SAMPEN Associated team project Partners

Principal investigator (Inria): Anne Spalanzani, e-Motion EPI

Principal investigator (Main team): Ren Luo , ICeiRA-IRICE, NTU

Dr. Anne Spalanzani
Lecturer at Pierre-Mendes-France University, researcher at INRIA. Her research focuses on safe navigation of robotic systems (wheelchair, cars) in dynamic and human populated environments. She is CO-PI of the IRICE project (ICeiRA). She is responsible of the ict-asia project ict-PAMM (IRA-lab is one of the partners). She coordinated the work of her team in several projects (INRIA AEN PAL, ANR LOVe, ict-asia Cityhome. She co-organize the Franco-Mexican summer school on vision and robotics (SSIR). Main research interests: Intelligent Vehicles, automated wheelchair, Safe and human aware navigation, Perception and prediction of robot environments

Prof. Ren Luo
Distinguished Professorat NTU university (Taiwan). Director of the iCeiRA (I-Rice) lab. Prof. Luo is currently a distinguished professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. He is also currently served as President of Robotics Society of Taiwan, and President of Taiwan Hakka Forum Association. Prof. Luo has made research contributions in Sensor-controlled Intelligent Robot system; Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems; Visual Servo Feedback Control Systems; Intelligent Mechatronics Systems; Micro and Nanotechnologies; Rapid Prototyping and Advanced Automation Systems. He is also a Co Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Dr. David Daney
Researcher at INRIA Bordeaux, in the Phoenix project-team. Head of the Large Scale Initiative Action Personally Assisted Living (PAL) see The objective of this project is to create a research infrastructure that will enable experiments with technologies for improving the quality of life for persons who have suffered a loss of autonomy through age, illness or accident. In particular, the project seeks to enable development of technologies that can provide services for elderly and fragile persons, as well as their immediate family, caregivers and social groups.

Dr Christian Laugier
First class Research Director at INRIA and Scientific Leader of the e-Motion team-project ( common to INRIA Rhône-Alpes and to the LIG Laboratory ( He is CO-PI of the IRICE project (ICeiRA). His current research interests mainly lie in the areas of Motion Autonomy, Intelligent Vehicles, Decisional Architectures, and Bayesian Reasoning. He has a significant experience in international collaborations, particularly with Asian countries. He is currently in charge of Scientific Relations with Asia & Oceania at INRIA International Affairs Department.

Dr Marie Babel
Assistant professor in Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - INSA since 2006, her researches have first been focused on pseudo-semantic representation of images and videos. If these studies have been conducted so that to match compression issues, related domains have been investigated, in particular robotic vision issues, and more particularly robotic assistance. Since then, she coordinates the work of Lagadic team in several project (Inria Large-scale initiative action PAL, OSEO APASH project). Current works are oriented towards vision tracking and semi-autonomous navigation with the help of robotic vision embedded systems.

Last modified the 28th of november 2014
Anne Spalanzani. INRIA Rhône-Alpes, 655 Avenue de l'Europe, 38334 Saint Ismier Cedex, France Phone: +33 4 7661 5292 -- Fax: +33 4 7661 5477 Email: Anne.Spalanzani"followed by"@"and by"