SAMPEN Associated team project Publications
- Procopio Stein, Anne Spalanzani, Vitor Santos and Christian Laugier, “Leader Following: A Study on Selection and Classification”,
Journal on Robotics and Autonomous Systems accepted sept 2014.
- Rios-Martinez J., Spalanzani A., Laugier C., "From proxemics theory to socially-aware navigation: a survey", in Journal of Social R
obotics. September 2014.
- F. Pasteau, V. Karakkat-Narayanan, M. Babel, F. Chaumette. A visual servoing approach for autonomous corridor following and door
way passing in a wheelchair. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, SI on Assistive Robotics, To appear, 2014.
- F. Pasteau, A. Krupa, M. Babel. Vision-based assistance for wheelchair navigation along corridors. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and
Automation, ICRA'14, Pages 4430-4435, Hong Kong, China, June 2014.
Last modified the 28th of november 2014
Anne Spalanzani. INRIA Rhône-Alpes, 655 Avenue de l'Europe, 38334 Saint
Ismier Cedex, France
Phone: +33 4 7661 5292 -- Fax: +33 4 7661 5477
Email: Anne.Spalanzani"followed by"@"and by"