alpes
655 avenue de l'Europe
38334 Montbonnot, France
PhD student in the E-Motion team at INRIA Rhône-Alpes, in Grenoble. I am working under the supervision of Pierre Bessière at Collège de France (team LPPA), in Paris.
Current RTS AI are not enjoyable (too predictible, not hard enough) to play against once you figured out the basics of the gameplay, as opposed to Chess AI or even First Person Shooters AI. Research in this area is using many different AI techniques: from good old fashioned (and working) AI to very recent machine learning techniques. Also, it involves people from all horizons: academics and engineers from the industy. Bayesian programming allows us to have a structured approach of modeling the human player and learn the parameters of this model from available data (replays), or model the units as sensory motor robots.
The purposes of this work are three folds:Bayesian programming is a machine learning technique consisting of building a probabilistic model of a human player to be used by the robot. The robot will be able to learn play the game by looking at some human-played game sequences. I am currently searching for a MMORPG that would grant us a special permission given the fact that this breaks the normal EULAs. The goal is not to build farmer bots nor to cheat, but to do research in a simulated environment while taking advantage of the fact that interaction with other players are interactions with real humans and not simulated ones.
The applicative purposes of such a work is two folds:
I reviewed for ICDM 2011, GECCO 2012, and AIIDE 2012 workshop. Now, my policy on reviewing is that I won't accept to review for venues which are not open-access. I firmly believe in open-access research. Considering the very low cost of editing computer science digital papers (basically, a LaTeX macro for page numbering and compiling the PDF), it is unacceptable that conferences proceedings and journals are not freely available. Science has to be spread, read, evaluated, replicated, or it is not science.
Solve strong AI, use it to solve immortality, use this time to revert entropy. Seriously now, I have interest in all things about intelligence, probabilities, models. I am particularly fond of understanding how we learn (so fast, we have so many priors, in a large sense, and generalize abstract structures and concepts that we re-use). I think experimental psychology and NLP, as well as (not only molecular) biology and medecine will blend in the next 15 years. I hope AI will help science, research, society and the humanity. I enjoy passionate people. I like food (I'm French...), wine, beers, cinema, music (sometimes I even try to play), sailing, and skiing.
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