Bayesian Programming and Learning for Multi-Player Video Games
Application to RTS AI
Ph.D thesis
Gabriel Synnaeve


This thesis explores the use of Bayesian models in multi-player video games AI, particularly real-time strategy (RTS) games AI. Video games are in-between real world robotics and total simulations, as other players are not simulated, nor do we have control over the simulation. RTS games require having strategic (technological, economical), tactical (spatial, temporal) and reactive (units control) actions and decisions on the go. We used Bayesian modeling as an alternative to (boolean valued) logic, able to cope with incompleteness of information and (thus) uncertainty. Indeed, incomplete specification of the possible behaviors in scripting, or incomplete specification of the possible states in planning/search raise the need to deal with uncertainty. Machine learning helps reducing the complexity of fully specifying such models. We show that Bayesian programming can integrate all kinds of sources of uncertainty (hidden state, intention, stochasticity), through the realization of a fully robotic StarCraft player. Probability distributions are a mean to convey the full extent of the information we have and can represent by turns: constraints, partial knowledge, state space estimation and incompleteness in the model itself.

In the first part of this thesis, we review the current solutions to problems raised by multi-player game AI, by outlining the types of computational and cognitive complexities in the main gameplay types. From here, we sum up the transversal categories of problems, introducing how Bayesian modeling can deal with all of them. We then explain how to build a Bayesian program from domain knowledge and observations through a toy role-playing game example. In the second part of the thesis, we detail our application of this approach to RTS AI, and the models that we built up. For reactive behavior (micro-management), we present a real-time multi-agent decentralized controller inspired from sensory motor fusion. We then show how to perform strategic and tactical adaptation to a dynamic opponent through opponent modeling and machine learning (both supervised and unsupervised) from highly skilled players’ traces. These probabilistic player-based models can be applied both to the opponent for prediction, or to ourselves for decision-making, through different inputs. Finally, we explain our StarCraft robotic player architecture and precise some technical implementation details.

Beyond models and their implementations, our contributions are threefolds: machine learning based plan recognition/opponent modeling by using the structure of the domain knowledge, multi-scale decision-making under uncertainty, and integration of Bayesian models with a real-time control program.


1 Introduction
 1.1 Context
  1.1.1 Motivations
  1.1.2 Approach
 1.2 Contributions
 1.3 Reading map
2 Game AI
 2.1 Goals of game AI
  2.1.1 NPC
  2.1.2 Win
  2.1.3 Fun
  2.1.4 Programming
 2.2 Single-player games
  2.2.1 Action games
  2.2.2 Puzzles
 2.3 Abstract strategy games
  2.3.1 Tic-tac-toe, minimax
  2.3.2 Checkers, alpha-beta
  2.3.3 Chess, heuristics
  2.3.4 Go, Monte-Carlo tree search
 2.4 Games with uncertainty
  2.4.1 Monopoly
  2.4.2 Battleship
  2.4.3 Poker
 2.5 FPS
  2.5.1 Gameplay and AI
  2.5.2 State of the art
  2.5.3 Challenges
 2.6 (MMO)RPG
  2.6.1 Gameplay and AI
  2.6.2 State of the art
  2.6.3 Challenges
 2.7 RTS Games
  2.7.1 Gameplay and AI
  2.7.2 State of the art & challenges
 2.8 Games characteristics
  2.8.1 Combinatorics
  2.8.2 Randomness
  2.8.3 Partial observations
  2.8.4 Time constant(s)
  2.8.5 Recapitulation
 2.9 Player characteristics
3 Bayesian modeling of multi-player games
 3.1 Problems in game AI
  3.1.1 Sensing and partial information
  3.1.2 Uncertainty (from rules, complexity)
  3.1.3 Vertical continuity
  3.1.4 Horizontal continuity
  3.1.5 Autonomy and robust programming
 3.2 The Bayesian programming methodology
  3.2.1 The hitchhiker’s guide to Bayesian probability
  3.2.2 A formalism for Bayesian models
 3.3 Modeling of a Bayesian MMORPG player
  3.3.1 Task
  3.3.2 Perceptions and actions
  3.3.3 Bayesian model
  3.3.4 Example
  3.3.5 Discussion
4 RTS AI: StarCraft: Broodwar
 4.1 How does the game work
  4.1.1 RTS gameplay
  4.1.2 A StarCraft game
 4.2 RTS AI challenges
 4.3 Tasks decomposition and linking
5 Micro-management
 5.1 Units management
  5.1.1 Micro-management complexity
  5.1.2 Our approach
 5.2 Related work
 5.3 A pragmatic approach to units control
  5.3.1 Action and perception
  5.3.2 A simple unit
  5.3.3 Units group
 5.4 A Bayesian model for units control
  5.4.1 Bayesian unit
 5.5 Results on StarCraft
  5.5.1 Experiments
  5.5.2 Our bot
 5.6 Discussion
  5.6.1 Perspectives
  5.6.2 Conclusion
6 Tactics
 6.1 What are tactics?
  6.1.1 A tactical abstraction
  6.1.2 Our approach
 6.2 Related work
 6.3 Perception and tactical goals
  6.3.1 Space representation
  6.3.2 Evaluating regions
  6.3.3 Tech tree
  6.3.4 Attack types
 6.4 Dataset
  6.4.1 Source
  6.4.2 Information
  6.4.3 Attacks
 6.5 A Bayesian tactical model
  6.5.1 Tactical Model
 6.6 Results on StarCraft
  6.6.1 Learning and posterior analysis
  6.6.2 Prediction performance
  6.6.3 Predictions
  6.6.4 Error analysis
  6.6.5 In-game decision-making
 6.7 Discussion
  6.7.1 In-game learning
  6.7.2 Possible improvements
  6.7.3 Conclusion
7 Strategy
 7.1 What is strategy?
 7.2 Related work
 7.3 Perception and interaction
  7.3.1 Buildings
  7.3.2 Openings
  7.3.3 Military units
 7.4 Replays labeling
  7.4.1 Dataset
  7.4.2 Probabilistic labeling
 7.5 Build tree prediction
  7.5.1 Bayesian model
  7.5.2 Results
  7.5.3 Possible improvements
 7.6 Openings
  7.6.1 Bayesian model
  7.6.2 Results
  7.6.3 Possible uses
 7.7 Army composition
  7.7.1 Bayesian model
  7.7.2 Results
 7.8 Conclusion
8 BroodwarBotQ
 8.1 Code architecture
  8.1.1 Units control
  8.1.2 Tactical goals
  8.1.3 Map and movements
  8.1.4 Technology estimation
  8.1.5 Enemy units filtering
 8.2 A game walk-through
 8.3 Results
9 Conclusion
 9.1 Contributions summary
 9.2 Perspectives
  9.2.1 Micro-management
  9.2.2 Tactics
  9.2.3 Strategy
  9.2.4 Inter-game Adaptation (Meta-game)
A Game AI
 A.1 Negamax
 A.2 “Gamers’ survey” in section 2.9 page 85
B StarCraft AI
 B.1 Micro-management
 B.2 Tactics
  B.2.1 Decision-making: soft evidences and coherence variables
 B.3 Strategy



assignment of value to the left hand operand
~ the right operand is the distribution of the left operand (random variable)
# cardinal of a space or dimension of a variable
MT M transposed
  integers interval


X and V ariablerandom variables (or logical propositions)
x and value values
#s = |s| cardinal of the set s
#X = |X | shortcut for “cardinal of the set of the values of X
X1:n the set of n random variables X1Xn
{x Ω|Q(x)} the set of elements from Ω which verify Q


P(X) = Distribution is equivalent to X ~ Distribution
P(x) = P(X = x) = P([X = x])Probability (distribution) that X takes the value x
P(X,Y ) = P(X Y ) Probability (distribution) of the conjunction of X and Y
P(X|Y ) Probability (distribution) of X knowing Y


 ( X1 )
 |  . |                              -----1------     1      T -1
P(  .. ) = P(X ) = N (μ,σ ) ↔ P (X = x) = (2π)k∕2 |Σ|1∕2 exp(-2(x- μ) Σ (x- μ))
                 1  1                                                                                            ∑
P(X ) = Categorical   also sometimes called Multinomial or Histogram                          (K, p) ↔ P (X = i) = pi, such that i=1pi = 1

Chapter 1

Every game of skill is susceptible of being played by an automaton.

Charles Babbage

1.1 Context

1.1.1 Motivations

There is more to playing than entertainment, particularly, playing has been found to be a basis for motor and logical learning. Real-time video games require skill and deep reasoning, attributes respectively shared by music playing and by board games. On many aspects, high-level real-time strategy (RTS) players can be compared to piano players, who would write their partition depending on how they want to play a Chess match, simultaneously to their opponent.

Research on video games rests in between research on real-world robotics and research on simulations or theoretical games. Indeed artificial intelligences (AI) evolve in a simulated world that is also populated with human-controlled agents and other AI agents on which we have no control. Moreover, the state space (set of states that are reachable by the players) is much bigger than in board games. For instance, the branching factor* in StarCraft is greater than 1.106, compared to approximatively 35 in Chess and 360 in Go. Research on video games thus constitutes a great opportunity to bridge the gap between real-world robotics and simulations.

Another strong motivation is that there are plenty of highly skilled human video game players, which provides inspiration and incentives to measure our artificial intelligences against them. For RTS* games, there are professional players, whose games are recorded. This provides datasets consisting in thousands human-hours of play, by humans who beat any existing AI, which enables machine learning. Clearly, there is something missing to classical AI approaches to be able to handle video games as efficiently as humans do. I believe that RTS AI is where Chess AI was in the early 70s: we have RTS AI world competitions but even the best entries cannot win against skilled human players.

Complexity, real-time constraints and uncertainty are ubiquitous in video games. Therefore video games AI research is yielding new approaches to a wide range of problems. For instance in RTS* games: pathfinding, multiple agents coordination, collaboration, prediction, planning and (multi-scale) reasoning under uncertainty. The RTS framework is particularly interesting because it encompasses most of these problems: the solutions have to deal with many objects, imperfect information, strategic reasoning and low-level actions while running in real-time on desktop hardware.

1.1.2 Approach

Games are beautiful mathematical problems with adversarial, concurrent and sometimes even social dimensions, which have been formalized and studied through game theory. On the other hand, the space complexity of video games make them intractable problems with only theoretical tools. Also, the real-time nature of the video games that we studied asks for efficient solutions. Finally, several video games incorporate different forms of uncertainty, being it from partial observations or stochasticity due to the rules. Under all these constraints, taking real-time decisions under uncertainties and in combinatorics spaces, we have to provide a way to program robotic video games players, whose level matches amateur players.

We have chosen to embrace uncertainty and produce simple models which can deal with the video games’ state spaces while running in real-time on commodity hardware: All models are wrong; some models are useful. (attributed to Georges Box). If our models are necessarily wrong, we have to consider that they are approximations, and work with probabilities distributions. The other reasons to do so confirm us in our choice:

The unified framework to reason under uncertainty that we used is the one of plausible reasoning and Bayesian modeling.

As we are able to collect data about high skilled human players or produce data through experience, we can learn the parameters of such Bayesian models. This modeling approach unifies all the possible sources of uncertainties, learning, along with prediction and decision-making in a consistent framework.

1.2 Contributions

We produced tractable models addressing different levels of reasoning, whose difficulty of specification was reduced by taking advantage of machine learning techniques, and implemented a full StarCraft AI.

Finally, video games is a billion dollars industry ($65 billion worldwide in 2011). With this thesis, we also hope to deliver a guide for industry practitioners who would like to have new tools for solving the ever increasing state space complexity of (multi-scale) game AI, and produce challenging and fun to play against AI.

1.3 Reading map

First, even though I tried to keep jargon to a minimum, when there is a precise word for something, I tend to use it. For AI researchers, there is a lot of video games’ jargon; for game designers and programmers, there is a lot of AI jargon. I have put everything in a comprehensive glossary.

Chapter 2 gives a basic culture about (pragmatic) game AI. The first part explains minimax, alpha-beta and Monte-Carlo tree search by glossing over Tic-tac-toe, Chess and Go respectively. The second part is about video games’ AI challenges. The reader novice to AI who wants a deep introduction on artificial intelligence can turn to the leading textbook [Russell and Norvig2010]. More advanced knowledge about some specificities of game AI can be acquired by reading the Quake III (by iD Software) source code: it is very clear and documented modern C, and it stood the test of time in addition to being the canonical fast first person shooter. Finally, there is no substitute for the reader novice to games to play them in order to grasp them.

We first notice that all game AI challenge can be addressed with uncertain reasoning, and present in chapter 3 the basics of our Bayesian modeling formalism. As we present probabilistic modeling as an extension of logic, it may be an easy entry to building probabilistic models for novice readers. It is not sufficient to give a strong background on Bayesian modeling however, but there are multiple good books on the subject. We advise the reader who want a strong intuition of Bayesian modeling to read the seminal work by Jaynes [2003], and we found the chapter IV of the (free) book of MacKay [2003] to be an excellent and efficient introduction to Bayesian inference. Finally, a comprehensive review of the spectrum of applications of Bayesian programming (until 2008) is provided by [Bessière et al.2008].

Chapter 4 explains the challenges of playing a real-time strategy game through the example of StarCraft: Broodwar. It then explains our decomposition of the problem in the hierarchical abstractions that we have studied.

Chapter 5 presents our solution to the real-time multi-agent cooperative and adversarial problem that is micro-management. We had a decentralized reactive behavior approach providing a framework which can be used in other games than StarCraft. We proved that it is easy to change the behaviors by implementing several modes with minimal code changes.

Chapter 6 deals with the tactical abstraction for partially observable games. Our approach was to abstract low-level observations up to the tactical reasoning level with simple heuristics, and have a Bayesian model make all the inferences at this tactical abstracted level. The key to producing valuable tactical predictions and decisions is to train the model on real game data passed through the heuristics.

Chapter 7 shows our decompositions of strategy into specific prediction and adaptation (under uncertainty) tasks. Our approach was to reduce the complexity of strategies by using the structure of the game rules (technology trees) of expert players vocable (openings) decisions (unit types combinations/proportions). From partial observations, the probability distributions on the opponent’s strategy are reconstructed, which allows for adaptation and decision-making.

Chapter 8 describes briefly the software architecture of our robotic player (bot). It makes the link between the Bayesian models presented before and their connection with the bot’s program. We also comment some of the bot’s debug output to show how a game played by our bot unfolds.

We conclude by putting the contributions back in their contexts, and opening up several perspectives for future work in the RTS AI domain.

Chapter 2
Game AI

It is not that the games and mathematical problems are chosen because they are clear and simple; rather it is that they give us, for the smallest initial structures, the greatest complexity, so that one can engage some really formidable situations after a relatively minimal diversion into programming.

Marvin Minsky (Semantic Information Processing, 1968)

IS the primary goal of game AI to win the game? “Game AI” is simultaneously a research topic and an industry standard practice, for which the main metric is the fun the players are having. Its uses range from character animation, to behavior modeling, strategic play, and a true gameplay* component. In this chapter, we will give our educated guess about the goals of game AI, and review what exists for a broad category of games: abstract strategy games, partial information and/or stochastic games, different genres of computer games. Let us then focus on gameplay (from a player point of view) characteristics of these games so that we can enumerate game AI needs.

2.1 Goals of game AI

2.1.1 NPC

Non-playing characters (NPC*), also called “mobs”, represent a massive volume of game AI, as a lot of multi-player games have NPC. They really represents players that are not conceived to be played by humans, by opposition to “bots”, which corresponds to human-playable characters controlled by an AI. NPC are an important part of ever more immersive single player adventures (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim), of cooperative gameplays* (World of Warcraft, Left 4 Dead), or as helpers or trainers (“pets”, strategy games). NPC can be a core part of the gameplay as in Creatures or Black and White, or dull “quest giving poles” as in a lot of role-playing games. They are of interest for the game industry, but also for robotics, to study human cognition and for artificial intelligence in the large. So, the first goal of game AI is perhaps just to make the artificial world seem alive: a paint is not much fun to play in.

2.1.2 Win

During the last decade, the video game industry has seen the emergence of “e-sport”. It is the professionalizing of specific competitive games at the higher levels, as in sports: with spectators, leagues, sponsors, fans and broadcasts. A list of major electronic sport games includes (but is not limited to): StarCraft: Brood War, Counter-Strike, Quake III, Warcraft III, Halo, StarCraft II. The first game to have had pro-gamers* was StarCraft: Brood War*, in Korea, with top players earning more than Korean top soccer players. Top players earn more than $400,000 a year but the professional average is below, around $50-60,000 a year [Contracts2007], against the average South Korean salary at $16,300 in 2010. Currently, Brood War is being slowly phased out to StarCraft II. There are TV channels broadcasting Brood War (OnGameNet, previously also MBC Game) or StarCraft II (GOM TV, streaming) and for which it constitutes a major chunk of the air time. “E-sport” is important to the subject of game AI because it ensures competitiveness of the human players. It is less challenging to write a competitive AI for game played by few and without competitions than to write an AI for Chess, Go or StarCraft. E-sport, through the distribution of “replays*” also ensures a constant and heavy flow of human player data to mine and learn from. Finally, cognitive science researchers (like the Simon Fraser University Cognitive Science Lab) study the cognitive aspects (attention, learning) of high level RTS playing [Simon Fraser University].

Good human players, through their ability to learn and adapt, and through high-level strategic reasoning, are still undefeated. Single players are often frustrated by the NPC behaviors in non-linear (not fully scripted) games. Nowadays, video games’ AI can be used as part of the gameplay as a challenge to the player. This is not the case in most of the games though, in decreasing order of resolution of the problem1 : fast FPS* (first person shooters), team FPS, RPG* (role playing games), MMORPG* (Massively Multi-player Online RPG), RTS* (Real-Time Strategy). These games in which artificial intelligences do not beat top human players on equal footing requires increasingly more cheats to even be a challenge (not for long as they mostly do not adapt). AI cheats encompass (but are not limited to):

How do we build game robotic players (“bots”, AI, NPC) which can provide some challenge, or be helpful without being frustrating, while staying fun?

2.1.3 Fun

The main purpose of gaming is entertainment. Of course, there are game genres like serious gaming, or the “gamification*” of learning, but the majority of people playing games are having fun. Cheating AI are not fun, and so the replayability* of single player games is very low. The vast majority of games which are still played after the single player mode are multi-player games, because humans are still the most fun partners to play with. So how do we get game AI to be fun to play with? The answer seems to be 3-fold:

In all cases, a good AI should be able to learn from the players’ actions, recognize their behavior to deal with it in the most entertaining way. Examples for a few mainstream games: World of Warcraft instances or StarCraft II missions could be less predictable (less scripted) and always “just hard enough”, Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty opponents could have a longer life expectancy (5 seconds in some cases), Skyrim’s follower NPC* could avoid blocking the player in doors, or going in front when they cast fireballs.

2.1.4 Programming

How do game developers want to deal with game AI programming? We have to understand the needs of industry game AI programmers:

As a first approach, programmers can “hard code” the behaviors and their switches. For some structuring of such states and transitions, they can and do use state machines [Houlette and Fu2003]. This solution does not scale well (exponential increase in the number of transitions), nor do they generate autonomous behavior, and they can be cumbersome for game designers to interact with. Hierarchical finite state machine (FSM)* is a partial answer to these problems: they scale better due to the sharing of transitions between macro-states and are more readable for game designers who can zoom-in on macro/englobing states. They still represent way too much programming work for complex behavior and are not more autonomous than classic FSM. Bakkes et al. [2004] used an adaptive FSM mechanism inspired by evolutionary algorithms to play Quake III team games. Planning (using a search heuristic in the states space) efficiently gives autonomy to virtual characters. Planners like hierarchical task networks (HTNs)* [Erol et al.1994] or STRIPS [Fikes and Nilsson1971] generate complex behaviors in the space of the combinations of specified states, and the logic can be re-used accross games. The drawbacks can be a large computational budget (for many agents and/or a complex world), the difficulty to specify reactive behavior, and less (or harder) control from the game designers. Behavior trees (Halo 2 [Isla2005], Spore) are a popular in-between HTN* and hierarchical finite state machine (HFSM)* technique providing scability through a tree-like hierarchy, control through tree editing and some autonomy through a search heuristic. A transversal technique for ease of use is to program game AI with a script (LUA, Python) or domain specific language (DSL*). From a programming or design point of view, it will have the drawbacks of the models it is based on. If everything is allowed (low-level inputs and outputs directly in the DSL), everything is possible at the cost of cumbersome programming, debugging and few re-use.

Even with scalable2 architectures like behavior trees or the autonomy that planning provides, there are limitations (burdens on programmers/designers or CPU/GPU):

Our thesis is that we can learn complex behaviors from exploration or observations (of human players) without the need to be explicitely programmed. Furthermore, the game designers can stay in control by choosing which demonstration to learn from and tuning parameters by hand if wanted. Le Hy et al. [2004] showed it in the case of FPS AI (Unreal Tournament), with inverse programming to learn reactive behaviors from human demonstration. We extend it to tactical and even strategic behaviors.

2.2 Single-player games

Single player games are not the main focus of our thesis, but they present a few interesting AI characteristics. They encompass all kinds of human cognitive abilities, from reflexes to higher level thinking.

2.2.1 Action games

Platform games (Mario, Sonic), time attack racing games (TrackMania), solo shoot-them-up (“schmups”, Space Invaders, DodonPachi), sports games and rhythm games (Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero) are games of reflexes, skill and familiarity with the environment. The main components of game AI in these genres is a quick path search heuristic, often with a dynamic environment. At the Computational Intelligence and Games conferences series, there have been Mario [Togelius et al.2010], PacMan [Rohlfshagen and Lucas2011] and racing competitions [Loiacono et al.2008]: the winners often use (clever) heuristics coupled with a search algorithm (A* for instance). As there are no human opponents, reinforcement learning and genetic programming works well too. In action games, the artificial player most often has a big advantage on its human counterpart as reaction time is one of the key characteristics.

2.2.2 Puzzles

Point and click (Monkey Island, Kyrandia, Day of the Tentacle), graphic adventure (Myst, Heavy Rain), (tile) puzzles (Minesweeper, Tetris) games are games of logical thinking and puzzle solving. The main components of game AI in these genres is an inference engine with sufficient domain knowledge (an ontology). AI research is not particularly active in the genre of puzzle games, perhaps because solving them has more to do with writing down the ontology than with using new AI techniques. A classic well-studied logic-based, combinatorial puzzle is Sudoku, which has been formulated as a SAT-solving [Lynce and Ouaknine2006] and constraint satisfaction problem [Simonis2005].

2.3 Abstract strategy games

2.3.1 Tic-tac-toe, minimax

Tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses) is a solved game*, meaning that it can be played optimally from each possible position. How did it came to get solved? Each and every possible positions (26,830) have been analyzed by a Minimax (or its variant Negamax) algorithm. Minimax is an algorithm which can be used to determine the optimal score a player can get for a move in a zero-sum game*. The Minimax theorem states:

Theorem. For every two-person, zero-sum game with finitely many strategies, there exists a value V and a mixed strategy for each player, such that (a) Given player 2’s strategy, the best payoff possible for player 1 is V, and (b) Given player 1’s strategy, the best payoff possible for player 2 is -V.

Applying this theorem to Tic-tac-toe, we can say that winning is +1 point for the player and losing is -1, while draw is 0. The exhaustive search algorithm which takes this property into account is described in Algorithm 1. The result of applying this algorithm to the Tic-tac-toe situation of Fig. 2.1 is exhaustively represented in Fig. 2.2. For zero-sum games (as abstract strategy games discussed here), there is a (simpler) Minimax variant called Negamax, shown in Algorithm 7 in Appendix A.

Algorithm 1: Minimax algorithm
 function MINI(depth)
  if depth 0 then
  return -value()
  end if
  min +
  for all possible moves do
  score maxi(depth - 1)
  if score < min then
  min score
  end if
  end for
  return min
 end function
 function MAXI(depth)
  if depth 0 then
  return value()
  end if
  max ←-∞
  for all possible moves do
  score mini(depth - 1)
  if score > min then
  max score
  end if
  end for
  return max
 end function


Figure 2.1: A Tic-tac-toe board position, in which it is the “circles” player’s turn to play. The labeling explains the indexing (left to right, bottom to top, starting at 1) of the grid.


Figure 2.2: Minimax tree with initial position at Fig. 2.1 state, nodes are states and edges are transitions, labeled with the move. Leafs are end-game states: 1 point for the win and -1 for the loss. Player is “circles” and plays first (first edges are player’s moves).

2.3.2 Checkers, alpha-beta

Checkers, Chess and Go are also zero sum, perfect-information*, partisan*, deterministic strategy game. Theoretically, they all can be solved by exhaustive Minimax. In practice though, it is often intractable: their bounded versions are at least in PSPACE and their unbounded versions are EXPTIME-hard [Hearn and Demaine2009]. We can see the complexity of Minimax as O(bd) with b the average branching factor* of the tree (to search) and d the average length (depth) of the game. For Checkers b 8, but taking pieces is mandatory, resulting in a mean adjusted branching factor of 4, while the mean game length is 70 resulting in a game tree complexity of 1031 [Allis1994]. It is already too large to have been solved by Minimax alone (on current hardware). From 1989 to 2007, there were artificial intelligence competitions on Checkers, all using at least alpha-beta pruning: a technique to make efficient cuts in the Minimax search tree while not losing optimality. The state space complexity of Checkers is the smallest of the 3 above-mentioned games with 5.1020 legal possible positions (conformations of pieces which can happen in games). As a matter of fact, Checkers have been (weakly) solved, which means it was solved for perfect play on both sides (and always ends in a draw) [Schaeffer et al.2007a]. Not all positions resulting from imperfect play have been analyzed.

Alpha-beta pruning (see Algorithm 2) is a branch-and-bound algorithm which can reduce Minimax search down to a O(bd∕2) = O(√ -d
  b) complexity if the best nodes are searched first (O(b3d∕4) for a random ordering of nodes). α is the maximum score that we (the maximizing player) are assured to get given what we already evaluated, while β is the minimum score that the minimizing player is assured to get. When evaluating more and more nodes, we can only get a better estimate and so α can only increase while β can only decrease.

Algorithm 2: Alpha-beta algorithm
 function ALPHABETA(node,depth,α,β,player)
  if depth 0 then
  return value(player)
  end if
  if player == us then
  for all possible moves do
  α max(α,alphabeta(child,depth - 1,α,β,opponent))
  if β α then
  end if
  end for
  return α
  for all possible moves do
  β min(β,alphabeta(child,depth - 1,α,β,us))
  if β α then
  end if
  end for
  return β
  end if
 end function

If we find a node for which β becomes less than α, it means that this position results from sub-optimal play. When it is because of an update of β, the sub-optimal play is on the side of the maximizing player (his α is not high enough to be optimal and/or the minimizing player has a winning move faster in the current sub-tree) and this situation is called an α cut-off. On the contrary, when the cut results from an update of α, it is called a β cut-off and means that the minimizing player would have to play sub-optimally to get into this sub-tree. When starting the game, α is initialized to -∞ and β to +. A worked example is given on Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3: Alpha-beta cuts on a Minimax tree, nodes are states and edges are transitions, labeled with the values of positions at the bottom (max depth). Here is the trace of the algorithm: 1. descend leftmost first and evaluated 2 and 3, 2. percolate max(2,3) higher up to set β = 3, 3. β-cut in A because its value is at least 5 (which is superior to β = 3), 4. Update of α = 3 at the top node, 5. α-cut in B because it is at most 0 (which is inferior to α = 3), 6. α-cut in C because it is at most 2, 7. conclude the best value for the top node is 3.

Alpha-beta is going to be helpful to search much deeper than Minimax in the same allowed time. The best Checkers program (since the 90s), which is also the project which solved Checkers [Schaeffer et al.2007b], Chinook, has opening and end-game (for lest than eight pieces of fewer) books, and for the mid-game (when there are more possible moves) relies on a deep search algorithm. So, apart for the beginning and the ending of the game, for which it plays by looking up a database, it used a search algorithm. As Minimax and Alpha-beta are depth first search heuristics, all programs which have to answer in a fixed limit of time use iterative deepening. It consists in fixing limited depth which will be considered maximal and evaluating this position. As it does not relies in winning moves at the bottom, because the search space is too big in branchingdepth, we need moves evaluation heuristics. We then iterate on growing the maximal depth for which we consider moves, but we are at least sure to have a move to play in a short time (at least the greedy depth 1 found move).

2.3.3 Chess, heuristics

With a branching factor* of 35 and an average game length of 80 moves [Shannon1950], the average game-tree complexity of chess is 3580 3.10123. Shannon [1950] also estimated the number of possible (legal) positions to be of the order of 1043, which is called the Shannon number. Chess AI needed a little more than just Alpha-beta to win against top human players (not that Checkers could not benefit it), particularly on 1996 hardware (first win of a computer against a reigning world champion, Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov). Once an AI has openings and ending books (databases to look-up for classical moves), how can we search deeper during the game, or how can we evaluate better a situation? In iterative deepening Alpha-beta (or other search algorithms like Negascout [Reinefeld1983] or MTD-f[Plaat1996]), one needs to know the value of a move at the maximal depth. If it does not correspond to the end of the game, there is a need for an evaluation heuristic. Some may be straight forward, like the resulting value of an exchange in pieces points. But some strategies sacrifice a queen in favor of a more advantageous tactical position or a checkmate, so evaluation heuristics need to take tactical positions into account. In Deep Blue, the evaluation function had 8000 cases, with 4000 positions in the openings book, all learned from 700,000 grandmaster games [Campbell et al.2002]. Nowadays, Chess programs are better than Deep Blue and generally also search less positions. For instance, Pocket Fritz (HIARCS engine) beats current grandmasters [WikipediaCenter] while evaluating 20,000 positions per second (740 MIPS on a smartphone) against Deep Blue’s (11.38 GFlops) 200 millions per second.

2.3.4 Go, Monte-Carlo tree search

With an estimated number of legal 19x19 Go positions of 2.081681994 * 10170 [Tromp and Farnebäck2006] (1.196% of possible positions), and an average branching factor* above Chess for gobans* from 9x9 and above, Go sets another limit for AI. For 19x19 gobans, the game tree complexity is up to 10360 [Allis1994]. The branching factor varies greatly, from 30 to 300 (361 cases at first), while the mean depth (number of plies in a game) is between 150 to 200. Approaches other than systematic exploration of the game tree are required. One of them is Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS*). Its principle is to randomly sample which nodes to expand and which to exploit in the search tree, instead of systematically expanding the build tree as in Minimax. For a given node in the search tree, we note Q(node) the sum of the simulations rewards on all the runs through node, and N(node) the visits count of node. Algorithm 3 details the MCTS algorithm and Fig. 2.4 explains the principle.

Algorithm 3: Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithm. EXPANDFROM(node) is the tree (growing) policy function on how to select where to search from situation node (exploration or exploitation?) and how to expand the game tree (deep-first, breadth-first, heuristics?) in case of untried actions. EVALUATE(tree) may have 2 behaviors: 1. if tree is complete (terminal), it gives an evaluation according to games rules, 2. if tree is incomplete, it has to give an estimation, either through simulation (for instance play at random) or an heuristic. BESTCHILD picks the action that leads to the better value/reward from node. MERGE(node,tree) changes the existing tree (with node) to take all the Q(ν)ν tree (new) values into account. If tree contains new nodes (there were some exploration), they are added to node at the right positions.
 function MCTS(node)
  while computational time left do
  tree EXPANDFROM(node)
  tree.values EVALUATE(tree)
  end while
  return BESTCHILD(node)
 end function

The MoGo team [Gelly and Wang2006Gelly et al.20062012] introduced the use of Upper Confidence Bounds for Trees (UCT*) for MCTS* in Go AI. MoGo became the best 9x9 and 13x13 Go program, and the first to win against a pro on 9x9. UCT specializes MCTS in that it specifies EXPANDFROM (as in Algorithm. 4) tree policy with a specific exploration-exploitation trade-off. UCB1 [Kocsis and Szepesvári2006] views the tree policy as a multi-armed bandit problem and so EXPANDFROM(node) UCB1 chooses the arms with the best upper confidence bound:

                    ∘ ----------
            Q (c)      ln N(node)
   argmax    N-(c)-+ k  --N-(c)---
in which k fixes the exploration-exploitation trade-off: Q(c)-
N(c) is simply the average reward when going through c so we have exploitation only for k = 0 and exploration only for k = .

Kocsis and Szepesvári [2006] showed that the probability of selecting sub-optimal actions converges to zero and so that UCT MCTS converges to the minimax tree and so is optimal. Empirically, they found several convergence rates of UCT to be in O(bd∕2), as fast as Alpha-beta tree search, and able to deal with larger problems (with some error). For a broader survey on MCTS methods, see [Browne et al.2012].

Algorithm 4: UCB1 EXPANDFROM
 function EXPANDFROM(node)
  if node is terminal then
  return node ⊳  terminal
  end if
  if c node.children s.t. N(c) = 0 then
  return c ⊳  grow
  end if
  return EXPANDFROM(argmaxcnode.children)Q(c) N (c) + k∘ --------   lnN(node)     N (c)) ⊳  select
 end function

PIC    PIC   


Figure 2.4: An iteration of the while loop in MCTS, from left to right: EXPANDFROM select, EXPANDFROM grow, EVALUATE & MERGE.

With Go, we see clearly that humans do not play abstract strategy games using the same approach. Top Go players can reason about their opponent’s move, but they seem to be able to do it in a qualitative manner, at another scale. So, while tree search algorithms help a lot for tactical play in Go, particularly by integrating openings/ending knowledge, pattern macthing algorithms are not yet at the strategical level of human players. When a MCTS algorithm learns something, it stays at the level of possible actions (even considering positional hashing*), while the human player seems to be able to generalize, and re-use heuristics learned at another level.

2.4 Games with uncertainty

An exhaustive list of games, or even of games genres, is beyond the scope/range of this thesis. All uncertainty boils down to incompleteness of information, being it the physics of the dice being thrown or the inability to measure what is happening in the opponent’s brain. However, we will speak of 2 types (sources) of uncertainty: extensional uncertainty, which is due to incompleteness in direct, measurable information, and intentional uncertainty, which is related to randomness in the game or in (the opponent’s) decisions. Here are two extreme illustrations of this: an agent acting without sensing is under full extensional uncertainty, while an agent whose acts are the results of a perfect random generator is under full intentional uncertainty. The uncertainty coming from the opponent’s mind/cognition lies in between, depending on the simplicity to model the game as an optimization procedure. The harder the game is to model, the harder it is to model the trains of thoughts our opponents can follow.

2.4.1 Monopoly

In Monopoly, there is few hidden information (Chance and Community Chest cards only), but there is randomness in the throwing of dice3 , and a substantial influence of the player’s knowledge of the game. A very basic playing strategy would be to just look at the return on investment (ROI) with regard to prices, rents and frequencies, choosing what to buy based only on the money you have and the possible actions of buying or not. A less naive way to play should evaluate the questions of buying with regard to what we already own, what others own, our cash and advancement in the game. The complete state space is huge (places for each players × their money × their possessions), but according to Ash and Bishop [1972], we can model the game for one player (as he has no influence on the dice rolls and decisions of others) as a Markov process on 120 ordered pairs: 40 board spaces × possible number of doubles rolled so far in this turn (0, 1, 2). With this model, it is possible to compute more than simple ROI and derive applicable and interesting strategies. So, even in Monopoly, which is not lottery playing or simple dice throwing, a simple probabilistic modeling yields a robust strategy. Additionally, Frayn [2005] used genetic algorithms to generate the most efficient strategies for portfolio management.

Monopoly is an example of a game in which we have complete direct information about the state of the game. The intentional uncertainty due to the roll of the dice (randomness) can be dealt with thanks to probabilistic modeling (Markov processes here). The opponent’s actions are relatively easy to model due to the fact that the goal is to maximize cash and that there are not many different efficient strategies (not many Nash equilibrium if it were a stricter game) to attain it. In general, the presence of chance does not invalidate previous (game theoretic / game trees) approaches but transforms exact computational techniques into stochastic ones: finite states machines become probabilistic Bayesian networks for instance.

2.4.2 Battleship

Battleship (also called “naval combat”) is a guessing game generally played with two 10 × 10 grids for each players: one is the player’s ships grid, and one is to remember/infer the opponent’s ships positions. The goal is to guess where the enemy ships are and sink them by firing shots (torpedoes). There is incompleteness of information but no randomness. Incompleteness can be dealt with with probabilistic reasoning. The classic setup of the game consist in two ships of length 3 and one ship of each lengths of 2, 4 and 5; in this setup, there are 1,925,751,392 possible arrangements for the ships. The way to take advantage of all possible information is to update the probability that there is a ship for all the squares each time we have additional information. So for the 10 × 10 grid we have a 10 × 10 matrix O1:10,1:10 with Oi,j ∈{true,false} being the ith row and jth column random variable of the case being occupied. With ships being unsunk ships, we always have:

∑                 --k∈ships-length(k)
   P(Oi,j = true) =    10 × 10
For instance for a ship of size 3 alone at the beginning we can have prior distributions on O1:10,1:10 by looking at combinations of its placements (see Fig. 2.5). We can also have priors on where the opponent likes to place her ships. Then, in each round, we will either hit or miss in i,j. When we hit, we know P(Oi,j = true) = 1.0 and will have to revise the probabilities of surrounding areas, and everywhere if we learned the size of the ship, with possible placement of ships. If we did not sunk a ship, the probabilities of uncertain (not 0.0 or 1.0) positions around i,j will be highered according to the sizes of remaining ships. If we miss, we know P([Oi,j = false]) = 1.0 and can also revise (lower) the surrounding probabilities, an example of that effect is shown in Fig. 2.5.

Battleship is a game with few intensional uncertainty (no randomness), particularly because the goal quite strongly conditions the action (sink ships as fast as possible). However, it has a large part of extensional uncertainty (incompleteness of direct information). This incompleteness of information goes down rather quickly once we act, particularly if we update a probabilistic model of the map/grid. If we compare Battleship to a variant in which we could see the adversary board, playing would be straightforward (just hit ships we know the position on the board), now in real Battleship we have to model our uncertainty due to the incompleteness of information, without even beginning to take into account the psychology of the opponent in placement as a prior. The cost of solving an imperfect information game increases greatly from its perfect information variant: it seems to be easier to model stochasticity (or chance, a source of randomness) than to model a hidden (complex) system for which we only observe (indirect) effects.


Figure 2.5: Left: visualization of probabilities for squares to contain a ship of size 3 (P(Oi,j) = true) initially, assuming uniform distribution of this type of ship. Annotations correspond to the number of combinations (on six, the maximum number of conformations), Right: same probability after a miss in (5, 5). The larger the white area, the higher the probability.

2.4.3 Poker

Poker4 is a zero-sum (without the house’s cut), imperfect information and stochastic betting game. Poker “AI” is as old as game theory [Nash1951], but the research effort for human-level Poker AI started in the end of the 90s. The interest for Poker AI is such that there are annual AAAI computer Poker competitions5 . Billings et al. [1998] defend Poker as an interesting game for decision-making research, because the task of building a good/high level Poker AI (player) entails to take decisions with incomplete information about the state of the game, incomplete information about the opponents’ intentions, and model their thoughts process to be able to bluff efficiently. A Bayesian network can combine these uncertainties and represent the player’s hand, the opponents’ hands and their playing behavior conditioned upon the hand, as in [Korb et al.1999]. A simple “risk evaluating” AI (folding and raising according to the outcomes of its hands) will not prevail against good human players. Bluffing, as described by Von Neumann and Morgenstern [1944] “to create uncertainty in the opponent’s mind”, is an element of Poker which needs its own modeling. Southey et al. [2005] also give a Bayesian treatment to Poker, separating the uncertainty resulting from the game (draw of cards) and from the opponents’ strategies, and focusing on bluff. From a game theoretic point of view, Poker is a Bayesian game*. In a Bayesian game, the normal form representation requires describing the strategy spaces, type spaces, payoff and belief functions for each player. It maps to all the possible game trees along with the agents’ information state representing the probabilities of individual moves, called the extensive form. Both these forms scale very poorly (exponentially). Koller and Pfeffer [1997] used the sequence form transformation, the set of realization weights of the sequences of moves6 , to search over the space of randomized strategies for Bayesian games automatically. Unfortunately, strict game theoretic optimal strategies for full-scale Poker are still not tractable this way, two players Texas Hold’em having a state space O(1018). Billings et al. [2003] approximated the game-theoretic optimal strategies through abstraction and are able to beat strong human players (not world-class opponents).

Poker is a game with both extensional and intentional uncertainty, from the fact that the opponents’ hands are hidden, the chance in the draw of the cards, the opponents’ model about the game state and their model about our mental state(s) (leading our decision(s)). While the iterated reasoning (“if she does A, I can do B”) is (theoretically) finite in Chess due to perfect information, it is not the case in Poker (“I think she thinks I think...”). The combination of different sources of uncertainty (as in Poker) makes it complex to deal with it (somehow, the sources of uncertainty must be separated), and we will see that both these sources of uncertainties arise (at different levels) in video games.

2.5 FPS

2.5.1 Gameplay and AI

First person shooters gameplay* consist in controlling an agent in first person view, centered on the weapon, a gun for instance. The firsts FPS popular enough to bring the genre its name were Wolfeinstein 3D and Doom, by iD Software. Other classic FPS (series) include Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half-Life, Team Fortress, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, Halo, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc. The distinction between “fast FPS” (e.g. Quake series, Unreal Tournament series) and others is made on the speed at which the player moves. In “fast FPS”, the player is always jumping, running much faster and playing more in 3 dimensions than on discretely separate 2D ground planes. Game types include (but are not limited to):

From these various game types, the player has to maximize its damage (or positive actions) output while staying alive. For that, she will navigate her avatar in an uncertain environment (partial information and other players intentions) and shoot (or not) at targets with specific weapons.

Some games allow for instant (or delayed, but asynchronous to other players) respawn (recreation/rebirth of a player), most likely in the “fast FPS” (Quake-like) games, while in others, the player has to wait for the end of the round to respawn. In some games, weapons, ammunitions, health, armor and items can be picked on the ground (mainly “fast FPS”), in others, they are fixed at the start or can be bought in game (with points). The map design can make the gameplay vary a lot, between indoors, outdoors, arena-like or linear maps. According to maps and gameplay styles, combat may be well-prepared with ambushes, sniping, indirect (zone damages), or close proximity (even to fist weapons). Most often, there are strong tactical positions and effective ways to attack them.

While “skill” (speed of the movements, accuracy of the shots) is easy to emulate for an AI, team-play is much harder for bots and it is always a key ability. Team-play is the combination of distributed evaluation of the situation, planning and distribution of specialized tasks. Very high skill also requires integrating over enemy’s tactical plans and positions to be able to take indirect shots (grenades for instance) or better positioning (coming from their back), which is hard for AI too. An example of that is that very good human players consistently beat the best bots (nearing 100% accuracy) in Quake III (which is an almost pure skill “fast FPS”), because they take advantage of being seen just when their weapons reload or come from their back. Finally, bots which equal the humans by a higher accuracy are less fun to play with: it is a frustrating experience to be shot across the map, by a bot which was stuck in the door because it was pushed out of its trail.

2.5.2 State of the art

FPS AI consists in controlling an agent in a complex world: it can have to walk, run, crouch, jump, swim, interact with the environment and tools, and sometimes even fly. Additionally, it has to shoot at moving, coordinated and dangerous, targets. On a higher level, it may have to gather weapons, items or power-ups (health, armor, etc.), find interesting tactical locations, attack, chase, retreat...

The Quake III AI is a standard for Quake-like games [van Waveren and Rothkrantz2002]. It consists in a layered architecture (hierarchical) FSM*. At the sensory-motor level, it has an Area Awareness System (AAS) which detects collisions, accessibility and computes paths. The level above provides intelligence for chat, goals (locations to go to), and weapons selection through fuzzy logic. Higher up, there are the behavior FSM (“seek goals”, chase, retreat, fight, stand...) and production rules (if-then-else) for squad/team AI and orders. A team of bots always behaves following the orders of one of the bots. Bots have different natures and tempers, which can be accessed/felt by human players, specified by fuzzy relations on “how much the bot wants to do, have, or use something”. A genetic algorithm was used to optimize the fuzzy logic parameters for specific purposes (like performance). This bot is fun to play against and is considered a success, however Quake-like games makes it easy to have high level bots because very good players have high accuracy (no fire spreading), so they do not feel cheated if bots have a high accuracy too. Also, the game is mainly indoors, which facilitates tactics and terrain reasoning. Finally, cooperative behaviors are not very evolved and consist in acting together towards a goal, not with specialized behaviors for each agent.

More recent FPS games have dealt with these limitations by using combinations of STRIPS planning (F.E.A.R. [Orkin2006]), HTN* (Killzone 2 [Champandard et al.2009] and ArmA [van der Sterren2009]), Behavior trees (Halo 2 [Isla2005]). Left4Dead (a cooperative PvE FPS) uses a global supervisor of the AI to set the pace of the threat to be the most enjoyable for the player [Booth2009].

In research, Laird [2001] focused on learning rules for opponent modeling, planning and reactive planning (on Quake), so that the robot builds plan by anticipating the opponent’s actions. Le Hy et al. [2004], Hy [2007] used robotics inspired Bayesian models to quickly learn the parameters from human players (on Unreal Tournament). Zanetti and Rhalibi [2004] and Westra and Dignum [2009] applied evolutionary neural networks to optimize Quake III bots. Predicting opponents positions is a central task to believability and has been solved successfully using particle filters [Bererton2004] and other models (like Hidden Semi-Markov Models) [Hladky and Bulitko2008]. Multi-objective neuro-evolution [Zanetti and Rhalibi2004Schrum et al.2011] combines learning from human traces with evolutionary learning for the structure of the artificial neural network, and leads to realistic (human-like) behaviors, in the context of the BotPrize challenge (judged by humans) [Hingston2009].

2.5.3 Challenges

Single-player FPS campaigns immersion could benefit from more realistic bots and clever squad tactics. Multi-player FPS are competitive games, and a better game AI should focus on:

2.6 (MMO)RPG

2.6.1 Gameplay and AI

Inspired directly by tabletop and live action role-playing games (Dungeon & Dragons) as new tools for the game masters, it is quite natural for the RPG to have ended up on computers. The firsts digital RPG were text (Wumpus) or ASCII-art (Rogue, NetHack) based. The gameplay evolved considerably with the technique. Nowadays, what we will call a role playing game (RPG) consist in the incarnation by the human player of an avatar (or a team of avatars) with a class: warrior, wizard, rogue, priest, etc., having different skills, spells, items, health points, stamina/energy/mana (magic energy) points. Generally, the story brings the player to solve puzzles and fight. In a fight, the player has to take decisions about what to do, but skill plays a lesser role in performing the action than in a FPS game. In a FPS, she has to move the character (egocentrically) and aim to shoot; in a RPG, she has to position itself (often way less precisely and continually) and just decide which ability to use on which target (or a little more for “action RPG”). The broad category of RPG include: Fallout, The Elders Scrolls (from Arena to Skyrim), Secret of Mana, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Diablo, Baldur’s Gate. A MMORPG (e.g. World of Warcraft, AION or EVE Online) consist in a role-playing game in a persistent, multi-player world. There usually are players-run factions fighting each others’ (PvP) and players versus environment (PvE) situations. PvE* may be a cooperative task in which human players fight together against different NPC, and in which the cooperation is at the center of the gameplay. PvP is also a cooperative task, but more policy and reactions-based than a trained and learned choregraphy as for PvE. We can distinguish three types (or modality) of NPC which have different game AI needs:

NPC acting strangely are sometimes worse for the player’s immersion than immobile and dull ones. However, it is more fun for the player to battle with hostile NPC which are not too dumb or predictable. Players really expect allied NPC to at least not hinder them, and it is even better when they adapt to what the player is doing.

2.6.2 State of the art

Methods used in FPS* are also used in RPG*. The needs are sometimes a little different for RPG games: for instance RPG need interruptible behaviors, behaviors that can be stopped and resumed (dialogs, quests, fights...) that is. RPG also require stronger story-telling capabilities than other gameplay genres, for which they use (logical) story representations (ontologies) [Kline2009Riedl et al.2011]. Behavior multi-queues [Cutumisu and Szafron2009] resolve the problems of having resumable, collaborative, real-time and parallel behavior, and tested their approach on Neverwinter Nights. Basically they use prioritized behavior queues which can be inserted (for interruption and resumption) in each others. AI directors are control programs tuning the difficulty and pace of the game session in real-time from player’s metrics. Kline [2011] used an AI director to adapt the difficulty of Dark Spore to the performance (interactions and score) of the player in real-time.

2.6.3 Challenges

There are mainly two axes for RPG games to bring more fun: interest in the game play(s), and immersion. For both these topics, we think game AI can bring a lot:

Both believability and performance require to deal with uncertainty of the game environment. RPG AI problem spaces are not tractable for a frontal (low-level) search approach nor are there few enough situations to consider to just write a bunch of script and puppeteer artificial agents at any time.

2.7 RTS Games

As RTS are the central focus on this thesis, we will discuss specific problems and solution more in depth in their dedicated chapters, simply brushing here the underlying major research problems. Major RTS include the Command&Conquer, Warcraft, StarCraft, Age of Empires and Total Annihilation series.

2.7.1 Gameplay and AI

RTS gameplay consist in gathering resources, building up an economic and military power through growth and technology, to defeat your opponent by destroying his base, army and economy. It requires dealing with strategy, tactics, and units management (often called micro-management) in real-time. Strategy consist in what will be done in the long term as well as predicting what the enemy is doing. It particularly deals with the economy/army trade-off estimation, army composition, long-term planning. The three aggregate indicators for strategy are aggression, production, and technology. The tactical aspect of the gameplay is dominated by military moves: when, where (with regard to topography and weak points), how to attack or defend. This implies dealing with extensional (what the invisible units under “fog of war*” are doing) and intentional (what will the visible enemy units do) uncertainty. Finally, at the actions/motor level, micro-management is the art of maximizing the effectiveness of the units i.e. the damages given/damages received ratio. For instance: retreat and save a wounded unit so that the enemy units would have to chase it either boosts your firepower or weakens the opponent’s. Both [Laird and van Lent2001] and Gunn et al. [2009] propose that RTS AI is one of the most challenging genres, because all levels in the hierarchy of decisions are of importance.

More will be said about RTS in the dedicated chapter 4.

2.7.2 State of the art & challenges

Buro [2004] called for AI research in RTS games and identified the technical challenges as:

To these challenges, we would like to add the difficulty of inter-connecting all special cases resolutions of these problems: both for the collaborative (economical and logistical) management of the resources, and for the sharing of uncertainty quantization in the decision-making processes. Collaborative management of the resources require arbitrage between sub-models on resources repartition. By sharing information (and its uncertainty) between sub-models, decisions can be made that account better for the whole knowledge of the AI system. This will be extended further in the next chapters as RTS are the main focus of this thesis.

2.8 Games characteristics

All the types of video games that we saw before require to deal with imperfect information and sometimes with randomness, while elaborating a strategy (possibly from underlying policies). From a game theoretic point of view, these video games are close to what is called a Bayesian game* [Osborne and Rubinstein1994]. However, solving Bayesian games is non-trivial, there are no generic and efficient approaches, and so it has not been done formally for card games with more than a few cards. Billings et al. [2003] approximated a game theoretic solution for Poker through abstraction heuristics, it leads to believe than game theory can be applied at the higher (strategic) abstracted levels of video games.

We do not pretend to do a complete taxonomy of video games and AI (e.g. [Gunn et al.2009]), but we wish to provide all the major informations to differentiate game genres (gameplays). To grasp the challenges they pose, we will provide abstract measures of complexity.

2.8.1 Combinatorics

“How does the state of possible actions grow?” To measure this, we used a measure from perfect information zero-sum games (as Checkers, Chess and Go): the branching factor* b and the depth d of a typical game. The complexity of a game (for taking a decision) is proportional to bd. The average branching factor for a board game is easy to compute: it is the average number of possible moves for a given player. For Poker, we set b = 3 for fold, check and raise. d should then be defined over some time, the average number of events (decisions) per hour in Poker is between 20 to 240. For video-games, we defined b to be the average number of possible moves at each decision, so for “continuous” or “real-time” games it is some kind of function of the useful discretization of the virtual world at hand. d has to be defined as a frequency at which a player (artificial or not) has to take decisions to be competitive in the game, so we will give it in d∕time_unit. For instance, for a car (plane) racing game, b 50 - 500 because b is a combination of throttle () and direction (θ) sampled values that are relevant for the game world, with d∕min at least 60: a player needs to correct her trajectory at least once a second. In RTS games, b 200 is a lower bound (in StarCraft we may have between 50 to 400 units to control), and very good amateurs and professional players perform more than 300 actions per minute.

The sheer size of b and d in video games make it seem intractable, but humans are able to play, and to play well. To explain this phenomenon, we introduce “vertical” and “horizontal” continuities in decision making. Fig. 2.6 shows how one can view the decision-making process in a video game: at different time scales, the player has to choose between strategies to follow, that can be realized with the help of different tactics. Finally, at the action/output/motor level, these tactics have to be implemented one way or another. So, matching Fig. 2.6, we could design a Bayesian model:

P(St,t-1,T t,t- 1,At,t- 1,Ot  ) = P (St-1).P (T t- 1).P(At-1)
.P (Ot1:n).P (St|St-1,Ot1:n).P (T t|St,Tt-1,Ot1:n).P(At|T t,At-1,Ot1:n)


Figure 2.6: Abstract decision hierarchy in a video game. It is segmented in abstraction levels: at the strategical level, a decision is taken in Attack, Defend, Collect and Hide; at the tactical level, it is decided between Front, Back, Hit-and-run, Infiltrate; and at the actions level between the player’s possible interactions with the world.

Vertical continuity

In the decision-making process, vertical continuity describes when taking a higher-level decision implies a strong conditioning on lower-levels decisions. As seen on Figure 2.7: higher level abstractions have a strong conditioning on lower levels. For instance, and in non-probabilistic terms, if the choice of a strategy s (in the domain of S) entails a strong reduction in the size of the domain of T, we consider that there is a vertical continuity between S and T. There is vertical continuity between S and T if s ∈{S},{P(Tt|[St = s],Tt-1,O1:nt) > ϵ} is sparse in {P(Tt|Tt-1,O1:nt) > ϵ}. There can be local vertical continuity, for which the previous statement holds only for one (or a few) s ∈{S}, which are harder to exploit. Recognizing vertical continuity allows us to explore the state space efficiently, filtering out absurd considerations with regard to the higher decision level(s).


Figure 2.7: Vertical continuity in decision-making in a video game. There is a high vertical continuity between strategy and tactics as P([Tt = Front]|[St = Attack],Tt-1,O1:nt) is much higher than other values for P(Tt|St,Tt-1,O1:nt). The thicker the arrow, the higher the transition probability.

Horizontal continuity

Horizontal continuity also helps out cutting the search in the state space to only relevant states. At a given abstraction level, it describes when taking a decision implies a strong conditioning on the next time-step decision (for this given level). As seen on Figure 2.8: previous decisions on a given level have a strong conditioning on the next ones. For instance, and in non-probabilistic terms, if the choice of a tactic t (in the domain of Tt) entails a strong reduction in the size of the domain of Tt+1, we consider that T has horizontal continuity. There is horizontal continuity between Tt-1 and Tt if t ∈{T},{P(Tt|St,[Tt-1 = t],O1:nt) > ϵ} is sparse in {P(Tt|St,O1:nt) > ϵ}. There can be local horizontal continuity, for which the previous state holds only for one (or a few) t ∈{T}. Recognizing horizontal continuity boils down to recognizing sequences of (frequent) actions from decisions/actions dynamics and use that to reduce the search space of subsequent decisions. Of course, at a sufficiently small time-step, most continuous games have high horizontal continuity: the size of the time-step is strongly related to the design of the abstraction levels for vertical continuity.


Figure 2.8: Horizontal continuity in decision-making in a video game. The thicker the arrow, the higher the transition probability.

2.8.2 Randomness

Randomness can be inherent to the gameplay. In board games and table top role-playing, randomness often comes from throwing dice(s) to decide the outcome of actions. In decision-making theory, this induced stochasticity is dealt with in the framework of a Markov decision process (MDP)*. A MDP is a tuple of (S,A,T,R) with:

MDP can be solved through dynamic programming or the Bellman value iteration algorithm [Bellman1957]. In video games, the sheer size of S and A make it intractable to use MDP directly on the whole AI task, but they are used (in research) either locally or at abstracted levels of decision. Randomness inherent to the process is one of the sources of intentional uncertainty, and we can consider player’s intentions in this stochastic framework. Modeling this source of uncertainty is part of the challenge of writing game AI models.

2.8.3 Partial observations

Partial information is another source of randomness, which is found in shi-fu-mi, poker, RTS* and FPS* games, to name a few. We will not go down to the fact that the throwing of the dice seemed random because we only have partial information about its physics, or of the seed of the deterministic random generator that produced its outcome. Here, partial observations refer to the part of the game state which is deliberatively hidden between players (from a gameplay point of view): hidden hands in poker or hidden units in RTS* games due to the fog of war*. In decision-making theory, partial observations are dealt with in the framework of a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)* [Sondik1978]. A POMDP is a tuple (S,A,O,T,Ω,R) with S,A,T,R as in a MDP and:

In a POMDP, one cannot know exactly which state they are in and thus must reason with a probability distribution on S. Ω is used to update the distribution on S (the belief) uppon taking the action a and observing o, we have: P([St+1 = s]) Ω(o|s,a). sSTa(s,s).P([St = s]). In game AI, POMDP are computationally intractable for most problems, and thus we need to model more carefully (without full Ω and T) the dynamics and the information value.

2.8.4 Time constant(s)

For novice to video games, we give some orders of magnitudes of the time constants involved. Indeed, we present here only real-time video games and time constants are central to comprehension of the challenges at hand. In all games, the player is taking actions continuously sampled at the minimum of the human interface device (mouse, keyboard, pad) refreshment rate and the game engine loop: at least 30Hz. In most racing games, there is a quite high continuity in the input which is constrained by the dynamics of movements. In other games, there are big discontinuities, even if fast FPS* control resembles racing games a lot. RTS* professional gamers are giving inputs at 300 actions per minute (APM*).

There are also different time constants for a strategic switch to take effect. In RTS games, it may vary between the build duration of at least one building and one unit (1-2 minutes) to a lot more (5 minutes). In an RPG or a team FPS, it may even be longer (up to one full round or one game by requiring to change the composition of the team and/or the spells) or shorter by depending on the game mode. For tactical moves, we consider that the time for a decision to have effects is proportional to the mean time for a squad to go from the middle of the map (arena) to anywhere else. In RTS games, this is usually between 20 seconds to 2 minutes. Maps variability between RPG* titles and FPS* titles is high, but we can give an estimate of tactical moves to use between 10 seconds (fast FPS) to 5 minutes (some FPS, RPG).

2.8.5 Recapitulation

We present the main qualitative results for big classes of gameplays (with examples) in a table page 81.

quantization in increasing order: no, negligible, few, some, moderate, much

Game Combinatory Partial informationRandomnessVertical continuityHorizontal continuity

Checkers b 4 - 8;d 70 no no few some
Chess b 35;d 80 no no some few
Go b 30 - 300;d 150 - 200 no no some moderate
Limit Poker b 37 ;d∕hour [20240]8 much much moderate few
Time Racing b 50 - 1,0009 ;d∕min 60+ no no much much
Team FPS b 100 - 2,00010 ;d∕min 10011 some some some moderate
(Team Fortress 2)
FFPS duel b 200 - 5,00012 ;d∕min 10013 some negligible some much
(Quake III)
MMORPG b 50 - 10014 ;d∕min 6015 few moderate moderate much
(WoW, DAoC)
RTS b 20016 ;d∕min = APM 30017 much negligible moderate some

2.9 Player characteristics

In all these games, knowledge and learning plays a key role. Humans compensate their lack of (conscious) computational power with pattern matching, abstract thinking and efficient memory structures. Particularly, we can classify required abilities for players to perform well in different gameplays by:

Finally, we made a quick survey among gamers and regrouped the 108 answers in table 2.9 page 85. The goal was a to get a grasp on which skills are correlated to which gameplays. The questions that we asked can be found in Appendix A.2. Answers mostly come from good to highly competitive (on a national level) amateurs. To test the “psychology” component of the gameplay, we asked players if they could predict the next moves of their opponents by knowing them personally or by knowing what the best moves (best play) was for them. As expected, Poker has the strongest psychological dimension, followed by FPS and RTS games.

Game Virtuosity18 Deduction 19 Induction 20 Decision-Making21 Opponent prediction22 Advantageous knowledge23
(sensory-motor) (analysis) (abstraction) (taking action) -1: subjectivity -1: map
[0-2] [0-2] [0-2] [0-2] 1: objectivity 1: game

Chess (n: 35) X 1.794 1.486 1.657 0.371 X
Go (n: 16) X 1.688 1.625 1.625 0.562 X
Poker (n: 22) X 1.136 1.591 1.545 -0.318 X
Racing (n: 19) 1.842 0.263 0.211 1.000 0.500 -0.316
Team FPS (n: 40) 1.700 1.026 1.075 1.256 0.150 -0.105
Fast FPS (n: 22) 2.000 1.095 1.095 1.190 0.000 0.150
MMORPG (n: 29) 1.069 1.069 1.103 1.241 0.379 0.759
RTS (n: 86) 1.791 1.849 1.687 1.814 0.221 0.453

Chapter 3
Bayesian modeling of multi-player games

On voit, par cet Essai, que la théorie des probabilités n’est, au fond, que le bon sens réduit au calcul; elle fait apprécier avec exactitude ce que les esprits justes sentent par une sorte d’instinct, sans qu’ils puissent souvent s’en rendre compte.
One sees, from this Essay, that the theory of probabilities is basically just common sense reduced to calculus; it makes one appreciate with exactness that which accurate minds feel with a sort of instinct, often without being able to account for it.

Pierre-Simon de Laplace (Essai philosophique sur les probabilités, 1814)

HERE, we now present the use of probability theory as an alternative to logic, transforming incompleteness into uncertainty. Bayesian models can deal with both intentional and extensional uncertainty, that is: uncertainty coming from intentions of the players or the stochasticity of the game, as well as uncertainty coming from imperfect information and the model’s limits. We will first show how these problems are addressed by probabilities and how to structure a full Bayesian program. We illustrate the approach with a model evaluated on a simulated MMORPG* situation.

3.1 Problems in game AI

We sum up the problems that we have detailed in the previous chapter to make a good case for a consistent reasoning scheme which can deal with uncertainty.

3.1.1 Sensing and partial information

If the AI has perfect information, behaving realistically is the problem. Cheating bots are not fun, so either AI should just use information available to the players, or it should fake having only partial information. That is what is done is FPS* games with sight range (often ray casted) and sound propagation for instance. In probabilistic modeling, sensor models allow for the computation of the state S from observations O by asking P(S|O). One can easily specify or learn P(O|S): either the game designers specify it, or the bot uses perfect information to get S and learns (counts) P(O|S). Then, when training is finished, the bot infers P(S|O) = P(O|S).P(S)-
  P(O) (Bayes rule). Incompleteness of information is just uncertainty about the full state.

3.1.2 Uncertainty (from rules, complexity)

Some games have inherent stochasticity part of the gameplay, through random action effects of attacks/spells for instance. This has to be taken into account while designing the AI and dealt with either to maximize the expectation at a given time. In any case, in a multi-player setting, an AI cannot assume optimal play from the opponent due to the complexity of video games. In the context of state estimation and control, dealing with this randomness require ad-hoc methods for scripting of boolean logic, while it is dealt with natively through probabilistic modeling. Where a program would have to test for the value of an effect E to be in a given interval to decide on a given course of action A, a probabilistic model just computes the distribution on A given E: P(A|E) = P(E|A).P(A)

3.1.3 Vertical continuity

As explained in section 2.8.1, there are different levels of abstraction use to reason about a game. Abstracting higher level cognitive functions (strategy and tactics for instance) is an efficient way to break the complexity barrier of writing game AI. Exploiting the vertical continuity, i.e. the conditioning of higher level thinking on actions, is totally possible in a hierarchical Bayesian model. With strategies as values of S and tactics as values of T, P(T|S) gives the conditioning of T on S and thus enables us to evaluate only those T values that are possible with given S values.

3.1.4 Horizontal continuity

Real-time games may use discrete time-steps (24Hz for instance for StarCraft), it does not prevent temporal continuity in strategies, tactics and, most strongly, actions. Once a decision has been made at a given level, it may conditions subsequent decisions at same level (see section 2.8.1). There are several Bayesian models able to deal with sequences, filter models, from which Hidden Markov Models (HMM*) [Rabiner1989], Kalman filters [Kalman1960] and particle filters [Arulampalam et al.2002] are specializations of. With states S and observations O, filter models under the Markov assumption represent the joint P(S0).P(O0|S0). t=1T[P(St|St-1).P(Ot|St)]. Thus, from partial informations, one can use more than just the probability of observations knowing states to reconstruct the state, but also the probability of states transitions (the sequences).

3.1.5 Autonomy and robust programming

Autonomy is the ability to deal with new states: the challenge of autonomous characters arises from state spaces too big to be fully specified (in scripts / FSM). In the case of discrete, programmer-specified states, the (modes of) behaviors of the autonomous agent are limited to what has been authored. Again, probabilistic modeling enables one to recognize unspecified states as soft mixtures of known states. For instance, with S the state, instead of having either P(S = 0) = 1.0 or P(S = 1) = 1.0, one can be in P(S = 0) = 0.2 and P(S = 1) = 0.8, which allows to have behaviors composed from different states. This form of continuum allows to deal with unknown state as an incomplete version of a known state which subsumes it. Autonomy can also be reached through learning, being it through online or offline learning. Offline learning is used to learn parameters that does not have to be specified by the programmers and/or game designers. One can use data or experiments with known/wanted situations (supervised learning, reinforcement learning), or explore data (unsupervised learning), or game states (evolutionary algorithms). Online learning can provide adaptability of the AI to the player and/or its own competency playing the game.

3.2 The Bayesian programming methodology

3.2.1 The hitchhiker’s guide to Bayesian probability


Figure 3.1: An advisor introducing his student to Bayesian modeling, adapted from Land of Lisp with the kind permission of Barski [2010].

The reverend Thomas Bayes is the first credited to have worked on inversing probabilities: by knowing something about the probability of A given B, how can one draw conclusions on the probability of B given A? Bayes theorem states:

P(A|B) = P(B|A)P(A-)
Laplace [1814] independently rediscovered Bayes’ theorem and published the work of inductive reasoning by using probabilities. He presented “inverse probabilities” (inferential statistics) allowing the study of causes by observing effects: the first use of learning the probabilities of observations knowing states to then infer states having only observations.

Later, by extending logic to plausible reasoning, Jaynes [2003] arrived at the same properties than the theory of probability of Kolmogorov [1933]. Plausible reasoning originates from logic, whose statements have degrees of plausibility represented by real numbers. By turning rules of inferences into their probabilistic counterparts, the links between logic and plausible reasoning are direct. With C = [A B], we have:

Also, additionally to the two strong logic syllogisms above, plausible reasoning gets two weak syllogisms, from:

A reasoning mechanism needs to be consistent (one cannot prove A and ¬A at the same time). For plausible reasoning, consistency means: a) all the possible ways to reach a conclusion leads to the same result, b) information cannot be ignored, c) two equal states of knowledge have the same plausibilities. Adding consistency to plausible reasoning leads to Cox’s theorem [Cox1946], which derives the laws of probability: the “product-rule” (P(A,B) = P(A B) = P(A|B)P(B)) and the “sum-rule” (P(A + B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A,B) or P(A B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A B)) of probabilities.

Indeed, this was proved by Cox [1946], producing Cox’s theorem (also named Cox-Jayne’s theorem):

Theorem. A system for reasoning which satisfies:

is isomorphic to probability theory.

So, the degrees of belief, of any consistent induction mechanism, verify Kolmogorov’s axioms. Finetti [1937] showed that if reasoning is made in a system which is not isomorphic to probability theory, then it is always possible to find a Dutch book (a set of bets which guarantees a profit regardless of the outcomes). In our quest for a consistent reasoning mechanism which is able to deal with (extensional and intentional) uncertainty, we are thus bound to probability theory.

3.2.2 A formalism for Bayesian models

Inspired by plausible reasoning, we present Bayesian programming, a formalism that can be used to describe entirely any kind of Bayesian model. It subsumes Bayesian networks and Bayesian maps, as it is equivalent to probabilistic factor graphs Diard et al. [2003]. There are mainly two parts in a Bayesian program (BP)*, the description of how to compute the joint distribution, and the question(s) that it will be asked.

The description consists in exhibiting the relevant variables {X1,,Xn} and explain their dependencies by decomposing the joint distribution P(X1Xn|δ,π) with existing preliminary (prior) knowledge π and data δ. The forms of each term of the product specify how to compute their distributions: either parametric forms (laws or probability tables, with free parameters that can be learned from data δ) or recursive questions to other Bayesian programs.

Answering a question is computing the distribution P(Searched|Known), with Searched and Known two disjoint subsets of the variables.

   P (Searched|Known )                         (3.1)
   ∑F  reeP (Searched, Free, Known )
=  -----------P(Known-)----------             (3.2)
    1   ∑
=  -- ×    P(Searched, Free, Known )          (3.3)
   Z   F ree

General Bayesian inference is practically intractable, but conditional independence hypotheses and constraints (stated in the description) often simplify the model. There are efficient ways to calculate the joint distribution like message passing and junction tree algorithms [Pearl1988Aji and McEliece2000Naïm et al.2004Mekhnacha et al.2007Koller and Friedman2009]. Also, there are different well-known approximation techniques: either by sampling with Monte-Carlo (and Monte-Carlo Markov Chains) methods [MacKay2003Andrieu et al.2003], or by calculating on a simpler (tractable) model which approximate the full joint as with variational Bayes [Beal2003].

We sum-up the full model by what is called a Bayesian program, represented as:

   (|           (|               (| Variables
   ||||           ||||               ||{ Decomposition
   ||||           |||{ Specification(π)
   |{Description                 |||( Forms (P arametric or P rogram)
Bayesian p|rogram     |||
   ||||           |||| Identification (based on δ)
   ||||           |(

For the use of Bayesian programming in sensory-motor systems, see [Bessière et al.2008]. For its use in cognitive modeling, see [Colas et al.2010]. For its first use in video game AI, applied to the first person shooter gameplay (Unreal Tournament), see [Le Hy et al.2004].

To sum-up, by using probabilities as an extension of propositional logic, the method to build Bayesian models gets clearer: there is a strong parallel between Bayesian programming and logic or declarative programming. In the same order as the presentation of Bayesian programs, modeling consists in the following steps:

Isolate the variables of the problem: it is the first prior that the programmer puts into the system. The variables can be anything, from existing input or output values of the problem to abstract/aggregative values or parameters of the model. Discovering which variable to use for a given problem is one of the most complicated form of machine learning.
Suppose and describe the influences and dependencies between these variables. This is another prior that the programmer can have on the problem, and learning the structure between these variables is the second most complicated form of learning [François and Leray2004Leray and Francois2005].
Fill the priors and conditional probabilities parameters. The programmer needs to be an expert of the problem to put relevant parameters, although this is the easiest to learn from data once variables and structure are specified. Learning the structure can be seen as learning the parameters of a fully connected model and then removing dependencies where are the less influent parameters.

In the following, we present how we applied this method to a simulated MMORPG* fight situation as an example.

By following these steps, one may have to choose among several models. That is not a problem as there are rational ground to make this choices, “all models are wrong; some are useful” (George Box). Actually, the full question that we ask is P(Searched|Known,π,δ), it depends on the modeling assumptions (π) as well as the data (δ) that we used for training (if any). A simple way to view model selection is to pick the model which makes the fewest assumptions (Occam’s razor). In fact, Bayesian inference carries Occam’s razor with it: we shall ask what is the plausibility of our model prior knowledge in the light of the data P(π|δ).

Indeed, when evaluating two models π1 and π2, doing the ratio of evidences for the two modeling assumption helps us choose:

P(π1|δ)-= -P(π1)P-(δ|π1)-
P(π2|δ)   P(π2|δ)P (δ|π2)

If our model is complicated, its expressiveness is higher, and so it can model more complex causes of/explanations for the dataset. However, the probability mass will be spread thiner on the space of possible datasets than for a simpler model. For instance, in the task of regression, if π1 can only encode linear regression (y = Ax + b) and π2 can also encore quadratic regression (y = Ax + Bx2 + c), all the predictions for π1 are concentrated on linear (affine) functions, while for π2 the probability mass of predictions is spread on more possible functions. If we only have data δ of linear functions, the evidence for π1, P(π1|δ) will be higher. If δ contains some quadratic functions, the evidence ratio will shift towards π2 as the second model has better predictions: the shift to π2 happens when the additional model complexity of π2 and the prediction errors of π1 balance each other.

3.3 Modeling of a Bayesian MMORPG player

3.3.1 Task

We will now present a model of a MMORPG* player with the Bayesian programming framework [Synnaeve and Bessière2010]. A role-playing game (RPG) consist in the incarnation by the human player of an avatar with specific skills, items, numbers of health points (HP) and stamina or mana (magic energy) points (we already presented this gameplay in section 2.6). We want to program a robotic player which we can substitute to a human player in a battle scenario. More specifically here, we modeled the “druid” class, which is complex because it can cast spells to deal damages or other negative effects as well as to heal allies or enhance their capacities (“buff” them). The model described here deals only with a sub-task of a global AI for autonomous NPC.

The problem that we try to solve is: how do we choose which skill to use, and on which target, in a PvE* battle? The possible targets are all our allies and foes. There are also several skills that we can use. We will elaborate a model taking all our perceptions into account and giving back a distribution over possible target and skills. We can then pick the most probable combination that is yet possible to achieve (enough energy/mana, no cooldown/reload time) or simply sample in this distribution.

An example of a task that we have to solve is depicted in Figure 3.2, which shows two different setups (states) of the same scenario: red characters are foes, green ones are allies, we control the blue one. The “Lich” is inflicting damages to the “MT” (main tank), the “Add” is hitting the “Tank”. In setup A, only the “Tank” is near death, while in setup B both the “Tank” and the “Add” are almost dead. A first approach to reason about these kind of situations would be to use the combination of simple rules and try to give them some priority.

The problem with such an approach is that tuning or modifying it can quickly be cumbersome: for a game with a large state space, robustness is hard to ensure. Also, the behavior would seem pretty repetitive, and thus predictable.

PIC      PIC

Figure 3.2: Example setup A (left) and B (right). There are 2 foes and 2 allies taking damages (“MT” and “tank”). Players with stars can heal allies, players with dotted lines will soon die (ID = true). Our model controls the blue character, green players are allies, while red characters are foes. The larger the surrounding ellipse is, the more health points the characters have.

3.3.2 Perceptions and actions

To solve this problem without having the downsides of this naive first approach, we will use a Bayesian model. We now list some of the perceptions available to the player (and thus the robot):

Actions available to the players are to move and to use their abilities:

Here, we consider that the choice of a target and an ability to use on it strongly condition the movements of the player, so we will not deal with moving the character.

3.3.3 Bayesian model

We recall that write a Bayesian model by first describing the variables, their relations (the decomposition of the join probability), and the forms of the distribution. Then we explain how we identified the parameters and finally give the questions that will be asked.


A simple set of variables is as follows:


The joint distribution of the model is:

             P (S,T t- 1,t,HP1:n,D1:n,A1:n,ΔHP1:n, ID1:n,C1:n,R1:n) = (3.5)
                      ∏n [
P(S).P (T t|Tt-1).P (T t-1).   P (HPi |Ai,Ci,S,T ).P(Di|Ai,S,T).P (Ai|S,T)(3.6)
                      i=1                                      ]
               P (ΔHPi  |Ai,S,T).P(Ri|Ci,S,T ).P(Ci|Ai,S,T )P (IDi |T )(3.7)
We want to compute the probability distribution on the variable target (T) and skill (S), so we have to consider the joint distribution with all variables on which target (T) or skill (S) are conditionally dependent: the previous value of target (Tt-1), and all the perceptions variables on each character.



In the following Results part however, we did not apply learning but instead manually specified the probability tables to show the effects of gamers’ common sense rules and how it/they can be correctly encoded in this model.

About learning: if there were only perceived variables, learning the right conditional probability tables would just be counting and averaging. However, some variables encode combinations of perceptions and passed states. We could learn such parameters through the EM algorithm but we propose something simpler for the moment as our “not directly observed variables” are not complex to compute, we compute them from perceptions as the same time as we learn. For instance we map in-game values to their discrete values for each variables online and only store the resulting state “compression”.


In any case, we ask our (updated) model the distribution on S and T knowing all the state variables:

P (S,T |tt-1,hp1:n,d1:n,a1:n,Δhp1:n,id1:n,c1:n,r1:n)

We then proceed to choose to do the highest scoring combination of S T that is available (skills may have cooldowns or cost more mana/energy that we have available).

As (Bayes rule) P(S,T) = P(S|T).P(T), if we want to decompose this question, we can ask:

P (T |tt-1,hp1:n,d1:n,a1:n,Δhp1:n,id1:n,c1:n)
Which means that we want to know the distribution on T knowing all the relevant state variables, followed by (with the newly computed distribution on T):
P (S |T,hp1:n,d1:n,a1:n,Δhp1:n,id1:n,c1:n,r1:n)
in which we use this distribution on T to compute the distribution on S with:
P(S = skill1|...) =   P(S = skill1|T,...).P(T )
We here choose to sum over all possible values of T. Note that we did not ask:
P(S|T = most_probable,) but computed instead

Bayesian program

Here is the full Bayesian program corresponding to this model:

   (|      (|        (| Variables
   ||||      ||||        |||| S,Tt-1,t,HP   ,D  ,A   ,ΔHP    ,ID   ,C   ,R
   ||||      ||||        ||||            1:n  1:n   1:n     1:n   1:n  1:n  1:n
   ||||      ||||        |||| Decomposition
   ||||      ||||        ||{ P(S,Tt-1,t,HP1:n,D1:n,A∏1:n,[ΔHP1:n,ID1:n,C1:n,R1:n) =
   ||||      |||| Spec.(π)  P(S)P(T|Tt-1)P (T t- 1)  ni=1 P(HPi |Ai,Ci,S,T)P(Di|Ai,S,T)
   ||||      |{        |||| P(Ai|S,T )P (ΔHPi |Ai,S,T )P (Ri|Ci,S,T)P(Ci|Ai,S,T )P(IDi|T )]
   ||{ Desc.|        |||| Forms
BP        ||||        ||||
   ||||      ||||        |||( probability tables parametrized on wether i is targeted
   ||||      ||||
   ||||      |||| Identification (using δ)
   ||||      |||| learning (e.g.Laplace succession law) or manually specified
   ||||      |(
   |||( Question

3.3.4 Example

This model has been applied to a simulated situation with 2 foes and 4 allies while our robot took the part of a druid. We display a schema of this situation in Figure 3.2. The arrows indicate foes attacks on allies. HOT stands for heal over time, DOT for damage over time, “abol” for abolition and “regen” for regeneration, a “buff” is an enhancement and a “dd” is a direct damage. “Root” is a spell which prevents the target from moving for a short period of time, useful to flee or to put some distance between the enemy and the druid to cast attack spells. “Small” spells are usually faster to cast than “big” spells. The difference between setup A and setup B is simply to test the concurrency between healing and dealing damage and the changes in behavior if the player can lower the menace (damage dealer).

   Skills ∈ {small_heal,big_heal,HOT, poison_abol,malediction_abol,

buff_armor, regen_mana,  small_dd, big_dd,DOT,  debuf f_armor,root}

To keep things simple and because we wanted to analyze the answers of the model, we worked with manually defined probability tables.In the experiments, we will try different values P(IDi|T = i), and see how the behavior of the agent changes.

We set the probability to target the same target as before (P(Tt = i|Tt-1 = i)) to 0.4 and the previous target to “Lich” so that the prior probability for all other 6 targets is 0.1 (4 times more chances to target the Lich than any other character).

We set the probability to target an enemy (instead of an ally) P(Ai = false|T = i) to 0.6. This means that our Druid is mainly a damage dealer and just a backup healer.

When we only ask what the target should be:

P (T |t   ,hp1:n,d1:n,a1:n,Δhp1:n,id1:n,c1:n)
We can see on Figure 3.3 (left) that the evolution from selecting the main foe “Lich” to selecting the ally “Tank” is driven by the increase of the probability that the selected target is near death, and our robot eventually moves on targeting their “Tank” ally (to heal them). We can see on Figure 3.3 (right) that, at some point, our robot prefers to kill the dying “add” (additional foe) to save their ally Tank instead of healing them. Note that there is no variable showing the relation between “Add” and “Tank” (the first is attacking the second, who is taking damages from the first), but this could be taken into account in a more complete model.


Figure 3.3: Left: probabilities of targets depending on the probability that a target is dying (P(IDi = true|T = i)) with setup A (no enemy is risking death). Right: same, with setup B (the foe “Add” is risking death). We can see that the target is shifted from the “Tank” in setup A to the “Add” in setup B.


Figure 3.4: Left: Probabilities of skills depending on the probability that a target is dying (P(IDi = true|T = i)) with setup A (no enemy is risking death). Right: same, with setup B (the foe “Add” is risking death). We can see that the skill switches from “big_heal” in setup A to “big_dd” in setup B.

When we ask what skill we should use:

P (S |tt-1,hp1:n,d1:n,a1:n,Δhp1:n,id1:n,c1:n,r1:n)
We can see on Figure 3.4 the influence of imminent death (IDi) on skill (S) which is coherent with the target distribution:

As you can see here, when we have the highest probability to attack the main enemy (“Lich”, when P(IDi = true|T = i) is low), who is a C = tank, we get a high probability for the skill debuff_armor. We need only cast this skill if the debuff is not already present, so perhaps that we will cast small_dd instead.

To conclude this example, we ask the full question, what is the distribution on skill and target:

P (S,T |t   ,hp1:n,d1:n,a1:n,Δhp1:n,id1:n,c1:n,r1:n)
Figure 3.5 shows this distribution with setup A and the probability to target the previous target (set to “Lich” here) only 2 times greater than any other character, P(IDi = true|T = i) = 0.9 and P(Ai = false|T = i) = 0.6. To make decisions about our actions, a simple approach would be a greedy one: if the first couple (T,S) is already done or not available, we perform the second, and so on. Another approach would be to sample in this distribution.


Figure 3.5: Log-probabilities of target (T) and skill (S) with setup A, and P(IDi = true|T = i) = 0.9,P(Ai = false|T = i) = 0.6. This plot corresponds to the answer to the full question on which decision-making has to be done. The first choice (most probable P(S,T)) is to cast a “big_heal” on the “tank”. The second choice is to cast “debuff_armor” on the “lich”...

3.3.5 Discussion

This limited model served the purpose of presenting Bayesian programming in practice. While it was used in a simulation, it showcases the approach one can take to break down the problem of autonomous control of NPC*. The choice of the skill or ability to use and the target on which to use it puts hard constraints on every others decisions the autonomous agent has to take to perform its ability action. Thus, such a model shows that:

Moreover, using this model on another agent than the one controlled by the AI can give a prediction on what it will do, resulting in human-like, adaptive, playing style.

We did not kept at the research track of Bayesian modeling MMORPG games due to the difficulty to work on these types of games: the studios have too much to lose to “farmer” bots to accept any automated access to the game. Also, there are no sharing format of data (like replays) and the invariants of the game situations are fewer than in RTS games. Finally, RTS games have international AI competitions which were a good motivation to compare our approach with other game AI researchers.

Chapter 4
RTS AI: StarCraft: Broodwar

We think of life as a journey with a destination (success, heaven). But we missed the point. It was a musical thing, we were supposed to sing and dance while music was being played.

Alan Watts

THIS chapter explains the basics of RTS gameplay*, particularly of StarCraft. We then list the (computational) challenges brought by RTS gameplay. We present a transversal decomposition of the RTS AI domain in levels of abstractions (strategy, tactics, micro-management*), which we will use for the rest of the dissertation.

4.1 How does the game work

4.1.1 RTS gameplay

We first introduce the basic components of a real-time strategy (RTS) game. The player is usually referred as the “commander” and perceives the world in an allocentric “God’s view”, performing mouse and keyboard actions to give orders to units (or squads of units) within a circumvented area (the “map”). In a RTS, players need to gather resources to build military units and defeat their opponents. To that end, they often have worker units (or extraction structures) that can gather resources needed to build workers, buildings, military units and research upgrades. Workers are often also builders (as in StarCraft) and are weak in fights compared to military units. Resources may have different uses, for instance in StarCraft: minerals* are used for everything, whereas gas* is only required for advanced buildings or military units, and technology upgrades. Buildings and research upgrades define technology trees (directed acyclic graphs) and each state of a tech tree* (or build tree*) allow for different unit type production abilities and unit spells/abilities. The military units can be of different types, any combinations of ranged, casters, contact attack, zone attacks, big, small, slow, fast, invisible, flying... In the end, a central part of the gameplay is that units can have attacks and defenses that counter each others as in a soft rock-paper-scissors. Also, from a player point of view, most RTS games are only partially observable due to the fog of war* which hides units and new buildings which are not in sight range of the player’s units.

In chronological order, RTS include (but are not limited to): Ancient Art of War, Herzog Zwei, Dune II, Warcraft, Command & Conquer, Warcraft II, C&C: Red Alert, Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, StarCraft, Age of Empires II, Tzar, Cossacks, Homeworld, Battle Realms, Ground Control, Spring Engine games, Warcraft III, Total War, Warhammer 40k, Sins of a Solar Empire, Supreme Commander, StarCraft II. The differences in gameplay are in the order of number, nature and gathering methods of resources; along with construction, research and production mechanics. The duration of games vary from 15 minutes for the fastest to (1-3) hours for the ones with the biggest maps and longest gameplays. We will now focus on StarCraft, on which our robotic player is implemented.

4.1.2 A StarCraft game

StarCraft is a science-fiction RTS game released by Blizzard EntertainmentTM in March 1998. It was quickly expanded into StarCraft: Brood War (SC: BW) in November 1998. In the following, when referring to StarCraft, we mean StarCraft with the Brood War expansion. StarCraft is a canonical RTS game in the sense that it helped define the genre and most gameplay* mechanics seen in other RTS games are present in StarCraft. It is as much based on strategy than tactics, by opposition to the Age of Empires and Total Annihilation series in which strategy is prevalent. In the following of the thesis, we will focus on duel mode, also known as 1 vs. 1 (1v1). Team-play (2v2 and higher) and “free for all” are very interesting but were not studied in the framework of this research. These game modes particularly add a layer of coordination and bluff respectively.

A competitive game

StarCraft sold 9.5 millions licenses worldwide, 4.5 millions in South Korea alone [Olsen2007], and reigned on competitive RTS tournaments for more than a decade. Numerous international competitions (World Cyber Games, Electronic Sports World Cup, BlizzCon, OnGameNet StarLeague, MBCGame StarLeague) and professional gaming (mainly in South Korea [Chee2005]) produced a massive amount of data of highly skilled human players. In South Korea, there are two TV channels dedicated to broadcasting competitive video games, particularly StarCraft. The average salary of a pro-gamer* there was up to 4 times the average South Korean salary [MYM2007] (up to $200,000/year on contract for NaDa). Professional gamers perform about 300 actions (mouse and keyboard clicks) per minute while following and adapting their strategies, while their hearts reach 160 beats per minute (BPM are displayed live in some tournaments). StarCraft II is currently (2012) taking over StarCraft in competitive gaming but a) there is still a strong pool of highly skilled StarCraft players and b) StarCraft II has a really similar gameplay.


StarCraft (like most RTS) has a replay* mechanism, which enables to record every player’s actions such that the state of the game can be deterministically re-simulated. An extract of a replay is shown in appendix in Table B.1. The only piece of stochasticity comes from “attack miss rates” (47%) when a unit is on a lower ground than its target. These randomness generator seed is saved along with the actions in the replay. All high level players use this feature heavily either to improve their play or study opponents’ styles. Observing replays allows player to see what happened under the fog of war*, so that they can understand timing of technologies and attacks, and find clues/evidences leading to infer the strategy as well as weak points.


In StarCraft, there are three factions with very different units and technology trees:

The races are so different that learning to play a new race competitively is almost like learning to play with new rules.


All factions use workers to gather resources, and all other characteristics are different: from military units to “tech trees*”, gameplay styles. Races are so different that highly skilled players focus on playing with a single race (but against all three others). There are two types of resources, often located close together, minerals* and gas*. From minerals, one can build basic buildings and units, which opens the path to more advanced buildings, technologies and units, which will in turn all require gas to be produced. While minerals can be gathered at an increasing rate the more workers are put at work (asymptotically bounded) , the gas gathering rate is quickly limited to 3 workers per gas geyser (i.e. per base). There is another third type of “special” resource, called supply*, which is the current population of a given player (or the cost in population of a given unit), and max supply*, which is the current limit of population a player can control. Max supply* can be upgraded by building special buildings (Protoss Pylon, Terran Supply Depot) or units (Zerg Overlord), giving 9 to 10 additional max supply*, up to a hard limit of 200. Some units cost more supply than others (from 0.5 for a Zergling to 8 for a Protoss Carrier or Terran Battlecruiser). In Figure 4.1, we show the very basics of Protoss economy and buildings. Supply will sometimes be written supply/max supply (supply on max supply). For instance 4/9 is that we currently have a population of 4 (either 4 units of 1, or 2 of 2 or ...) on a current maximum of 9.


Figure 4.1: A StarCraft screenshot of a Protoss base, with annotations. The interface (heads up display at the bottom) shows the mini-map*. The center of the interface (bottom) shows the selected unit (or group of units), here the Protoss Nexus (main economical building, producing workers and to which resources are brought) which is in the center of the screen and circled in green. The bottom right part shows the possible actions (here build a Protoss Probe or set a rally point). The top right of the screen shows the minerals* (442), gas* (208) and supply* (25 total) on max supply* (33). The dotted lines demarcate economical parts with active workers: red for minerals mining and green for gas gathering. The plain cut outs of buildings show: a Pylon (white), a Forge (orange, for upgrades and access to static defense), a Cybernetics Core (yellow, for technological upgrades and expanding the tech tree), a Gateway (pink, producing ground units), a Photon Cannon (blue, static defense).

Openings and strategy

To reach a competitive amateur level, players have to study openings* and hone their build orders*. An opening corresponds to the first strategic moves of a game, as in other abstract strategy games (Chess, Go). They are classified/labeled with names from high level players. A build-order is a formally described and accurately timed sequence of buildings to construct in the beginning. As there is a bijection between optimal population and time (in the beginning, before any fight), build orders are indexed on the total population of the player as in the example for Protoss in table 4.1. At the highest levels of play, StarCraft games usually last between 6 (shortest games, with a successful rush from one of the player) to 30 minutes (long economically and technologically developed game).

Supply/Max supplyBuild Note
(population/max) or Product

8/9 Pylon “supply/psi/control/population” building
10/17 Gateway units producing structure
12/17 Assimilator constructed on a gas geyser, to gather gas
14/17 Cybernetics Coretechnological building
16/17 Pylon “supply/psi/control/population” building
16/17 Range it is a research/tech
17/25 Dragoon first military unit

Table 4.1: An example of the beginning of a “2 Gates Goon Range” Protoss build order which focus on building dragoons and their attack range upgrade quickly.


Figure 4.2: Start and economical parts of a StarCraft game. The order of the screenshots goes from left to right and from top to bottom.


Figure 4.3: Military moves from a StarCraft (PvT) game. The order of the screenshots goes from left to right and from top to bottom.

A commented game

We now present the evolution of a game (Figures 4.2 and 4.3) during which we tried to follow the build order presented in table 4.1 (“2 Gates Goon Range”1 ) but we had to adapt to the fact that the opponent was Zerg (possibility for a faster rush) by building a Gateway at 9 supply and building a Zealot (ground contact unit) before the first Dragoon. The first screenshot (image 1 in Figure 4.2) is at the very start of the game: 4 Probes (Protoss workers), and one Nexus (Protoss main building, producing workers and depot point for resources). At this point players have to think about what openings* they will use. Should we be aggressive early on or opt for a more defensive opening? Should we specialize our army for focused tactics, to the detriment of being able to handle situations (tactics and armies compositions) from the opponent that we did not foresee? In picture 2 in the same Figure (4.2), the first gate is being built. At this moment, players often send a worker to “scout” the enemy’s base, as they cannot have military units yet, it is a safe way to discover where they are and inquiry about what they are doing. In picture 3, the player scouts their opponent, thus gathering the first bits of information about their early tech tree. Thus, knowing to be safe from an early attack (“rush”), the player decides to go for a defensive and economical strategy for now. Picture 4 shows the player “expanding”, which is the act of making another base at a new resource location, for economical purposes. In picture 5, we can see the upgrading of the ground weapons along with 4 ranged military units, staying in defense at the expansion. This is a technological decision of losing a little of potential “quick military power” (from military units which could have been produced for this minerals and gas) in exchange of global upgrade for all units (alive and to be produced), for the whole game. This is an investment in both resources and time. Picture 6 showcases the production queue of a Gateway as well as workers transferring to a second expansion (third base). Being safe and having expanded his tech tree* to a point where the army composition is well-rounded, the player opted for a strategy to win by profiting from an economical lead. Figure 4.3 shows the aggressive moves of the same player: in picture 7, we can see a flying transport with artillery and area of effect “casters” in it. The goal of such an attack is not to win the game right away but to weaken the enemy’s economy: each lost worker has to be produced, and, mainly, the missing gathering time adds up quite quickly. In picture 8, the transport in unloaded directly inside the enemy’s base, causing huge damages to their economy (killing workers, Zerg Drones). This is the use of a specialized tactics, which can change the course of a game. At the same time, it involves only few units (a flying transport and its cargo), allowing for the main army to stay in defense at base. It capitalizes on the manoeuverability of the flying Protoss Shuttle, on the technological advancements allowing area of effects attacks and the large zone that the opponent has to cover to defend against it. In picture 9, an invisible attacking unit (circled in white) is harassing the oblivious enemy’s army. This is an example of how technology advance on the opponent can be game changing (the opponent does not have detection in range, thus is vulnerable to cloaked units). Finally, picture 10 shows the final attack, with a full ground army marching on the enemy’s base.

4.2 RTS AI challenges

In combinatorial game theory terms, competitive StarCraft (1 versus 1) is a zero sum, partial-information, deterministic2 strategy game. StarCraft subsumes Wargus (Warcraft II open source clone), which has an estimated mean branching factor 1.5.103 [Aha et al.2005] (Chess: 35, Go: < 360): Weber [2012] finds a branching factor greater than 1.106 for StarCraft. In a given game (with maximum map size) the number of possible positions is roughly of 1011500, versus the Shannon number for Chess (1043) [Shannon1950]. Also, we believe strategies are much more balanced in StarCraft than in most other games. Otherwise, how could it be that more than a decade of professional gaming on StarCraft did not converge to a finite set of fixed (imbalanced) strategies?

Humans deal with this complexity by abstracting away strategy from low level actions: there are some highly restrictive constraints on where it is efficient (“optimal”) to place economical main buildings (Protoss Nexus, Terran Command Center, Zerg Hatchery/Lair/Hive) close to minerals spots and gas geysers. Low-level micro-management* decisions have high horizontal continuity and humans see these tasks more like playing a musical instrument skillfully. Finally, the continuum of strategies is analyzed by players and some distinct strategies are identified as some kinds of “invariants”, or “entry points” or “principal components”. From there, strategic decisions impose some (sometimes hard) constraints on the possible tactics, and the complexity is broken by considering only the interesting state space due to this high vertical continuity.

Most challenges of RTS games have been identified by [Buro20032004]. We will try to anchor them in the human reasoning that goes on while playing a StarCraft game.

As we have seen previously more generally for multi-player video games, all these challenges can be handled by Bayesian modeling. While acknowledging these challenges for RTS AI, we now propose a different task decomposition, in which different tasks will solve some parts of these problems at their respective levels.

4.3 Tasks decomposition and linking


Figure 4.4: A mind-map of RTS AI. This is the tasks decomposition that we will use for the rest of the thesis.

We decided to decompose RTS AI in the three levels which are used by the gamers to describe the games: strategy, tactics, micro-management. We remind the reader that parts of the map not in the sight range of the player’s units are under fog of war*, so the player has only partial information about the enemy buildings and army. The way by which we expand the tech tree, the specific units composing the army, and the general stance (aggressive or defensive) constitute what we call strategy. At the lower level, the actions performed by the player (human or not) to optimize the effectiveness of its units is called micro-management*. In between lies tactics: where to attack, and how. A good human player takes much data in consideration when choosing: are there flaws in the defense? Which spot is more worthy to attack? How much am I vulnerable for attacking here? Is the terrain (height, chokes) to my advantage? The concept of strategy is a little more abstract: at the beginning of the game, it is closely tied to the build order and the intention of the first few moves and is called the opening, as in Chess. Then, the long term strategy can be partially summed up by three signals/indicators:

At high levels of play, the tech/army/eco balance is putting a hard constraint on the aggression and initiative directions: if a player invested heavily in their army production, they should attack soon to leverage this investment. To the contrary, all other things being equal, when a player expands*, they are being weak until the expansion repaid itself, so they should play defensively. Finally, there are some technologies (researches or upgrades) which unlocks an “attack timing” or “attack window”, for instance when a player unlocks an invisible technology (or unit) before that the opponent has detection technology (detectors). On the other hand, while “teching” (researching technologies or expanding the tech tree*), particularly when there are many intermediate technological steps, the player is vulnerable because of the immediate investment they made, which did not pay off yet.

From this RTS domain tasks decomposition, we can draw the mind map given in Figure 4.4. We also characterized these levels of abstractions by:

This is shown in Figure 4.5. We will discuss the state of the art for the each of these subproblems (and the challenges listed above) in their respective parts.


Figure 4.5: Gameplay levels of abstraction for RTS games, compared with their level of direct (and complete) information and orders of magnitudes of time to chance their policies.

To conclude, we will now present our works on these domains in separate chapters:

In Figure 4.6, we present the flow of informations between the different inference and decision-making parts of the bot architecture. One can also view this problem as having a good model of one’s strategy, one’s opponent strategy, and taking decisions. The software architecture that we propose is to have services building and maintaining the model of the enemy as well as our state, and decision-making modules using all this information to give orders to actuators (filled in gray in Fig. 4.6).


Figure 4.6: Information-centric view of the architecture of the bot’s major components. Arrows are labeled with the information or orders they convey: dotted arrows are conveying constraints, double lined arrows convey distributions, plain and simple arrows convey direct information or orders. The gray parts perform game actions (as the physical actions of the player on the keyboard and mouse).

Chapter 5

La vie est la somme de tous vos choix.
Life is the sum of all your choices.

Albert Camus

WE present a Bayesian sensory-motor model for multi-agent (decentralized) units control in an adversarial setting. Orders, coming from higher up in the decision hierarchy, are integrated as another sensory input. We first present the task of units control, its challenges and previous works on the problem. We then introduce all the perceptions and actions used before laying out our Bayesian model. Finally, we evaluated our model on classic StarCraft micro-management* tasks.

This work was published at Computational Intelligence in Games (IEEE CIG) 2011 in Seoul [Synnaeve and Bessière2011a].


Figure 5.1: Information-centric view of the architecture of the bot, the part concerning this chapter (micro-management*) is in the dotted rectangle

5.1 Units management

5.1.1 Micro-management complexity

In this part, we focus on micro-management*, which is the lower-level in our hierarchy of decision-making levels (see Fig. 4.5) and directly affect units control/inputs. Micro-management consists in maximizing the effectiveness of the units i.e. the damages given/damages received ratio. These has to be performed simultaneously for units of different types, in complex battles, and possibly on heterogeneous terrain. For instance: retreat and save a wounded unit so that the enemy units would have to chase it either boosts your firepower (if you save the unit) or weakens the opponent’s (if they chase).

StarCraft micro-management involves ground, flying, ranged, contact, static, moving (at different speeds), small and big units (see Figure 5.2). Units may also have splash damage, spells, and different types of damages whose amount will depend on the target size. It yields a rich states space and needs control to be very fast: human progamers can perform up to 400 “actions per minute” in intense fights. The problem for them is to know which actions are effective and the most rewarding to spend their actions efficiently. A robot does not have such physical limitations, but yet, badly chosen actions have negative influence on the issue of fights.

Let U be the set of the m units to control, A = {∪i ⃗di}∪S be the set of possible actions (all n possible ⃗d directions, standing ground included, and Skills, firing included), and E the set of enemies. As |U| = m, we have |A|m possible combinations each turn, and the enemy has |A||E|. The dimension of the set of possible actions each micro-turn (for instance: 1/24th of a second in StarCraft) constrains reasoning about the state of the game to be hierarchical, with different levels of granularity. In most RTS games, a unit can go (at least) in its 24 surrounding tiles (see Figure 5.2, each arrow correspond to a ⃗d
 i) ) stay where it is, attack, and sometimes cast different spells: which yields more than 26 possible actions each turn. Even if we consider only 8 possible directions, stay, and attack, with N units, there are 10N possible combinations each turn (all units make a move each turn). As large battles in StarCraft account for at least 20 units on each side, optimal units control hides in too big a search space to be fully explored in real-time (sub-second reaction at least) on normal hardware, even if we take only one decision per unit per second.


Figure 5.2: Screen capture of a fight in which our bot controls the bottom-left units in StarCraft. The 25 possible directions (d⃗1d⃗25) are represented for a unit with white and grey arrows around it. Orange lines represent units’ targets, purple lines represent units’ priority targets (which are objective directions in fightMove() mode, see below).

5.1.2 Our approach

Our full robot has separate agents types for separate tasks (strategy, tactics, economy, army, as well as enemy estimations and predictions): the part that interests us here, the unit control, is managed by Bayesian units directly. Their objectives are set by military goal-wise atomic units group, themselves spawned to achieve tactical goals (see Fig. 5.1). Units groups tune their Bayesian units modes (scout, fight, move) and give them objectives as sensory inputs. The Bayesian unit is the smallest entity and controls individual units as sensory-motor robots according to the model described above. The only inter Bayesian units communication about attacking targets is handled by a structure shared at the units group level. This distributed sensory-motor model for micro-management* is able to handle both the complexity of unit control and the need of hierarchy (see Figure 5.1). We treat the units independently, thus reducing the complexity (no communication between our “Bayesian units”), and allowing to take higher-level orders into account along with local situation handling. For instance: the tactical planner may decide to retreat, or go through a choke under enemy fire, each Bayesian unit will have the higher-level order as a sensory input, along with topography, foes and allies positions. From its perception, our Bayesian robot [Lebeltel et al.2004] can compute the distribution over its motor control. The performances of our models are evaluated against the original StarCraft AI and a reference AI (based on our targeting heuristic): they have proved excellent in this benchmark setup.

5.2 Related work

Technical solutions include finite states machines (FSM) [Rabin2002], genetic algorithms (GA) [Ponsen and Spronck2004Bakkes et al.2004Preuss et al.2010], reinforcement learning (RL) [Marthi et al.2005Madeira et al.2006], case-based reasoning (CBR) [Aha et al.2005Sharma et al.2007], continuous action models [Molineaux et al.2008], reactive planning [Weber et al.2010b], upper confidence bounds tree (UCT) [Balla and Fern2009], potential fields [Hagelbäck and Johansson2009], influence maps[Preuss et al.2010], and cognitive human-inspired models [Wintermute et al.2007].

FSM are well-known and widely used for control tasks due to their efficiency and implementation simplicity. However, they don’t allow for state sharing, which increases the number of transitions to manage, and state storing, which makes collaborative behavior hard to code [Cutumisu and Szafron2009]. Hierarchical FSM (HFSM) solve some of this problems (state sharing) and evolved into behavior trees (BT, hybrids HFSM) [Isla2005] and behavior multi-queues (resumable, better for animation) [Cutumisu and Szafron2009] that conserved high performances. However, adaptability of behavior by parameters learning is not the main focus of these models, and unit control is a task that would require a huge amount of hand tuning of the behaviors to be really efficient. Also, these architectures does not allow reasoning under uncertainty, which helps dealing with local enemy and even allied units. Our agents see local enemy (and allied) units but do not know what action they are going to do. They could have perfect information about the allied units intentions, but this would need extensive communication between all the units.

Some interesting uses of reinforcement learning (RL)* [Sutton and Barto1998] to RTS research are concurrent hierarchical (units Q-functions are combined higher up) RL* [Marthi et al.2005] to efficiently control units in a multi-effector system fashion. Madeira et al. [2006] advocate the use of prior domain knowledge to allow faster RL* learning and applied their work on a large scale (while being not as large as StarCraft) turn-based strategy game. In real game setups, RL* models have to deal with the fact that the state spaces to explore is enormous, so learning will be slow or shallow. It also requires the structure of the game to be described in a partial program (or often a partial Markov decision process) and a shape function [Marthi et al.2005]. RL can be seen as a transversal technique to learn parameters of an underlying model, and this underlying behavioral model matters. Ponsen and Spronck [2004] used evolutionary learning techniques, but face the same problem of dimensionality.

Case-based reasoning (CBR) allows for learning against dynamic opponents [Aha et al.2005] and has been applied successfully to strategic and tactical planning down to execution through behavior reasoning rules [Ontañón et al.2007a]. CBR limitations (as well as RL) include the necessary approximation of the world and the difficulty to work with multi-scale goals and plans. These problems led respectively to continuous action models [Molineaux et al.2008]and reactive planning [Weber et al.2010b]. Continuous action models combine RL and CBR. Reactive planning use a decomposition similar to hierarchical task networks [Hoang et al.2005] in that sub-plans can be changed at different granularity levels. Reactive planning allows for multi-scale (hierarchical) goals/actions integration and has been reported working on StarCraft, the main drawback is that it does not address uncertainty and so can not simply deal with hidden information (both extensional and intentional). Fully integrated FSM, BT, RL and CBR models all need vertical integration of goals, which is not very flexible (except in reactive planning).

Monte-Carlo planning [Chung et al.2005] and upper Upper confidence bounds tree (UCT) planning (coming from Go AI) [Balla and Fern2009] samples through the (rigorously intractable) plans space by incrementally building the actions tree through Monte-Carlo sampling. UCT for tactical assault planning [Balla and Fern2009] in RTS does not require to encode human knowledge (by opposition to Monte-Carlo planning) but it is too costly, both in learning and running time, to go down to units control on RTS problems. Our model subsumes potential fields [Hagelbäck and Johansson2009], which are powerful and used in new generation RTS AI to handle threat, as some of our Bayesian unit sensory inputs are based on potential damages and tactical goodness (height for the moment) of positions. Hagelbäck and Johansson [2008] presented a multi-agent potential fields based bot able to deal with fog of war in the Tankbattle game. Avery et al. [2009] and Smith et al. [2010] co-evolved influence map trees for spatial reasoning in RTS games. Danielsiek et al. [2008] used influence maps to achieve intelligent squad movement to flank the opponent in a RTS game. A drawback for potential field-based techniques is the large number of parameters that has to be tuned in order to achieve the desired behavior. Our model provides flocking and local (subjective to the unit) influences on the pathfinding as in [Preuss et al.2010], which uses self-organizing-maps (SOM). In their paper, Preuss et al. are driven by the same quest for a more natural and efficient behavior for units in RTS. We would like to note that potential fields and influence maps are reactive control techniques, and as such, they do not perform any form of lookahead. In their raw form (without specific adaptation to deal with it), they can lead units to be stuck in local optimums (potential wells).

Pathfinding is used differently in planning-based approaches and reactive approaches. Danielsiek et al. [2008] is an example of the permeable interface between pathfinding and reactive control with influence maps augmented tactical pathfinding and flocking. As we used pathfinding as the mean to get a sensory input towards the objective, we were free to use a low resolution and static pathfinding for which A* was enough. Our approach is closer to the one of [Reynolds1999]: combining a simple path for the group with flocking behavior. In large problems and/or when the goal is to deal with multiple units pathfinding taking collisions (and sometimes other tactical features), more efficient, incremental and adaptable approaches are required. Even if specialized algorithms, such as D*-Lite Koenig and Likhachev [2002] exist, it is most common to use A* combined with a map simplification technique that generates a simpler navigation graph to be used for pathfinding. An example of such technique is Triangulation Reduction A*, that computes polygonal triangulations on a grid-based map Demyen and Buro [2006]. In recent commercial RTS games like Starcraft 2 or Supreme Commander 2, flocking-like behaviors are inspired of continuum crowds (“flow field”) Treuille et al. [2006]. A comprehensive review about (grid-based) pathfinding was recently done by Sturtevant Sturtevant [2012].

Finally, there are some cognitive approaches to RTS AI [Wintermute et al.2007], and we particularly agree with Wintermute et al. analysis of RTS AI problems. Our model has some similarities: separate agents for different levels of abstraction/reasoning and a perception-action approach (see Figure 5.1).

5.3 A pragmatic approach to units control

5.3.1 Action and perception


The possible actions for each unit are to move from where they are to wherever on the map, plus to attack and/or use special abilities or spells. Atomic moves (shown in Fig. 5.2 by white and gray plain arrows) correspond to move orders which will make the unit go in a straight line and not call the pathfinder (if the terrain is unoccupied/free). There are collisions with buildings, other units, and the terrain (cliffs, water, etc.) which denies totally some movements for ground units. Flying units do not have any collision (neither with units, nor with terrain obviously). When a move order is issued, if the selected position is further than atomic moves, the pathfinder function will be called to decide which path to follow. We decided to use only atomic (i.e. small and direct) moves for this reactive model, using other kinds of moves is discussed later in perspectives.


To attack another unit, a given unit has to be in range (different attacks or abilities have different ranges) it has to have reloaded its weapon, which can be as quick as 4 times per second up to 3 seconds (75 frames) per attack. To cast a spell or use an ability also requires energy, which (re)generates slowly and can be accumulated up to a limited amount. Also, there are different kinds of attacks (normal, concussive, explosive), which modify the total amount of damages made on different types of units (small, medium, big), and different spread form and range of splash damages. Some spells/abilities absorb some damages on a given unit, others make a zone immune to all range attacks, etc. Finally, ranged attackers at a lower level (in terrain elevation) than their targets have an almost 50% miss rate. These reasons make it an already hard problem just to select what to do without even moving.

Perceptions: potential damage map

Perceptions are of different natures: either they are direct measurements inside the game, or they are built up from other direct measurements or even come from our AI higher level decisions. Direct measurements include the position of terrain elements (cliffs, water, space, trees). Built up measurements comes from composition of informations like the potential damage map (see Fig. 5.3.1. We maintain two (ground and air) damage maps which are built by summing all enemy units attack damages, normalized by their attack speed, for all positions which are in their range. These values are then discretized in levels {No,Low,Medium,High} relative to the hit (health) points (HP) of the unit that we are moving. For instance, a tank (with many HP) will not fear going under some fire so he may have a Low potential damage value for a given direction which will read as Medium or High for a light/weak unit like a marine. This will act as subjective potential fields [Hagelbäck and Johansson2009] in which the (repulsive) influence of the potential damages map depends on the unit type. The discrete steps are:

{                                                                      }
 0,⟦0...unit base HP-⟧,⟧unit-base-HP ...unit base HP ⟦,⟦unit base HP ⋅⋅⋅+ inf⟦
             2              2


Figure 5.3: Potential damage map (white squares for low potential damages, and yellow square for moderate potential damages). Left: we can see that the tank in siege mode (big blue unit with a red square on top) cannot shoot at close range and thus our units (in red) were attracted to the close safe zone. Right: the enemy units (blue, with red squares on top) are contact attack units and thus our unit (red, with a plain green square on top) is “kiting” (staying out of range): attacking and then retreating away (out of their range).


For repulsion/attraction between units (allied or enemies), we could consider the instantaneous position of the units but it would lead to squeezing/expanding effects when moving large groups. Instead, we use their interpolated position at the time at which the unit that we move will be arrived in the direction we consider. In the right diagram in Figure 5.4, we want to move the unit in the center (U). There is an enemy (E) unit twice as fast as ours and an allied unit (A) three times as fast as ours. When we consider moving in the direction just above us, we are on the interpolated position of unit E (we travel one case when they do two); when we consider moving in the direction directly on our right (East), we are on the interpolated position of unit A. We consider where the unit will be dist(unit,d⃗i)
 unit.speed time later, but also its size (some units produce collisions in a smaller scale than our discretization).


The goals coming from the tactician model (see Fig. 5.1) are broken down into steps which gives objectives to each units. The way to incorporate the objective in the reactive behavior of our units is to add an attractive sensory input. This objective is a fixed direction ⃗o and we consider the probabilities of moving our unit in n possible directions d⃗1d⃗n (in our StarCraft implementation: n = 25 atomic directions). To decide the attractiveness of a given direction d⃗i with regard to the objective ⃗o, we consider a weight which is proportional to the dot product ⃗o ⃗di, with a threshold minimum probability, as shown in Figure 5.4.

pict pict

Figure 5.4: In both figures, the thick squares represents the boundaries of the 24 atomic directions (25 small squares with the current unit position) around the unit (U). Red is high probability, down to green low probability. Left: repulsion of the linear interpolation of the trajectories (here with uncertainty) of enemy unit (E) and allied unit (A), depending on their speed. Right: attraction of the objective (in direction of the dotted arrow) which is proportional to dot-product of the direction (square) considered, with a minimum threshold (in green).

5.3.2 A simple unit

Greedy pragmatism

Is staying alive better than killing an enemy unit? Is a large splash damage better than killing an enemy unit? Is it better to fire or move? In that event, where? Even if we could compute to the end of the fight and apply the same approach that we have for board games, how do we infer the best “set of next moves” for the enemy? For enemy units, it would require exploring the tree of possible plans (intractable) whose we could at best only draw samples from [Balla and Fern2009]. Even so, taking enemy minimax (to which depth?) moves for facts would assume that the enemy is also playing minimax (to the same depth) following exactly the same valuation rules as ours. Clearly, RTS micro-management* is more inclined to reactive planning than board games reasoning. That does not exclude having higher level (strategic and tactic) goals. In our model, they are fed to the unit as sensory inputs, that will have an influence on its behavior depending on the situation/state the unit is in. We should at least have a model for higher-level decisions of the enemy and account for uncertainty of moves that could be performed in this kind of minimax approach. So, as complete search through the min/max tree is intractable, we propose a first simple solution: have a greedy target selection heuristic leading the movements of units to benchmark our Bayesian model against. In this solution, each unit can be viewed as an effector, part of a multi-body (multi-effector) agent, grouped under a units group.

Targeting heuristic

The idea behind the heuristic used for target selection is that units need to focus fire (which leads to less incoming damages if enemy units die faster) on units that do the most damages, have the less hit points, and take the most damages from their attack type. This can be achieved by using a data structure, shared by all our units engaged in the battle, that stores the damages corresponding to future allied attacks for each enemy units. Whenever a unit will fire on a enemy unit, it registers there the future damages on the enemy unit. As attacks are not all instantaneous and there are reload times, it helps focus firing2 . We also need a set of priority targets for each of our unit types that can be drawn from expert knowledge or learned (reinforcement learning) battling all unit types. A unit select its target among the most focus fired units with positive future hit point (current hit points minus registered damages), while prioritizing units from the priority set of its type. The units group can also impose its own priorities on enemy units (for instance to achieve a goal). The target selection heuristics is fully depicted in 8 in the appendices.

Fight behavior

Based on this targeting heuristic, we design a very simple FSM* based unit as shown in Figure 5.6 and Algorithm 5.5: when the unit is not firing, it will either flee damages if it has taken too much damages and/or if the differential of damages is too strong, or move to be better positioned in the fight (which may include staying where it is). In this simple unit, the flee() function just tries to move the unit in the direction of the biggest damages gradient (towards lower potential damages zones). The fightMove() function tries to position the units better: in range of its priority target, so that if the priority target is out of reach, the behavior will look like: “try to fire on target in range, if it cannot (reloading or no target in range), move towards priority target”. As everything is driven by the firing heuristic (that we will also use for our Bayesian unit), we call this AI the Heuristic Only AI (HOAI).

 function MOVE(prio_t,dmg)
  if needFlee() then
  end if
 end function
 function FIGHT
  (target,prio_target) = selectTarget()
  if reloaded then
  if inRange(prio_target) then
  else if inRange(target) then
  end if
  end if
 end function

Figure 5.5: Fight behavior FSM for micro-managing units.


Figure 5.6: Fight FSM of a simple unit model: Heuristic Only AI (HOAI), which will serve as a baseline for benchmarks.

5.3.3 Units group

The units group (UnitsGroup, see Fig. 5.1) makes the shared future damage data structure available to all units taking part in a fight. Units control is not limited to fight. As it is adversarial, it is perhaps the hardest task, but units control problems comprehends efficient team maneuvering and other behaviors such as scouting or staying in position (formation). The units group structure helps for all that: it decides of the modes in which the unit has to be. We implemented 4 modes in our Bayesian unit (see Fig. 5.7): fight, move, scout, inposition. When given a task, also named goal, by the tactician model (see Fig. 5.1), the units group has to transform the task objective into sensory inputs for the units.

5.4 A Bayesian model for units control

5.4.1 Bayesian unit

We use Bayesian programming as an alternative to logic, transforming incompleteness of knowledge about the world into uncertainty. In the case of units management, we have mainly intensional uncertainty. Instead of asking questions like: where are other units going to be 10 frames later? Our model is based on rough estimations that are not taken as ground facts. Knowing the answer to these questions would require for our own (allied) units to communicate a lot and to stick to their plan (which does not allow for quick reaction nor adaptation).

We propose to model units as sensory-motor robots described within the Bayesian robot programming framework [Lebeltel et al.2004]. A Bayesian model uses and reasons on distributions instead of predicates, which deals directly with uncertainty. Our Bayesian units are simple hierarchical finite states machines (states can be seen as modes) that can scout, fight and move (see Figure 5.7). Each unit type has a reload rate and attack duration, so their fight mode will be as depicted in Figure 5.6 and Algorithm 5.5. The difference between our simple HOAI presented above and Bayesian units are in flee() and fightMove() functions.


Figure 5.7: Bayesian unit modal FSM (HFSM*), detail on the fight mode. Stripped modes are Bayesian.

The unit needs to determine where to go when fleeing and moving during a fight, with regard to its target and the attacking enemies, while avoiding collisions (which results in blocked units and time lost) as much as possible. We now present the Bayesian program used for flee(), fightMove(), and while scouting, which differ only by what is inputed as objective:


There is basically one set of (sensory) variables per perception in addition to the Diri values.


The joint distribution (JD) over these variables is a specific kind of fusion called inverse programming [Le Hy et al.2004]. The sensory variables are considered conditionally independent knowing the actions, contrary to standard naive Bayesian fusion, in which the sensory variables are considered independent knowing the phenomenon.

    P(Dir1:n,Obj1:n,Dmg1:n, A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n)        (5.1)
=   JD =    P(Diri)P(Obji|Diri)                   (5.2)
    P(Dmgi |Diri)P(Ai|Diri)                        (5.3)
    P(Ei|Diri)P(Occi|Diri)                         (5.4)
We assume that the i directions are independent depending on the action because dependency is already encoded in (all) sensory inputs.



Parameters and probability tables can be learned through reinforcement learning [Sutton and Barto1998Asmuth et al.2009] by setting up different and pertinent scenarii and search for the set of parameters that maximizes a reward function (more about that in the discussion). In our current implementation, the parameters and probability table values are hand specified.


When in fightMove() and flee(), the unit asks:


From there, the unit can either go in the most probable Diri or sample through them. We describe the effect of this choice in the next section (and in Fig. 5.12). A simple Bayesian fusion from 3 sensory inputs is shown in Figure 5.8, in which the final distribution on Dir peaks at places avoiding damages and collisions while pointing towards the goal. Here follows the full Bayesian program of the model (5.9):


Figure 5.8: Simple example of Bayesian fusion from 3 sensory inputs (damages, collisions avoidance and goal attraction). The grid pattern represents statically occupied terrain, the unit we control is in U, an allied unit is in A. The result is displayed on the rightmost image.

   (  (   (
   |||  |||   ||| V ariables
   ||||  ||||   |||| Dir1:n,Obj1:n,Dmg1:n, A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n
   ||||  ||||   |||| Decomposition
   ||||  ||||   ||||                                        ∏n   [
   ||||  ||||   { P(Dir1:n,Obj1:n,Dmg1:n,A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n) =  i=1 P(Diri)]
   ||||Sp|{ecifica||tioPn(O(bπj)i|Diri)P(Dmgi |Diri)P(Ai|Diri)P(Ei|Diri)P(Occi|Diri)
 De||||scri|ption|||| F orms
   {  ||||   |||| P(Diri) : prior on directions (crossing policy)
Bayesian p||rog||||ram |||| P(XY Zi|Diri) : probability tables
   ||||  ||||   |(
   ||||  ||||
   ||||  |||( Identification (using δ)
   ||||    reinforcement learning or hand specified (or distribs. parameters optimization)
   ||||fightmoving∕fleeing∕scouting : P(Dir1:n|Obj1:n,Dmg1:n,A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n)

Figure 5.9: Bayesian program of flee(), fightMove() and the scouting behaviors.

There are additional variables for specific modes/behaviors, also probability tables may be different.


Without flocking
When moving without flocking (trying to maintain some form of group cohesion), the model is even simpler. The objective (⃗o) is set to a path waypoint. The potential damage map is dropped from the JD (because it is not useful for moving when not fighting), the question is:


With flocking
To produce a flocking behavior while moving, we introduce another set of variables: Atti1n ∈{True,False}, allied units attractions (or not) in direction i.

A flocking behavior [Reynolds1999] requires:

Separation is dealt with by P(Ai|Diri) already. As we use interpolations of units at the time at which our unit will be arrived at the Diri under consideration, being attracted by Atti gives cohesion as well as some form of alignment. It is not strictly the same as having the same direction and seems to fare better is complex terrain. We remind the reader that flocking was derived from birds flocks and fish schools behaviors: in both cases there is a lot of free/empty space.

A ⃗a vector is constructed as the weighted sum of neighbour3 allied units. Then P(Atti|Diri)for all i directions is constructed as for the objective influence (P(Obji|Diri)) by taking the dot product ⃗a ⃗
di with a minimum threshold (we used 0.3, so that the flocking effect is as strong as objective attraction):

P(atti|diri) = threshold+ (1.0 - threshold)× max(0,⃗a⋅di)

The JD becomes JD × Πi=1nP(Atti|Diri).

   (  (   (
   |||  ||   ||| V ariables
   ||||  ||||   |||| Dir1:n,Obj1:n,Att1:n,A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n
   ||||  ||||   |||| Decomposition
   ||||  ||||   ||||                                       ∏n   [
   ||||  ||||   { P(Dir1:n,Obj1:n,Att1:n,A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n) =  i=1  P(Diri) ]
 De||||scri{ption|||| F orms
   ||||  ||   |||| P(Diri) : prior on directions (crossing policy)
   |{  ||||   |||| P(XY Zi|Diri) : probability tables
Bayesian p|rog||||ram |(
   ||||  ||||
   ||||  |||| Identification
   ||||  |||| learning or hand specified
   ||||  (
   ||||without flocking (no Att1:n variables) : P(Dir1:n|Obj1:n,A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n)
   |||(with flocking : P(Dir1:n|Obj1:n,A1:n,E1:n,Occ1:n,Att1:n)

Figure 5.10: Bayesian program of the move behavior without and with flocking.

In position

The inposition mode corresponds to when some units are at the place they should be (no new objective to reach) and not fighting. This happens when some units arrived at their formation end positions and they are waiting for other (allied) units of their group, or when units are sitting (in defense) at some tactical point, like in front of a base for instance. The particularity of this mode is that the objective is set to the current unit position. It will be updated to always point to this “final formation position of the unit” as long as the unit stays in this mode (inposition). This is useful so that units which are arriving to the formation can go through each others and not get stuck. Figure 5.11 shows the effect of using this mode: the big unit (Archon) goes through a square formation of the other units (Dragoons) which are in inposition mode. What happens is an emerging phenomenon: the first (leftmost) units of the square get repulsed by the interpolated position of the dragoon, so they move themselves out of its trajectory. By moving, they repulse the second and then third line of the formation, the chain repulsion reaction makes a path for the big unit to pass through the formation. Once this unit path is no longer colliding, the attraction of units for their objective (their formation position) takes them back to their initial positions.


Figure 5.11: Sequence of traversal of an Archon (big blue unit which is circled in green) through a square formation of Dragoons (four legged red units) in inposition mode.

5.5 Results on StarCraft

5.5.1 Experiments

We produced three different AI to run experiments with, along with the original AI (OAI) from StarCraft:

The experiments consisted in having the AIs fight against each others on a micro-management scenario with mirror matches of 12 and 36 ranged ground units (Dragoons). In the 12 units setup, the unit movements during the battle is easier (less collision probability) than in the 36 units setup. We instantiate only the army manager (no economy in this special scenarii/maps), one units group manager and as many Bayesian units as there are units provided to us in the scenario. The results are presented in Table 5.1.


OAI (50%)
HOAI 59% (50%)
BAIPB 93% 97% (50%)
BAIS 93% 95% 76% (50%)


OAI (50%)
HOAI 46% (50%)
BAIPB 91% 89% (50%)
BAIS 97% 94% 97% (50%)

Table 5.1: Win ratios over at least 200 battles of OAI, HOAI, BAIPB and BAIS in two mirror setups: 12 and 36 ranged units. Left: 12 units (12 vs 12) setup. Right: 36 units (36 vs 36) setup. Read line vs column: for instance HOAI won 59% of its matches against OAI in the 12 units setup.

These results show that our heuristic (HAOI) is comparable to the original AI (OAI), perhaps a little better, but induces more collisions as we can see its performance diminish a lot in the 36 units setup vs OAI. For Bayesian units, the “pick best” (BAIPB) direction policy is very effective when battling with few units (and few movements because of static enemy units) as proved against OAI and HOAI, but its effectiveness decreases when the number of units increases: all units are competing for the best directions (to flee() or fightMove()) and they collide. The sampling policy (BAIS) has way better results in large armies, and significantly better results in the 12 units vs BAIPB. BAIPB may lead our units to move inside the “enemy zone” a lot more to chase priority targets (in fightMove()) and collide with enemy units or get kill. Sampling entails that the competition for the best directions is distributed among all the “bests to good” positions, from the units point of view. We illustrate this effect in Figure 5.12: the units (on the right of the figure) have good reasons to flee on the left (combinations of sensory inputs, for instance of the damage map), and there may be a peak of “best position to be at”. As they have not moved yet, they do not have interpolation of positions which will collide, so they are not repulsing each other at this position, all go together and collide. Sampling would, on average, provide a collision free solution here.


Figure 5.12: Example of P(Dir) when fleeing, showing why sampling (BAIS, bottom graphic on the right) may be a better instead of picking the best direction (BAIPB, here Dir = 17 in the plot, top graphic on the right) and triggering units collisions.

We also ran tests in setups with flying units (Zerg Mutalisks) in which BAIPB fared as good as BAIS (no collision for flying units) and way better than OAI.

5.5.2 Our bot

This model is currently at the core of the micro-management of our StarCraft bot. In a competitive micro-management setup, we had a tie with the winner of AIIDE 2010 StarCraft micro-management competition, winning with ranged units (Protoss Dragoons), losing with contact units (Protoss Zealots) and having a perfect tie (the host wins thanks to a few less frames of lag) in the flying units setting (Zerg Mutalisks and Scourges).

This model can be used to specify the behavior of units in RTS games. Instead of relying on a “units push each other” physics model for handling dynamic collision of units, this model makes the units react themselves to collision in a more realistic fashion (a marine cannot push a tank, the tank will move). More than adding realism to the game, this is a necessary condition for efficient micro-management in StarCraft: Brood War, as we do not have control over the game physics engine and it does not have this “flow-like” physics for units positioning.

5.6 Discussion

5.6.1 Perspectives

Adding a sensory input: height attraction

We make an example of adding a sensory input (that we sometimes use in our bot): height attraction. From a tactical point of view, it is interesting for units to always try to have the higher ground as lower ranged units have a high miss rate (almost 50%) on higher positioned units. For each of the direction tiles Diri, we just have to introduce a new set of sensory variables: Hi0n∈{normal,high,very_high,unknown} (unknown can be given by the game engine). P(Hi|Diri) is just an additional factor in the decomposition: JD JD × Πi=1nP(Hi|Diri). The probability table looks like:

Hi diri

normal 0.2
high 0.3
unknown 0.05

Even more realistic behaviors

The realism of units movements can also be augmented with a simple-to-set P(Dirt-1|Dirt) steering parameter, although we do not use it in the competitive setup. We introduce Diri1nt-1 ∈{True,False}: the previous selected direction, Dirit-1 = T iff the unit went to the direction i, else False for a steering (smooth) behavior. The JD would then be JD × Πi=1nP(Dirit-1|Diri), with P(Dirit-1|Diri) the influence of the last direction, either a dot product (with minimal threshold) as before for the objective and flocking, or a parametrized Bell shape over all the i.

Reinforcement learning

Future work could consist in using reinforcement learning [Sutton and Barto1998] or evolutionary algorithms [Smith et al.2010] to learn the probability tables. It should enhance the performance of our Bayesian units in specific setups. It implies making up challenging scenarii and dealing with huge sampling spaces [Asmuth et al.2009]. We learned the distribution of P(Dmgi|Diri) through simulated annealing on a specific fight task (by running thousands of games). Instead of having 4 parameters of the probability table to learn, we further restrained P(Dmgi|Diri) to be a discrete exponential distribution and we optimized the λ parameter. When discretized back to the probability table (for four values of Dmg), the parameters that we learned, by optimizing the efficiency of the army in a fixed fight micro-management scenario, were even more risk adverse than the table presented with this model. The major problem with this approach is that parameters which are learned in a given scenario (map, setup) are not trivially re-usable in other setups, so that boundaries have to be found to avoid over-learning/optimization, and/or discovering in which typical scenario our units are at a given time.

Reducing collisions

Also, there are yet many collision cases that remain unsolved (particularly visible with contact units like Zealots and Zerglings), so we could also try adding local priority rules to solve collisions (for instance through an asymmetrical P(Dirit-1|Diri)) that would entails units crossing lines with a preferred side (some kind of “social rule”),

In collision due to concurrency for “best” positions: as seen in Figure. 5.12, units may compete for a well of potential. The solution that we use is to sample in the Dir distribution, which gives better results than picking the most probable direction as soon as there are many units. Another solution, inspired by [Marthi et al.2005], would be for the Bayesian units to communicate their Dir distribution to the units group which would give orders that optimize either the sum of probabilities, or the minimal discrepancy in dissatisfaction, or the survival of costly units (as shown in Fig. 5.13). Ideally, we could have a full Bayesian model at the UnitsGroup level, which takes the P(Dir) distributions as sensory inputs and computes orders to units. This would be a centralized model but in which the complexity of micro-management would have been broken by the lower-level model presented in this chapter.


Figure 5.13: Example of the decision taken at the units group level from “compressed” information in the form of the distribution on Dir for each Bayesian unit. This can be viewed as a simple optimization problem (maximize sum of probabilities of decisions taken), or as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) like “no unit should be left behind/die/dissatisfied”, or even as another sensory-motor problem with higher-level inputs (Dir distributions). Related to 5.6.2

Tuning parameters

If we learn the parameters of such a model to mimic existing data (data mining) or to maximize a reward function (reinforcement learning), we can interpret the parameters that will be obtained more easily than parameters of an artificial neural network for instance. Parameters learned in one setup can be reused in another if they are understood. We claim that specifying or changing the behavior of this model is much easier than changing the behavior generated by a FSM, and game developers can have a fine control over it. Dynamic switches of behavior (as we do between the scout/flock/inposition/fight modes) are just one probability tables switch away. In fact, probability tables for each sensory input (or group of sensory inputs) can be linked to sliders in a behavior editor and game makers can specify the behavior of their units by specifying the degree of effect for each perception (sensory input) on the behavior of the unit and see the effect in real time. This is not restricted to RTS and could be applied to RPG* and even FPS* gameplays*.

Avoiding local optima

Local optimum could trap and struck our reactive, small look-ahead, units: concave (strong) repulsors (static terrain, very high damage field). A pragmatic solution to that is to remember that the Obj sensory inputs come from the pathfinder and have its influence to grow when in difficult situations (not moved for a long time, concave shape detected...). Another solution is inspired by ants: simply release a repulsive field (a repulsive “pheromone”) behind the unit and it will be repulsed by places it already visited instead of oscillating around the local optima (see Fig. 5.14).


Figure 5.14: Example of trailing repulsive charges (repulsive “pheromones”) at already visited positions for Bayesian units to avoid being blocked by local optimums. The trajectory is indicated by the increasing numbers (most recent unit position in 19) and the (decaying) strength of the trailing repulsion is weaker in green and stronger in red. Related to 5.6.2.

Another solution would be to consider more than just the atomic directions. Indeed, if one decides to cover a lot of space with directions (i.e. use this model with path-planning), one needs to consider directions whose paths collide with each others: if a direction is no longer atomic, this means that there are at least two paths leading to it, from the current unit position. The added complexity of dealing with these paths (and their possible collision routes with allied units or going through potential damages) may not be very aligned with the very reactive behavior that we envisioned here. It is a middle between our proposed solution and full path-planning, for which it is costly to consider several dynamic different influences leading to frequent re-computation.

Probabilistic modality

Finally, we could use multi-modality [Colas et al.2010] to get rid of the remaining (small: fire-retreat-move) FSM. Instead of being in “hard” modes, the unit could be in a weighted sum of modes (summing to one) and we would have:

P(Dir) = wfightMove()P(Dir|sensory_inputs)fightMove()+wflee()P (Dir |sensory_inputs)flee()...
This could particularly help dealing with the fact that parameters learned from fixed scenarii would be too specialized. This way we could interpolate a continuous family of distributions for P(Dir) from a fixed and finite number of parameters learned from a finite number of experiments setups.

5.6.2 Conclusion

We have implemented this model in StarCraft, and it outperforms the original AI as well as other bots. Our approach does not require a specific vertical integration for each different type of objectives (higher level goals), as opposed to CBR and reactive planning [Ontañón et al.2007aWeber et al.2010b]: it can have a completely different model above feeding sensory inputs like Obji. It runs in real-time on a laptop (Core 2 Duo) taking decisions for every units 24 times per second. It scales well with the number of units to control thanks to the absence of communication at the unit level, and is more robust and maintainable than a FSM. Particularly, the cost to add a new sensory input (a new effect on the units behavior) is low.

Chapter 6

It appears to be a quite general principle that, whenever there is a randomized way of doing something, then there is a nonrandomized way that delivers better performance but requires more thought.

E.T. Jaynes (Probability Theory: The Logic of Science, 2003)

WE present a Bayesian model for opponent’s tactics prediction and tactical decision-making in real-time strategy games. We first give our definitions of tactics and an overview of the related works on tactical elements of RTS games. We then present the useful perceptions and decisions relative to tactics. We assembled a dataset for which we present information available and how we collected it. Then, the detail of the Bayesian program is presented. The main idea is to adapt the model to inputs from (possibly) biased heuristics. We evaluated the model in prediction of the enemy tactics on professional gamers data.

This work was accepted for publication at Computational Intelligence in Games (IEEE CIG) 2012 in Grenada [Synnaeve and Bessière2012a] and will be presented at the Computer Games Workshop of the European Conference of Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2012 [Synnaeve and Bessière2012b].


Figure 6.1: Information-centric view of the architecture of the bot, the part concerning this chapter (tactics) is in the dotted rectangle. Dotted arrows represent constraints on what is possible, plain simple arrows represent simple (real) values, either from data or decisions, and double arrows represent probability distributions on possible values. The grayed surfaces are the components actuators (passing orders to the game).

6.1 What are tactics?

6.1.1 A tactical abstraction

In their study on human like characteristics in RTS games, Hagelbäck and Johansson Hagelbäck and Johansson [2010] found out that “tactics was one of the most successful indicators of whether the player was human or not”. Tactics are in between strategy (high-level) and micro-management (lower-level), as seen in Fig. 4.5. When players talk about specific tactics, they use a specific vocabulary which represents a set of actions and compresses subgoals of a tactical goal in a sentence.

Units have different abilities, which leads to different possible tactics. Each faction has invisible (temporarily or permanently) units, flying transport units, flying attack units and ground units. Some units can only attack ground or air units, some others have splash damage attacks, immobilizing or illusion abilities. Fast and mobile units are not cost-effective in head-to-head fights against slower bulky units. We used the gamers’ vocabulary to qualify different types of tactics:

This will be the only four types of tactics that we will use in this chapter: how did the player attack or defend? That does not mean that it is an exhaustive classification, nor that our model can not be adapted a) to other types of tactics b) to dynamically learning types of tactics.

RTS games maps, StarCraft included, consist in a closed arena in which units can evolve. It is filled with terrain features like uncrossable terrain for ground units (water, space), cliffs, ramps, walls. Particularly, each RTS game which allows production also give some economical (gathering) mechanism and so there are some resources scattered on the map, where players need to go collect. It is way more efficient to build expansion (auxiliary bases) to collect resources directly on site. So when a player decides to attack, she has to decide where to attack, and this decision takes into account how it can attack different places, due to their geographical remoteness, topological access posibilities and defense strengh. Choosing where to attack is a complex decision to make: of course it is always wanted to attack poorly defended economic expansions of the opponent, but the player has to consider if it places its own bases in jeopardy, or if it may trap her own army. With a perfect estimator of battles outcomes (which is a hard problem due to terrain, army composition combinatorics and units control complexity), and perfect information, this would result in a game tree problem which could be solved by alpha-beta. Unfortunately, StarCraft is a partial observation game with complex terrain and fight mechanics.

6.1.2 Our approach

The idea is to have (most probably biased) lower-level heuristics from units observations which produce information exploitable at the tactical level, and take advantage of strategic inference too. For that, we propose a model which can either predict enemy attacks or give us a distribution on where and how we should attack the opponent. Information from the higher-level strategy [Synnaeve and Bessière2011Synnaeve and Bessière2011b] (Chapter 7) constrains what types of attacks are possible. As shown in Fig. 6, information from units’ positions (or possibly an enemy units particle filter as in [Weber et al.2011] or Chapter 9.2) constrains where the armies can possibly be in the future. In the context of our StarCraft bot, once we have a decision: we generate a goal (attack order) passed to units groups, which set the objectives of the low-level Bayesian units control model [Synnaeve and Bessière2011a] (Chapter 5).

6.2 Related work

On spatial reasoning, Pottinger [2000] described the BANG engine implemented for the game Age of Empires II (Ensemble Studios), which provides terrain analysis functionalities to the game using influence maps and areas with connectivity information. Forbus et al. [2002] presented a tactical qualitative description of terrain for wargames through geometric and pathfinding analysis. Hale et al. [2008] presented a 2D geometric navigation mesh generation method from expanding convex regions from seeds. Perkins [2010] automatically extracted choke points and regions of StarCraft maps from a pruned Voronoi diagram, which we used for our regions representations (see below).

Hladky and Bulitko [2008] benchmarked hidden semi-Markov models (HSMM) and particle filters in first person shooter games (FPS) units tracking. They showed that the accuracy of occupancy maps was improved using movement models (learned from the player behavior) in HSMM. Bererton [2004] used a particle filter for player position prediction in a FPS. Kabanza et al. [2010] improve the probabilistic hostile agent task tracker (PHATT [Geib and Goldman2009], a simulated HMM for plan recognition) by encoding strategies as HTN, used for plan and intent recognition to find tactical opportunities. Weber et al. [2011] used a particle model for hidden units’ positions estimation in StaCraft.

Aha et al. [2005] used case-based reasoning (CBR) to perform dynamic tactical plan retrieval (matching) extracted from domain knowledge in Wargus. Ontañón et al. [2007a] based their real-time case-based planning (CBP) system on a plan dependency graph which is learned from human demonstration in Wargus. A case based behavior generator spawn goals which are missing from the current state and plan according to the recognized state. In [Mishra et al.2008aManish Meta2010], they used a knowledge-based approach to perform situation assessment to use the right plan, performing runtime adaptation by monitoring its performance. Sharma et al. [2007] combined Case-Based Reasoning (CBR)* and reinforcement learning to enable reuse of tactical plan components. Bakkes et al. [2009] used richly parametrized CBR for strategic and tactical AI in Spring (Total Annihilation open source clone). Cadena and Garrido [2011] used fuzzy CBR (fuzzy case matching) for strategic and tactical planning (including expert knowledge) in StarCraft. Chung et al. [2005] applied Monte-Carlo planning for strategic and tactical planning to a capture-the-flag mode of Open RTS. Balla and Fern [2009] applied upper confidence bounds on trees (UCT: a MCTS algorithm) to tactical assault planning in Wargus.

In Starcraft, Weber et al. [2010a,b] produced tactical goals through reactive planning and goal-driven autonomy, finding the more relevant goal(s) to follow in unforeseen situations. Wintermute et al. [2007] used a cognitive approach mimicking human attention for tactics and units control in ORTS. Ponsen et al. [2006] developed an evolutionary state-based tactics generator for Wargus. Finally, Avery et al. Avery et al. [2009] and Smith et al. Smith et al. [2010] co-evolved influence map trees for spatial (tactical) reasoning in RTS games.

6.3 Perception and tactical goals

6.3.1 Space representation

The maps on which we play restrain movement and vision of ground units (flying units are not affected). As ground units are much more prevalent and more cost-efficient than flying units, being able to reason about terrain particularities is key for tactical reasoning. For that, we clustered the map in regions. We used two kinds of regions:

Figure 6.2 illustrate regions and choke-dependent regions (CDR). Results for choke-dependent regions are not fully detailed. Figure B.2 (in appendix) shows a real StarCraft map and its decomposition into regions with BWTA.


Figure 6.2: A very simple map on the left, which is transformed into regions (between chokes in dotted red lines) by Voronoi tessellation and clustering. These plain regions (numbers in red) are then augmented with choke-dependent regions (letters in blue)

6.3.2 Evaluating regions

Partial observations

From partial observations, one has to derive meaningful information about what may be the state of the game. For tactics, as we are between micro-management and strategy, we are interested in knowing:

The units and buildings perceptions are too low-level to be exploited directly in a tactical model. We will now present importance and defense scoring heuristics.

Scoring heuristics

To decide where and how to attack (or defend), we need information about the particularity of above-mentioned regions. For that, we built heuristics taking low-level information about enemy units and buildings positions, and giving higher level estimator. They are mostly encoding common sense. We do not put too much care into building these heuristics because they will also be used during learning and the learned parameters of the model will have adapted it to their bias.

The value of a unit is just minerals_value + 43gas_value + 50supply_value. For instance the value of an army with 2 dragoons and 1 zealot is: varmy = 2(125 + 4350 + 50 × 2) + (100 + 50 × 2). Now, we note vtypea(r) the value of all units of a given type from the attacker (a) in region r. We can also use vd for the defender. For instance vdragoond(r) is the sum of the values of all dragoons in region r from the defender (d). The heuristics we used in our benchmarks are:

6.3.3 Tech tree

Our model also uses the estimation of the opponent’s tech tree* to know what types of attacks are possible from them. An introduction to the tech tree is given in section 4.1.1. The tech tree is the backbone of the strategy: it defines what can and what cannot be built by the player. The left diagram of Figure 6.3 shows the tech tree of the player after completion of the build order 4.1 in section 4.1.1. The strategic aspect of the tech tree is that it takes time (between 30 seconds to 2 minutes) to make a building, so tech trees and their evolutions through time result from a plan and reveal the intention of the player.

From partial observations, a more complete tech tree can be reconstructed: if an enemy unit which requires a specific building is seen, one can infer that the whole tech tree up to this unit’s requirements is available to the opponent’s. Further in section 7.5, we will show how we took advantage of probabilistic modeling and learning to infer more about the enemy build tree from partial observation. In this chapter, we will limit our use of tech trees to be an indicator of what types of attacks can and cannot be committed.

PIC       PIC

Figure 6.3: Two tech trees, the build trees subsets are the parts in red. Left: tech tree* obtained at the end of the build order described in 4.1. Right: a more advanced tech tree.

6.3.4 Attack types

With the discretization of the map into regions and choke-dependent regions, one can reason about where attacks will happen. The types of the attacks depends on the units types involved and their use. There may be numerous variations but we decided to keep the four main types of attacks in the vocabulary of gamers:

The corresponding goal (orders) are described in section 8.1.2.

6.4 Dataset

6.4.1 Source

We downloaded more than 8000 replays* to keep 7649 uncorrupted, 1v1 replays from professional gamers leagues and international tournaments of StarCraft, from specialized websites2 3 4 . We then ran them using BWAPI5 and dumped units’ positions, pathfinding and regions, resources, orders, vision events, for attacks: types, positions, outcomes. Basically, every Brood War Application Programmable Interface (BWAPI)* event, plus attacks, were recorded, the dataset and its source code are freely available6 . The implication of considering only replays of very good player allows us to use this dataset to learn the behaviors of our bot. Otherwise, particularly regarding the economy, a simple bot (AI) coupled with a planner can beat the average player, who does not have a tightly timed build order and/or not the sufficient APM* to execute.

6.4.2 Information

Table 6.1 shows some metrics about the dataset. In this chapter, we are particularly interested in the number of attacks. Note that the numbers of attacks for a given race have to be divided by two in a given non-mirror match-up. So, there are 7072 Protoss attacks in PvP but there are not 70,089 attacks by Protoss in PvT but about half that.

match-up PvP PvT PvZ TvT TvZ ZvZ

number of games 445 2408 2027 461 2107 199
number of attacks 7072 70089401211644642175 2162
mean attacks/game 15.8929.1119.7935.6720.0210.86
mean time (frames) / game 323423777239137377173574023898
mean time (minutes) / game 22.4626.2327.1826.1924.8216.60
mean regions / game 19.5919.8819.6919.8320.2119.31
mean CDR / game 41.5841.6141.5741.4442.1040.70
actions issued (game engine) / game 245843320931344269982986921868
mean “BWAPI APM*”7 (per player) 547 633 577 515 602 659
mean ground distance8 region region 2569 2608 2607 2629 2604 2596
mean ground distance9 CDR CDR 2397 2405 2411 2443 2396 2401

Table 6.1: Detailed numbers about our dataset. XvY means race X vs race Y matches and is an abbreviation of the match-up: PvP stands for Protoss versus Protoss.

By running the recorded games (replays*) through StarCraft, we were able to recreate the full state of the game. Time is always expressed in games frames (24 frames per second). We recorded three types of files:

From this data, one can recreate most of the state of the game: the map key characteristics (or load the map separately), the economy of all players, their tech (all researches and upgrades), all the buildings and units, along with their orders and their positions.

6.4.3 Attacks

We trigger an attack tracking heuristic when one unit dies and there are at least two military units around. We then update this attack until it ends, recording every unit which took part in the fight. We log the position, participating units and fallen units for each player, the attack type and of course the attacker and the defender. Algorithm 510 shows how we detect attacks.

Algorithm 5: Simplified attack tracking heuristic for extraction from games. The heuristics to determine the attack type and the attack radius and position are not described here. They look at the proportions of units types, which units are firing and the last actions of the players.
 list tracked_attacks
 function UNIT_DEATH_EVENT(unit)
  tmp tracked_attacks.which_contains(unit)
  if tmp then
  tmp.update(unit) ⊳  update(tmp,unit)
  end if
 end function
 function ATTACK(unit) ⊳  new attack constructor
  ⊳  self this
  self.convex_hull propagate_default_hull(unit)
  self.type determine_attack_type(update(self,unit))
  return self
 end function
 function UPDATE(attack,unit)
  attack.update_hull(unit) ⊳  takes units ranges into account
  c get_context(attack.convex_hull)
  self.tick default_timeout()
  return c
 end function
 function TICK_UPDATE
  self.tick self.tick - 1
  if self.tick < 0 then
  end if
 end function

6.5 A Bayesian tactical model

6.5.1 Tactical Model

We preferred to map the continuous values from heuristics to a few discrete values to enable quick complete computations. Another strategy would keep more values and use Monte-Carlo sampling for computation. We think that discretization is not a concern because 1) heuristics are simple and biased already 2) we often reason about imperfect information and this uncertainty tops discretization fittings.


With n regions, we have:

We can consider a more complex version of this tactical model taking soft evidences into account (variables on which we have a probability distribution), which is presented in appendix B.2.1.

   P(A1:n,E1:n,T1:n,T A1:n,B1:n,                      (6.1)
   H1:n,GD1:n,AD1:n,ID1:n,HP,T T)                  (6.2)
=     [P (Ai)P (Ei,Ti,TAi,Bi|Ai)                      (6.3)
   P (ADi, GDi,IDi |Hi)P(Hi|HP )]P(HP |T T)P(TT )     (6.4)
This decomposition is also shown in Figure 6.4. We can see that we have in fact two models: one for A1:n and one for H1:n.


Figure 6.4: Plate diagram (factor graph notation) of the Bayesian tactical model.

Forms and learning

We will explain the forms for a given/fixed i region number:

There are two approaches to fill up these probability tables, either by observing games (supervised learning), as we did in the evaluation section, or by acting (reinforcement learning).

The model is highly modular, and some parts are more important than others. We can separate three main parts: P(E,T,TA,B|A), P(AD,GD,ID|H) and P(H|HP). In prediction, P(E,T,TA,B|A) uses the inferred (uncertain) economic (E), tactical (T) and belonging (B) scores of the opponent while knowing our own tactical position fully (TA). In decision-making, we know E,T,B (for us) and estimate TA. In our prediction benchmarks, P(AD,GD,ID|H) has the lesser impact on the results of the three main parts, either because the uncertainty from the attacker on AD,GD,ID is too high or because our heuristics are too simple, though it still contributes positively to the score. In decision-making, it allows for reinforcement learning to have tuple values for AD,GD,ID at which to switch attack types. In prediction, P(H|HP) is used to take P(TT) (coming from strategy prediction [Synnaeve and Bessière2011], chapter 7) into account and constraints H to what is possible. For the use of P(H|HP)P(HP|TT)P(TT) in decision-making, see the results section (6.6) or the appendix B.2.1.


For a given region i, we can ask the probability to attack here,

   P (Ai = ai|ei,ti,tai,bi)                    (6.5)
=   ∑---P(ei,ti,tai,bi|Ai)P-(Ai)-              (6.6)
∝  P (ei,ti,tai,Bi|ai)P(ai)                   (6.7)
and the mean by which we should attack,
    P(∑Hi = hi|adi,gdi,idi)                            (6.8)
∝        [P(adi,gdi,idi|hi)P (hi|HP )P(HP |T T)P(TT )]    (6.9)
We always sum over estimated, inferred variables, while we know the one we observe fully. In prediction mode, we sum over TA,B,TT,HP; in decision-making, we sum over E,T,B,AD,GD,ID (see appendix B.2.1). The complete question that we ask our model is P(A,H|FullyObserved). The maximum of P(A,H) = P(A) × P(H) may not be the same as the maximum of P(A) or P(H) take separately. For instance think of a very important economic zone that is very well defended, it may be the maximum of P(A), but not once we take P(H) into account. Inversely, some regions are not defended against anything at all but present little or no interest. Our joint distribution 6.3 can be rewritten: P(Searched,FullyObserved,Estimated), so we ask:
   P (A1∑:n,H1:n|F ullyObserved)                      (6.10)
∝          P(A1:n,H1:n,Estimated,FullyObserved)    (6.11)

The Bayesian program of the model is as follows:

   (  (   (
   |||  |||   ||| V ariables
   ||||  ||||   |||| A1:n,E1:n,T1:n,T A1:n,B1:n,H1:n,GD1:n,AD1:n, ID1:n,HP, TT
   ||||  ||||   |||| Decomposition
   ||||  ||||   ||||
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(A∏1n:n,E1:n,T1:n,T A1:n,B1:n,H1:n,GD1:n,AD1:n, ID1:n,HP, TT )
   ||||  ||||   |||| =   i=1 [P (Ai)P(Ei,Ti,TAi,Bi|Ai)
   ||||  ||||   |||| P (ADi, GDi,IDi |Hi)P(Hi|HP )]P(HP |T T)P(TT )
   ||||  ||||   { F orms
   ||||Sp||||ecifica||tioPn(A(iπ))prior on attack in region i
   ||||  ||||   ||||
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(E,T, TA,B |A ) covariance∕probability table
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(AD, GD, ID |H ) covariance∕probability table
   ||||  |{   |||| P(H |HP  ) = Categorical(4,HP )
 De||||scri|ption|||| P(HP  = hp|T T) = 1.0 iff T T → hp, else P (HP |TT ) = 0.0
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(TT ) comes from a strategic model
   |{  ||||   |(
Bayesian p|rog||||ram
   ||||  |||| Identification (using δ)        μ
   ||||  |||| P(A = true) = nbattlens+bantntloest battles =-bμraettgileosn∕gs∕ammaep (probability to attack a region)
   ||||  |||| it could be learned online (preference of the opponent) :
   ||||  |||| P(A  = true) = --∑-1+nbattles(i)---- (online for each game ∀r)
   ||||  ||||     i         2+ j∈regionsnbattles(i)                   1+n    (e,t,ta,b)
   ||||  |||| P(E = e,T = t,T A = ta,B = b|A = True) = |E|×|T|×|T-A|×|B|+-ba∑tEtl,esT,TA,B-nbattles(E,T,TA,B-)
   ||||  |||| P(AD  = ad,GD = gd,ID = id|H  = h) =------------1+nb∑attles(ad,gd,id,h)-----------
   ||||  ||||                    ---1+nbattles(h,hp)-|AD|×|GD |×|ID|+  AD,GD,IDnbattles(AD,GD,ID,h)
   ||||  |||( P(H = h |HP  = hp) = |H|+∑H nbattles(H,hp)
   ||||∀i ∈ regionsP(A |e,t,ta)
   ||||              i i  i  i
   ||||∀i ∈ regionsP(Hi|adi,gdi,idi)
   |||(P (A,H |F ullyObserved)

6.6 Results on StarCraft

6.6.1 Learning and posterior analysis

To measure fairly the prediction performance of such a model, we applied “leave-100-out” cross-validation from our dataset: as we had many games (see Table 6.2), we set aside 100 games of each match-up for testing (with more than 1 battle per match: rather 15 battles/match) and train our model on the rest. We write match-ups XvY with X and Y the first letters of the factions involved (Protoss, Terran, Zerg). Note that mirror match-ups (PvP, TvT, ZvZ) have fewer games but twice as many attacks from a given faction (it is twice the same faction). Learning was performed as explained in section 6.5.1: for each battle in r we had one observation for: P(er,tr,tar,br|A = true), and #regions - 1 observations for the i regions which were not attacked: P(eir,tir,tair,bir|A = false). For each battle of type t we had one observation for P(ad,gd,id|H = t) and P(H = t|HP = hp). By learning with a Laplace’s law of succession Jaynes [2003], we allow for unseen event to have a non-zero probability.

An exhaustive presentation of the learned tables is out of the scope of this chapter, but we analyzed the posteriors and the learned model concur with human expertise (e.g. Figures 6.56.6 and 6.7). We looked at the posteriors of:


Figure 6.5: (top) P(H = invis) and P(H = drop) for varying values of GD (summed on other variables); (bottom) P(H = air) and P(H = drop) for varying values of AD (summed on other variables), for Terran in TvP.


Figure 6.6: P(H|HP) for varying values of H and for different values of HP (derived from inferred TT), for Protoss in PvT. Conditioning on what is possible given the tech tree gives a lot of information about what attack types are possible or not. More interestingly, it clusters the game phases in different tech levels and allows for learning the relative distributions of attack types with regard to each phase. For instance, the last (bottom right) plot shows the distribution on attack types at the end of a technologically complete game.


Figure 6.7: P(A) for varying values of E and T, summed on the other variables, for Terran in TvT. Zones with no economy are in red bars, with a low economy in green and the principal economy in blue. The main difference along this economical axis comes at the lowest tactical values of regions (for the defenser) at T < 0.05 (noted T = 0.0) and showcases sneaky attacks to unprotected economical regions.

6.6.2 Prediction performance


We learned and tested one model for each race and for each match-up. As we want to predict where (P(A1:n)) and how (P(Hbattle)) the next attack will happen to us, we used inferred enemy TT (to produce HP) and TA, our scores being fully known: E, T, B, ID. We consider GD, AD to be fully known even though they depend on the attacker force, we should have some uncertainty on them, but we tested that they accounted (being known instead of fully unknown) for 1 to 2% of P(H) accuracy (in prediction) once HP was known. We should point that pro-gamers scout very well and so it allows for a highly accurate TT estimation with [Synnaeve and Bessière2011]. The learning phase requires to recreate battle states (all units’ positions) and count parameters for up to 70,000 battles. Once that is done, inference is very quick: a look-up in a probability table for known values and #F look-ups for free variables F on which we sum. We chose to try and predict the next battle 30 seconds before it happens, 30 seconds being an approximation of the time needed to go from the middle of a map to all other regions is minimal) to any region by ground, so that the prediction is useful for the defender (they can position their army). The model code11 (for learning and testing) as well as the datasets (see above) are freely available.

6.6.3 Predictions

Raw results of predictions of positions and types of attacks 30 seconds before they happen are presented in Table. 6.2: for instance the bold number (38.0) corresponds to the percentage of good positions (regions) predictions (30 sec before event) which were ranked 1st in the probabilities on A1:n for Protoss attacks against Terran (PvT).

Mistakes on the type of the attack are high for invisible attacks: while these tactics can definitely win a game, the counter is strategic (it is to have detectors technology deployed) more than positional. Also, if the maximum of P(Hbattle) is wrong, it does not mean than P(Hbattle = good) = 0.0 at all! The result needing improvements the most is for air tactics, because countering them really is positional, see our discussion in the conclusion.

We also tried the same experiment 60 seconds before the attack. This gives even more time for the player to adapt their tactics. Obviously, the tech tree or the attacker (TT), and thus the possible attack types (HP), are not so different, nor are the bases possession (belongs, B) and the economy (E). For PvT, the where top 4 ranks are 35.6, 8.5, 7.7, 7.0% good versus 38.0, 16.3, 8.9, 6.7% 30 seconds before. For the how total precision 60 seconds before is 70.0% vs. 72.4%. where & how maximum probability precision is 19.9% vs. 23%.

Table 6.2: Results summary for multiple metrics at 30 seconds before attack, including the percentage of the time that it is rightly what happened (% column). For the where question, we show the four most probable predictions, the “Pr” column indicates the mean probability of the each bin of the distribution. For the how question, we show the four types of attacks, their percentages of correctness in predictions (%) and the ratio of a given attack type against the total numbers of attacks (ttyoptael). The number in bold (38.0) is read as “38% of the time, the region i with probability of rank 1 in P(Ai) is the one in which the attack happened 30 seconds later, in the PvT match-up (predicting Protoss attacks on Terran)”. The associated mean probability for the first rank of the where measurement is 0.329. The percentage of good predictions of ground type attacks type in PvT is 98.1%, while ground type attacks, in this match-up, constitute 54% (ratio of 0.54) of all the attacks. The where & how line corresponds to the correct predictions of both where and how simultaneously (as most probables). NA (not available) is in cases for which we do not have enough observations to conclude sufficient statistics. Remember that attacks only include fights with at least 3 units involved.

%: good predictions
Pr=mean probability

total # games

measure rank % Pr % Pr % Pr % Pr % Pr % Pr % Pr % Pr % Pr

1 40.9.33438.0.32934.5.30435.3 .299 34.4.29539.00.35832.8 .31 39.8.33137.2.324
2 14.6.15716.3.14913.0.15214.3.148 14.7.14717.8.174 15.4.16616.6.14816.9.157
3 7.8 .089 8.9 .085 6.9 .092 9.8 .09 8.4 .08710.0 .096 11.3.099 7.6 .08410.7.100
4 7.6 .062 6.7 .0597.9 .0648.6 .071 6.9 .0637.0 .062 8.9 .07 7.7 .0648.6 .07

measure type % ttyoptael % ttypoteal % ttyotpeal % ttyotpeal % ttypoteal % ttyotpeal % ttoypteal % ttypoteal %         ttyotpeal

G 97.50.6198.10.5498.40.581000.85 99.90.6676.70.32 86.60.4099.80.8467.20.34
A 44.40.0534.50.1646.80.19 40 0.00813.30.0947.10.19 14.20.1015.80.0374.20.33
I 22.70.1449.60.1312.90.13NA NA NANA 36.80.15 32.60.15NANA NANA
D 55.90.2042.20.1745.20.1093.50.13 86 0.2462.80.34 67.70.3581.40.1363.60.32
76.3 1.0 72.4 1.0 71.9 1.0 98.4 1.0 88.5 1.0 60.4 1.0 64.6 1.0 94.7 1.0 67.6 1.0

where & how (%)

6.6.4 Error analysis


When we are mistaken, the mean ground distance (pathfinding wise) of the most probable predicted region to the good one (where the attack happens) is 1223 pixels (38 build tiles, or 2 screens in StarCraft’s resolution). To put things in perspective, the tournament maps are mostly between 128 × 128 and 192 × 192 build tiles, and the biggest maps are of 256 × 256 build tiles.

More interesting is to look at the mean ground distance (see Tables 6.1 and 6.8) between two regions:

metrics P T Z P T Z P T Z

μ ground dist13
#1 prediction attack region 104711341266125713061252122810671480

μground dist
region region 256926082607260826292604260726042596

Figure 6.8: Table of the mean ground distance between the most probable prediction and the region in which the attack actually happened when we are mistaken on the first prediction, and mean ground distance between regions

We can see that the most probable predicted region for the attack is not as far of as if it were random.

Towards a baseline heuristic

The mean number of regions by map is 19, so a random where (attack destination) picking policy would have a correctness of 1/19 (5.23%). For choke-centered regions, the numbers of good where predictions are lower (between 24% and 32% correct for the most probable) but the mean number of regions by map is 42. For where & how, a random policy would have a precision of 1/(19*4), and even a random policy taking the high frequency of ground attacks into account would at most be 1/(19*2) correct.

For the location only (where question), we also counted the mean number of different regions which were attacked in a given game (between 3.97 and 4.86 for regions, depending on the match-up, and between 5.13 and 6.23 for choke-dependent regions). The ratio over these means would give the prediction rate we could expect from a baseline heuristic based solely on the location data: a heuristic which knows totally in which regions we can get attacked and then randomly select in them. These are attacks that actually happened, so the number of regions a player have to be worried about is at least this one (or more, for regions which were not attacked during a game but were potential targets). This baseline heuristic would yield (depending on the match-up) prediction rates between 20.5 and 25.2% for regions, versus our 32.8 to 40.9%, and between 16.1% and 19.5% for choke-dependent regions, versus our 24% to 32%.

Note that our current model consider a uniform prior on regions (no bias towards past battlefields) and that we do not incorporate any derivative of the armies’ movements. There is no player modeling at all: learning and fitting the mean player’s tactics is not optimal, so we should specialize the probability tables for each player. Also, we use all types of battles in our training and testing. Short experiments showed that if we used only attacks on bases, the probability of good where predictions for the maximum of P(A1:n) goes above 50% (which is not a surprise, there are far less bases than regions in which attacks happen). To conclude on tactics positions prediction: if we sum the 2 most probable regions for the attack, we are right at least half the time; if we sum the 4 most probable (for our robotic player, it means it prepares against attacks in 4 regions as opposed to 19), we are right 70% of the time.

6.6.5 In-game decision-making

In a StarCraft game, our bot has to make decisions about where and how to attack or defend, it does so by reasoning about opponent’s tactics, bases, its priors, and under strategic constraints (Fig. 6). Once a decision is taken, the output of the tactical model is an offensive or defensive (typed) goal (see sections 6.3.4 and 8.1.2). The spawned goal then autonomously sets objectives for Bayesian units Synnaeve and Bessière [2011a], sometimes procedurally creating intermediate objectives or canceling itself in the worst cases.

There is no direct way of evaluating decision-making without involving at least micro-management and others parts of the bot. Regardless, we will explain how the decision-making process works.

We can use this model to spawn both offensive and defensive goals, either by taking the most probable attacks/threats, or by sampling in the answer to the question, or by taking into account the risk of the different plausible attacks weighted by their probabilities:


Figure 6.9: Mean P(A,H) for all H values and the top 8 P(Ai,Hi) values, for Terran in TvZ. The larger the white square area, the higher P(Ai,Hi). A simple way of taking a tactical decision according to this model, and the learned parameters, is by sampling in this distribution.

Finally, we can steer our technological growth towards the opponent’s weaknesses. A question that we can ask our model (at time t) is P(TT), or, in two parts: we first find i,hi which maximize P(A1:n,H1:n) at time t + 1, and then ask a more directive:

P (T T|hi) ∝    P(hi|HP )P(HP |TT )P (T T)
so that it gives us a distribution on the tech trees (TT) needed to be able to perform the wanted attack type. To take a decision on our technology direction, we can consider the distances between our current ttt and all the probable values of TTt+1.

6.7 Discussion

6.7.1 In-game learning

The prior on A can be tailored to the opponent (P(A|opponent)). In a given match, it should be initialized to uniform and progressively learn the preferred attack regions of the opponent for better predictions. We can also penalize or reward ourselves and learn the regions in which our attacks fail or succeed for decision-making. Both these can easily be done with some form of weighted counting (“add-n smoothing”) or even Laplace’s rule of succession.

In match situation against a given opponent, for inputs that we can unequivocally attribute to their intention (style and general strategy), we can also refine the probability tables of P(E,T,TA,B|A,opponent), P(AD,GD,ID|H,opponent) and P(H|HP,opponent) (with Laplace’s rule of succession). For instance, we can refine E,T,TAP(E,T,TA,B|A,opponent) corresponding to their aggressiveness (aggro) or our successes and failures. Indeed, if we sum over E, T and TA, we consider the inclination of our opponent to venture into enemy territory or the interest that we have to do so by counting our successes with aggressive or defensive parameters. By refining P(H|HP,opponent), we are learning the opponent’s inclination for particular types of tactics according to what is available to them, or for us the effectiveness of our attack types choices.

6.7.2 Possible improvements

There are several main research directions for possible improvements:

Finally, our approach is not exclusive to most of the techniques presented above, and it could be interesting to combine it with Monte-Carlo planning, as Chung et al. [2005] did for capture-the-flag tactics in Open RTS. Also, UCT* is a Monte-Carlo planning algorithm allowing to build a sparse tree over the state tree (edges are actions, nodes are states) which had excellent results in Go [Gelly and Wang2006Gelly et al.2012]. Balla and Fern [2009] showed that UCT could be used in an RTS game (with multiple simultaneous actions) to generate tactical plans. Another track (instead of UCT) would be to use metareasoning for MCTS* [Hay and Russell2011], which would incorporate domain knowledge and/or hyper-parameters (aggressiveness...).

6.7.3 Conclusion

We have presented a Bayesian tactical model for RTS AI, which allows both for opposing tactics prediction and autonomous tactical decision-making. Being a probabilistic model, it deals with uncertainty easily, and its design allows easy integration into multi-granularity (multi-scale) AI systems as needed in RTS AI. The advantages are that 1) learning will adapt the model output to its biased heuristic inputs 2) the updating process is the same for offline and online (in-game) learning. Without any temporal dynamics, the position prediction is above a baseline heuristic ([32.8-40.9%] vs [20.5-25.2%]). Moreover, its exact prediction rate of the joint position and tactical type is in [23-32.8]% (depending on the match-up), and considering the 4 most probable regions it goes up to 70%. More importantly, it allows for tactical decision-making under (technological) constraints and (state) uncertainty. It can be used in production thanks to its low CPU and memory footprint.

Chapter 7

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
What is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy.

Sun Tzu (The Art of War, 476-221 BC)

WE present our solutions to some of the problems raised at the strategic level. The main idea is to reduce the complexity encoding all possible variations of strategies to a few strong indicators: the build tree* (closely related to the tech tree*) and canonical army compositions. We start by explaining what we consider that belongs to strategic thinking, and related work. We then describe the information that we will use and the decisions that can be taken. As we try and abstract early game strategies to “openings” (as in Chess), we will present how we labeled a dataset of games with openings. Then, we present the Bayesian model for build tree prediction (from partial observations), followed by its augmented version able to predict the opponent’s opening. Both models were evaluated in prediction dataset of skilled players. Finally we explain our work on army composition adaptation (to the opponent’s army).

Build trees estimation was published at the Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AAAI AIIDE) 2011 in Palo Alto [Synnaeve and Bessière2011] and openings prediction was published at Computational Intelligence in Games (IEEE CIG) 2011 in Seoul [Synnaeve and Bessière2011b].


Figure 7.1: Information-centric view of the architecture of the bot, the part concerning this chapter is in the dotted rectangle

7.1 What is strategy?

As it is an abstract concept, what constitutes strategy is hard to grasp. The definition that we use for strategy is a combination of aggressiveness and “where do we put the cursor/pointer/slider between economy, technology and military production?”. It is very much related to where we put our resources:

Strategy is a question of balance between these three axis, and of knowing when we can attack and when we should stay in defense. Being aggressive is best when we have a military advantage (in numbers or technology) over the opponent. Advantages are gained by investments in these axis, and capitalizing on them when we max out our returns (comparatively to the opponent’s).

The other aspect of strategy is to decide what to do with these resources. This is the part that we studied the most, and the decision-making questions are:

In the following, we studied the estimation of the opponent’s strategy in terms of tech trees* (build trees*), abstracted (labeled) opening* (early strategy), army composition, and how we should adapt our own strategy to it.

7.2 Related work

There are precedent works of Bayesian plan recognition [Charniak and Goldman1993], even in games with [Albrecht et al.1998] using dynamic Bayesian networks to recognize a user’s plan in a multi-player dungeon adventure. Commercial RTS games most commonly use FSM* [Houlette and Fu2003] to encode strategies and their transitions.

There are related works in the domains of opponent modeling [Hsieh and Sun2008Schadd et al.2007Kabanza et al.2010]. The main methods used to these ends are case-based reasoning (CBR) and planning or plan recognition [Aha et al.2005Ontañón et al.2008Ontañón et al.2007bHoang et al.2005Ramírez and Geffner2009].

Aha et al. [2005] used CBR* to perform dynamic plan retrieval extracted from domain knowledge in Wargus (Warcraft II open source clone). Ontañón et al. [2008] base their real-time case-based planning (CBP) system on a plan dependency graph which is learned from human demonstration in Wargus. In [Ontañón et al.2007bMishra et al.2008b], they use CBR and expert demonstrations on Wargus. They improve the speed of CPB by using a decision tree to select relevant features. Hsieh and Sun [2008] based their work on [Aha et al.2005] and used StarCraft replays to construct states and building sequences. Strategies are choices of building construction order in their model.

Schadd et al. [2007] describe opponent modeling through hierarchically structured models of the opponent’s behavior and they applied their work to the Spring RTS game (Total Annihilation open source clone). Hoang et al. [2005] use hierarchical task networks (HTN*) to model strategies in a first person shooter with the goal to use HTN planners. Kabanza et al. [2010] improve the probabilistic hostile agent task tracker (PHATT [Geib and Goldman2009], a simulated HMM* for plan recognition) by encoding strategies as HTN.

Weber and Mateas [2009] presented “a data mining approach to strategy prediction” and performed supervised learning (from buildings features) on labeled StarCraft replays. In this chapter, for openings prediction, we worked with the same dataset as they did, using their openings labels and comparing it to our own labeling method.

Dereszynski et al. [2011] presented their work at the same conference that we presented [Synnaeve and Bessière2011]. They used an HMM which states are extracted from (unsupervised) maximum likelihood on the dataset. The HMM parameters are learned from unit counts (both buildings and military units) every 30 seconds and Viterbi inference is used to predict the most likely next states from partial observations.

Jónsson [2012] augmented the C4.5 decision tree [Quinlan1993] and nearest neighbour with generalized examplars [Martin1995], also used by Weber and Mateas [2009], with a Bayesian network on the buildings (build tree*). Their results confirm ours: the predictive power is strictly better and the resistance to noise far greater than without encoding probabilistic estimations of the build tree*.

7.3 Perception and interaction

7.3.1 Buildings

From last chapter (section 6.3.3), we recall that the tech tree* is a directed acyclic graph which contains the whole technological (buildings and upgrades) development of a player. Also, each unit and building has a sight range that provides the player with a view of the map. Parts of the map not in the sight range of the player’s units are under fog of war and the player ignores what is and happens there. We also recall the notion of build order*: the timings at which the first buildings are constructed.

In this chapter, we will use build trees* as a proxy for estimating some of the strategy. A build tree is a little different than the tech tree*: it is the tech tree without upgrades and researches (only buildings) and augmented of some duplications of buildings. For instance, {Pylon Gateway} and {PylonGateway,Gateway2} gives the same tech tree but we consider that they are two different build trees. Indeed, the second Gateway gives some units producing power to the player (it allows for producing two Gateway units at ones). Very early in the game, it also shows investment in production and the strategy is less likely to be focused on quick opening of technology paths/upgrades. We have chosen how many different versions of a given building type to put in the build trees (as shown in Table 7.2), so it is a little more arbitrary than the tech trees. Note that when we know the build tree, we have a very strong conditioning on the tech tree.

7.3.2 Openings

In RTS games jargon, an opening* denotes the same thing than in Chess: an early game plan for which the player has to make choices. In Chess because one can not move many pieces at once (each turn), in RTS games because during the development phase, one is economically limited and has to choose between economic and military priorities and can not open several tech paths at once. A rush* is an aggressive attack “as soon as possible”, the goal is to use an advantage of surprise and/or number of units to weaken a developing opponent. A push (also timing push or timing attack) is a solid and constructed attack that aims at striking when the opponent is weaker: either because we reached a wanted army composition and/or because we know the opponent is expanding or “teching”. The opening* is also (often) strongly tied to the first military (tactical) moves that will be performed. It corresponds to the 5 (early rushes) to 15 minutes (advanced technology / late push) timespan.

Players have to find out what opening their opponents are doing to be able to effectively deal with the strategy (army composition) and tactics (military moves: where and when) thrown at them. For that, players scout each other and reason about the incomplete information they can bring together about army and buildings composition. This chapter presents a probabilistic model able to predict the opening* of the enemy that is used in a StarCraft AI competition entry bot. Instead of hard-coding strategies or even considering plans as a whole, we consider the long term evolution of our tech tree* and the evolution of our army composition separately (but steering and constraining each others), as shown in Figure 7.1. With this model, our bot asks “what units should I produce?” (assessing the whole situation), being able to revise and adapt its production plans.

Later in the game, as the possibilities of strategies “diverge” (as in Chess), there are no longer fixed foundations/terms that we can speak of as for openings. Instead, what is interesting is to know the technologies available to the enemy as well as have a sense of the composition of their army. The players have to adapt to each other’s technologies and armies compositions either to be able to defend or to attack. Some units are more cost-efficient than others against particular compositions. Some combinations of units play well with each others (for instance biological units with “medics” or a good ratio of strong contact units backed with fragile ranged or artillery units). Finally, some units can be game changing by themselves like cloaking units, detectors, massive area of effects units...

7.3.3 Military units

Strategy is not limited to technology state, openings and timings. The player must also take strategic decisions about the army composition. While some special tactics (drops, air raids, invisible attacks) require some specific units, these does not constitute the bulk of the army, at least not after the first stages of the game (10 minutes).

The different attack types and “armor” (size) types of units make it so that pairing units against each others is like a soft rock-paper-scissors (shi-fu-mi). But there is more to army composition than playing rock-paper-scissors with anticipation (units take time to be produced) and partial information: some units combine well with each others. The simplest example of combinations are ranged units and contact units which can be very weak (lots of weaknesses) taken separately, but they form an efficient army when combined. There are also units which empower others through abilities, or units with very strong defensive or offensive abilities with which one unit can change the course of a battle. As stated before, these different units need different parts of the tech tree to be available and they have different resources costs. All things considered, deciding which units to produce is dependent on the opponent’s army, the requirements of the planned tactics, the resources and the current (and future) technology available to the player.

7.4 Replays labeling

A replay* contains all the actions of each players during a game. We used a dataset of replays to see when the players build which buildings (see Table B.1 in appendix for an example of the buildings constructions actions). We attributed a label for each player for each game which notes the players opening*.

7.4.1 Dataset

We used Weber and Mateas [Weber and Mateas2009] dataset of labeled replays. It is composed of 8806 StarCraft: Broodwar game logs, the details are given in Table 7.1. A match-up* is a set of the two opponents races: Protoss versus Terran (PvT) is a match-up, Protoss versus Zerg (PvZ) is another one. They are distinguished because strategies distribution are very different across match-ups (see Tables 7.1 and 7.3). Weber and Mateas used logic rules on building sequences to put their labels, concerning only tier 2 strategies (no tier 1 rushes).

opening PvPPvTPvZopening TvPTvTTvZopening ZvPZvTZvZ

FastLegs 4 17 108 Bio 144 41 911 Lurker 33 184 1
FastExpand 119 350 465 Unknown 66 33 119 Unknown 159 164 212
ReaverDrop 51 135 31 Standard 226 1 9 HydraRush 48 13 9
FastObs 145 360 9 SiegeExpand 255 49 7 Standard 40 80 1
Unknown 121 87 124 VultureHarass 134 226 5 TwoHatchMuta 76 191 738
Carrier 2 8 204 TwoFactory 218 188 24 HydraMass 528 204 14
FastDT 100 182 83 FastDropship 96 90 75 ThreeHatchMuta 140 314 35

total 542 11391024total 1139 628 1150total 102411501010

Table 7.1: Weber’s dataset with its labels. XvY means the XvY or YvX match-up but the openings numbers are presented for X.

7.4.2 Probabilistic labeling

Instead of labeling with rules, we used (positive labeling vs rest) clustering of the opening’s main features to label the games of each player.

The pitfall of logical/rule-based labeling

Openings are closely related to build orders* (BO) but different BO can lead to the same opening and some BO are shared by different openings. Particularly, if we do not take into account the time at which the buildings are constructed, we may have a wrong opening label too often: if an opening consist in having building C as soon as possible, it does not matter if we built B-A-C instead of the standard A-B-C as long as we have built C quickly. That is the kind of case that will be overlooked by logical labeling. For that reason, we tried to label replays with the statistical appearance of key features with a semi-supervised method (see Figure 7.2). Indeed, the purpose of our opening prediction model is to help our StarCraft playing bot to deal with rushes and special tactics. This was not the main focus of Weber and Mateas’ labels, which follow exactly the build tree. So, we used the key components of openings that we want to be aware of as features for our labeling algorithm as shown in Table 7.2.


Figure 7.2: Data centric view of our semi-supervised labeling of replays. We put together a replays dataset and pass each game (for each player) through a Gaussian mixtures model (GMM*) expectation-maximization (EM*) clustering for each label against the rest. We then filter and keep only the most probable and first to appear opening* label for each player for each game.

Main features of openings

The selection of the features along with the opening labels is the supervised part of our labeling method. The knowledge of the features and openings comes from expert play and the StarCraft Liquipedia2 (a Wikipedia for StarCraft). They are all presented in Table 7.2. For instance, if we want to find out which replays correspond to the “fast Dark Templar” (DT, Protoss invisible unit) opening, we put the time at which the first Dark Templar is constructed as a feature and perform clustering on replays with it. This is what is needed for our playing bot: to be able to know when he has to fear “fast DT” opening and build a detector unit quickly to be able to deal with invisibility.

Table 7.2: Opening/Strategies labels of the replays (Weber’s and ours are not always corresponding)

Race Weber’s labels Our labels Features Note (what we fear)

Protoss FastLegs speedzeal Legs, GroundWeapons+1 quick speed+upgrade attack
FastDT fast_dt DarkTemplar invisible units
FastObs nony Goon, Range quick long ranged attack
ReaverDrop reaver_drop Reaver, Shuttle tactical attack zone damages
Carrier corsair Corsair flying units
FastExpand templar Storm, Templar powerful zone attack
two_gates 2ndGateway, Gateway, aggressive rush
Unknown unknown (no clear label)

Terran Bio bio 3rdBarracks, 2ndBarracks, aggressive rush
TwoFactory two_facto 2ndFactory strong push (long range)
VultureHarass vultures Mines, Vulture aggressive harass, invisible
SiegeExpand fast_exp3 Expansion, Barracks economical advantage
FastDropship drop DropShip tactical attack
Unknown unknown (no clear label)

Zerg TwoHatchMuta fast_mutas Mutalisk, Gas early air raid
ThreeHatchMuta mutas 3rdHatch, Mutalisk massive air raid
HydraRush hydras Hydra, HydraSpeed, quick ranged attack
Standard (speedlings) (ZerglingSpeed, Zergling) (removed, quick attacks/mobility)
Lurker lurkers Lurker invisible and zone damages
Unknown unknown (no clear label)

Table 7.3: Openings distributions for Terran in all the match-ups. They are the result of the clustering-based labeling with selection of one label per replay and per player. We can see that openings usage is different depending on the match-up*.

vs Protoss vs Terran vs Zerg
Opening NbPercentage NbPercentage NbPercentage

bio 62 6.2 25 4.4 197 22.6
fast_exp 438 43.5 377 65.4 392 44.9
two_facto240 23.8 127 22.0 116 13.3
vultures 122 12.1 3 0.6 3 0.3
drop 52 5.2 10 1.7 121 13.9
unknown 93 9.3 34 5.9 43 5.0


For the clustering part, we tried k-means and expectation-maximization (EM*, with Gaussian mixtures) on Gaussian mixtures with shapes and volumes chosen with a Bayesian information criterion (BIC*). Best BIC models were almost always the most agreeing with expert knowledge (15/17 labels), so we kept this method. We used the R package Mclust [Fraley and Raftery20022006] to perform full EM clustering.

The Gaussian mixture model (GMM*) is as follows:

The σj matrices can define Gaussian distribution of any combinations between:

A σ with variable volume, variable shape and variable orientation is also called a full covariance matrix. We chose the combinations with the best (i.e. smallest) BIC* score. For a given model with n data points, m parameters and L the maximum likelihood, BIC = -2ln(L) + mln(n).


Figure 7.3: Protoss vs Terran distribution of first appearance of Dark Templars (Protoss invisible unit) for the “fast_dt” label (left mode) vs the rest (right mode).


Figure 7.4: Terran vs Zerg Barracks and first Expansion timings (Terran). The bottom left cluster (square data points) is the one labeled as fast_exp. Variable volume, variable shape, variable orientation covariance matrices.


Figure 7.5: Protoss vs Protoss Ground Attack +1 and Zealot Legs upgrades timings. The bottom left cluster (square data points) is the one labeled as speedzeal. Variable volume, equal shape, spherical covariance matrices.


Figure 7.6: Zerg vs Protoss time of the third Hatch and first appearance of Mutalisks. The bottom left cluster (square data points) is the one labeled as mutas. Variable volume, variable shape, variable orientation covariance matrices.

Labeling, score filtering

The whole process of labeling replays (games) is shown in Figure 7.2. We produce “2 bins clustering” for each set of features (corresponding to each opening), and label the replays belonging to the cluster with the lower norm of features’ appearances (that is exactly the purpose of our features). Figures 7.5, 7.4 and 7.6 show the clusters out of EM with the features of the corresponding openings. We thought of clustering because there are two cases in which you build a specific military unit or research a specific upgrade: either it is part of your opening, or it is part of your longer term game plan or even in reaction to the opponent. So the distribution over the time at which a feature appears is bimodal, with one (sharp) mode corresponding to “opening with it” and the other for the rest of the games, as can be seen in Figure 7.3.

Due to the different time of effect of different openings, some replays are labeled two or three times with different labels. So, finally, we apply a score filtering to transform multiple label replays into unique label ones (see Figure 7.2). For that we choose the openings labels that were happening the earliest (as they are a closer threat to the bot in a game setup) if and only if they were also the most probable or at 10% of probability of the most probable label (to exclude transition boundaries of clusters) for this replay. We find the earliest by comparing the norms of the clusters means in competition. All replays without a label or with multiple labels (i.e. which did not had a unique solution in filtering) after the filtering were labeled as unknown. An example of what is the final distribution amongst replays’ openings labels is given for the three Terran match-ups* in Table 7.3. We then used this labeled dataset as well as Weber and Mateas’ labels in the testing of our Bayesian model for opening prediction.

7.5 Build tree prediction

The work described in the next two sections can be classified as probabilistic plan recognition. Strictly speaking, we present model-based machine learning used for prediction of plans, while our model is not limited to prediction. We performed two levels of plan recognition, both are learned from the replays: tech tree prediction (unsupervised, it does not need openings labeling, this section) and opening prediction (semi-supervised or supervised depending on the labeling method, next section).

7.5.1 Bayesian model


At first, we generated all the possible (according to the game rules) build trees* (BT values) of StarCraft, and there are between 500 and 1600 depending on the race without even counting buildings duplicates! We observed that a lot of possible build trees are too absurd to be performed in a competitive match and were never seen during the learning. So, we restricted BT to have its value in all the build trees encountered in our replays dataset and we added multiple instances of the basic unit producing buildings (gateway, barracks), expansions and supply buildings (depot, pylon, “overlord” as a building), as shown in Table 7.2. This way, there are 810 build trees for Terran, 346 for Protoss and 261 for Zerg (learned from 3000 games for each race, see Table 7.1). In a new game, if we encounter a build tree that we never saw, we are in a unknown state. Anyway we would not have seen enough data (any at all) during the learning to conclude anything. We could look at the proximity of the build tree to other known build trees, see section 7.5.2 and the Discussion (7.5.3).


The joint distribution of our model is the following:

P (T, BT,O1 ...ON ,λ) = P (T|BT )P(BT )P(λ|BT, O1:N)  P(Oi)

This can also be see as a plate diagram in Figure 7.7.


Figure 7.7: Graphical model (plate notation) of the build tree Bayesian model, gray variables are known.


Identification (learning)

As we have full observations in the training phase, learning is just counting and averaging. The learning of the P(T|BT) bell shapes parameters takes into account the uncertainty of the bt for which we have few observations: the normal distribution P(T|bt) begins with a high σbt2, and not a strong peak at μbt on the seen T value and sigma = 0. This accounts for the fact that the first(s) observation(s) may be outlier(s). This learning process is independent on the order of the stream of examples, seeing point A and then B or B and then A in the learning phase produces the same result.


The question that we will ask in all the benchmarks is:

P(BT |T = t,O1:N = o1:N,λ = 1) ∝ P(t|BT )P(BT )P (λ|BT, o1:N)  P(oi)

An example of the evolution of this question with new observations is depicted in Figure 7.8, in which we can see that build trees (possibly closely related) succeed each others (normal) until convergence.

Bayesian program

The full Bayesian program is:

   (|  (|   (| V ariables
   ||||  ||||   ||||
   ||||  ||||   |||| T,BT, O1...ON ,λ
   ||||  ||||   |||| Decomposition
   ||||  ||||   ||{ P(T,BT, O1 ...ON ,λ) = JD
   ||||Sp||||ecificatio=nP((πλ)|BT,O ⟦1...N⟧)P (T |BT )∏Ni=1P(Oi)P(BT )
   ||||  ||||   |||| F orms
   ||||  {   ||||
 De|{scri||ption|||| P(λ|BT,O ⟦1...N⟧) = functional Dirac (coherence)
Bayesian p|rog||||ram |||( P(T|BT = bt) = discrete N(μbt,σ2bt)
   ||||  ||||
   ||||  |||| Identification
   ||||  |||| P(BT  = bt|Opt = op) = 1+count(bt,op)
   ||||  ||||                      |BT |+count(op)  2
   ||||  |||( (μbt,σbt) = argmaxμ,σP(T|BT = bt;μ,σ )
   |(P (BT|T = t,O1:N = o1:N ,λ = 1) ∝ P (t|BT)P (BT )P(λ|BT,o1:N )∏N  P(oi)


Figure 7.8: Evolution of P(BT|observations,time,λ = 1) in time (seen/observed buildings on the x-axis). Only BT with a probability > 0.01 are shown. The numbers in the legend correspond to build trees identifier numbers. The interpolation was obtained by fitting a second order polynomial.

7.5.2 Results

All the results presented in this section represents the nine match-ups (races combinations) in 1 versus 1 (duel) of StarCraft. We worked with a dataset of 8806 replays (1000 per match-up) of skilled human players (see 7.1) and we performed cross-validation with 9/10th of the dataset used for learning and the remaining 1/10th of the dataset used for evaluation. Performance wise, the learning part (with 1000 replays) takes around 0.1 second on a 2.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo CPU (and it is serializable). Each inference (question) step takes around 0.01 second. The memory footprint is around 3Mb on a 64 bits machine.


k is the numbers of buildings ahead that we can accurately predict the build tree of the opponent at a fixed d. d values are distances between the predicted build tree(s) and the reality (at fixed k).

The robustness to noise is measured by the distance d to the real build tree with increasing levels of noise, for k = 0.

The predictive power of our model is measured by the k > 0 next buildings for which we have “good enough” prediction of future build trees in:

P(BT   |T = t,O1:N = o1:N,λ = 1)

“Good enough” is measured by a distance d to the actual build tree of the opponent that we tolerate. We used a set distance: d(bt1,bt2) = card(bt1Δbt2) = card((bt1 bt2)\(bt1 bt2)). One less or more building in the prediction is at a distance of 1 from the actual build tree. The same set of buildings except for one replacement is at a distance of 2 (that would be 1 is we used tree edit distance with substitution).

Note that this distance is always over the complete build tree, and not only the newly inferred buildings. This distance metric was counted only after the fourth (4th) building so that the first buildings would not penalize the prediction metric (the first building can not be predicted 4 buildings in advance).

For information, the first 4 buildings for a Terran player are more often amongst his first supply depot, barracks, refinery (gas), and factory or expansion or second barracks. For Zerg, the first 4 buildings are is first overlord, zergling pool, extractor (gas), and expansion or lair tech. For Protoss, it can be first pylon, gateway, assimilator (gas), cybernectics core, and sometimes robotics center, or forge or expansion.

Table 7.4 shows the full results, the first line has to be interpreted as “without noise, the average of the following measures are” (columns):

The second line (“min”) is the minimum across the different match-ups* (as they are detailed for noise = 10%), the third (“max”) is for the maximum across match-ups, both still at zero noise. Subsequent sets of lines are for increasing values of noise (i.e. missing observations).

Predictive power

To test the predictive power of our model, we are interested at looking at how big k is (how much “time” before we can predict a build tree) at fixed values of d. We used d = 1,2,3: with d = 1 we have a very strong sense of what the opponent is doing or will be doing, with d = 3, we may miss one key building or the opponent may have switched of tech path.

We can see in Table 7.4 that with d = 1 and without noise (first line), our model predicts in average more than one building in advance (k > 1) what the opponent will build next if we use only its best prediction. If we marginalize over BT (sum on BT weighted by P(bt)), we can almost predict four buildings in advance. Of course, if we accept more error, the predictive power (number of buildings ahead that our model is capable to predict) increases, up to 6.122 (in average) for d = 3 without noise.

Table 7.4: Summarization of the main results/metrics, one full results set for 10% noise

d for k = 0
k for d = 1
k for d = 2
k for d = 3
noise d(best,real)d(bt,real) * P(bt)best “mean”best “mean”best “mean”

average 0.535 0.870 1.193 3.991 2.760 5.249 3.642 6.122
min 0.313 0.574 0.861 2.8 2.239 3.97 3.13 4.88
max 1.051 1.296 2.176 5.334 3.681 6.683 4.496 7.334

PvP 0.397 0.646 1.061 2.795 2.204 3.877 2.897 4.693
PvT 0.341 0.654 0.991 2.911 2.017 4.053 2.929 5.079
PvZ 0.516 0.910 0.882 3.361 2.276 4.489 3.053 5.308
TvP 0.608 0.978 0.797 4.202 2.212 5.171 3.060 5.959
TvT 1.043 1.310 0.983 4.75 3.45 5.85 3.833 6.45
TvZ 0.890 1.250 1.882 4.815 3.327 5.873 4.134 6.546
ZvP 0.521 0.933 0.89 3.82 2.48 4.93 3.16 5.54
ZvT 0.486 0.834 0.765 3.156 2.260 4.373 3.139 5.173
ZvZ 0.399 0.694 0.9 2.52 2.12 3.53 2.71 4.38
average 0.578 0.912 1.017 3.592 2.483 4.683 3.213 5.459
min 0.341 0.646 0.765 2.52 2.017 3.53 2.71 4.38
max 1.043 1.310 1.882 4.815 3.45 5.873 4.134 6.546

average 0.610 0.949 0.900 3.263 2.256 4.213 2.866 4.873
min 0.381 0.683 0.686 2.3 1.858 3.25 2.44 3.91
max 1.062 1.330 1.697 4.394 3.133 5.336 3.697 5.899

average 0.670 1.003 0.747 2.902 2.055 3.801 2.534 4.375
min 0.431 0.749 0.555 2.03 1.7 3 2.22 3.58
max 1.131 1.392 1.394 3.933 2.638 4.722 3.176 5.268

aerage 0.740 1.068 0.611 2.529 1.883 3.357 2.20 3.827
min 0.488 0.820 0.44 1.65 1.535 2.61 1.94 3.09
max 1.257 1.497 1.201 3.5 2.516 4.226 2.773 4.672

average 0.816 1.145 0.493 2.078 1.696 2.860 1.972 3.242
min 0.534 0.864 0.363 1.33 1.444 2.24 1.653 2.61
max 1.354 1.581 1 2.890 2.4 3.613 2.516 3.941

average 0.925 1.232 0.400 1.738 1.531 2.449 1.724 2.732
min 0.586 0.918 0.22 1.08 1.262 1.98 1.448 2.22
max 1.414 1.707 0.840 2.483 2 3.100 2.083 3.327

average 1.038 1.314 0.277 1.291 1.342 2.039 1.470 2.270
min 0.633 0.994 0.16 0.79 1.101 1.653 1.244 1.83
max 1.683 1.871 0.537 1.85 1.7 2.512 1.85 2.714

average 1.134 1.367 0.156 0.890 1.144 1.689 1.283 1.831
min 0.665 1.027 0.06 0.56 0.929 1.408 1.106 1.66
max 1.876 1.999 0.333 1.216 1.4 2.033 1.5 2.176

Robustness to missing informations (“noise”)

The robustness of our algorithm is measured by the quality of the predictions of the build trees for k = 0 (reconstruction, estimation) or k > 0 (prediction) with missing observations in:

P(BT t+k|T = t,O1:N = partial(o1:N),λ = 1)

The “reconstructive” power (infer what has not been seen) ensues from the learning of our parameters from real data: even in the set of build trees that are possible, with regard to the game rules, only a few will be probable at a given time and/or with some key structures. The fact that we have a distribution on BT allows us to compare different values bt of BT on the same scale and to use P(BT) (“soft evidence”) as an input in other models. This “reconstructive” power of our model is shown in Table 7.4 with d (distance to actual building tree) for increasing noise at fixed k = 0.

Figure 7.9 displays first (on top) the evolution of the error rate in reconstruction (distance to actual building) with increasing random noise (from 0% to 80%, no missing observations to 8 missing observations over 10). We consider that having an average distance to the actual build tree a little over 1 for 80% missing observations is a success. This means that our reconstruction of the enemy build tree with a few rightly timed observations is very accurate. We should ponder that this average “missed” (unpredicted or wrongly predicted) building can be very important (for instance if it unlocks game changing technology). We think that this robustness to noise is due to P(T|BT) being precise with the amount of data that we used, and the build tree structure.

Secondly, Figure 7.9 displays (at the bottom) the evolution of the predictive power (number of buildings ahead from the build tree that it can predict) with the same increase of noise. Predicting 2 building ahead with d = 1 (1 building of tolerance) gives that we predict right (for sure) at least one building, at that is realized up to almost 50% of noise. In this case, this “one building ahead” right prediction (with only 50% of the information) can give us enough time to adapt our strategy (against a game changing technology).


Figure 7.9: Evolution of our metrics with increasing noise, from 0 to 80%. The top graphic shows the increase in distance between the predicted build tree, both most probable (“best”) and marginal (“mean”) and the actual one. The bottom graphic shows the decrease in predictive power: numbers of buildings ahead (k) for which our model predict a build tree closer than a fixed distance/error (d).

7.5.3 Possible improvements

We recall that we used the prediction of build trees (or tech trees), as a proxy for the estimation of an opponent’s technologies and production capabilities.

This work can be extended by having a model for the two players (the bot/AI and the opponent):

P(BTbot,BTop, Oop,1:N ,T, λ)
So that we could ask this (new) model:
P (BTbot|obsop,1:N,t,λ = 1)
This would allow for simple and dynamic build tree adaptation to the opponent strategy (dynamic re-planning), by the inference path:
   P(BTbot|obsop,1:N,t,λ = 1)
∝  ∑   P(BT   |BT  ) (learned)
   BT       bot   op
   ×P (BTop )P (oop,1:N) (priors)
   ×P (λ |BTop,oop,1:N ) (consistency)
   ×P (t|BTop) (learned)
That way, one can ask “what build/tech tree should I go for against what I see from my opponent”, which tacitly seeks the distribution on BTop to break the complexity of the possible combinations of O1:N. It is possible to not marginalize over BTop, but consider only the most probable(s) BTop. In this usage, a filter on BTbot (as simple as P(BTbott|BTbott-1) can and should be added to prevent switching build orders or strategies too often.

7.6 Openings

7.6.1 Bayesian model

We now build upon the previous build tree* predictor model to predict the opponent’s strategies (openings) from partial observations.


As before, we have:

Additionally, we have:


The joint distribution of our model is the following:

   P(T,BT, O1 ...ON ,Opt,Opt-1,λ)                  (7.3)
=  P(Opt|Opt-1)P(Opt-1)P(BT |Opt)P(T|BT, Opt)      (7.4)
   ×P (λ|BT, O⟦1...N ⟧)Πi=1P(Oi)                      (7.5)
This can also be seen as Figure 7.10.

Figure 7.10: Graphical model (plate notation) of the opening Bayesian model, gray variables are known.


Identification (learning)

The learning of the P(BT|Opt) histogram is straight forward counting of occurrences from the labeled replays with “add-one smoothing” (Laplace’s law of succession [Jaynes2003]):

P(BT = bt|Opt = op) = 1+-count_games-(bt∧-op)
                    |BT |+ count_games (op)

The learning of the P(T|BT,Opt) bell shapes parameters takes into account the uncertainty of the couples (bt,op) for which we have few observations. This is even more important as observations may (will) be sparse for some values of Opt, as can be seen in Figure 7.11. As for the previous, the normal distribution P(T|bt,op) begins with a high σbt,op2. This accounts for the fact that the first(s) observation(s) may be outlier(s).


The question that we will ask in all the benchmarks is:

                  P (Opt|T = t,O ⟦1...N⟧ = o⟦1...N⟧,λ = 1)                (7.6)
∝ ∏N  P (o )∑      P(Opt|Opt- 1)∑   P (λ|BT, o    )P(BT |Opt).P(t|BT, Opt()7.7)
   i=1   i   Opt-1              BT         ⟦1...N ⟧
Note that if we see P(BT,Time) as a plan, asking P(BT|Opt,Time) boils down to use our “plan recognition” mode as a planning algorithm. This gives us a distribution on the build trees to follow (build orders) to achieve a given opening.

Bayesian program
   (  (   (
   |||  |||   ||| V ariables
   ||||  ||||   |||| T,BT, O1...ON ,Opt,Opt-1,λ
   ||||  ||||   |||| Decomposition
   ||||  ||||   ||||                    t   t-1
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(T,BT,tO1t..-.1ON ,Opt-,1Op   ,λ) =t JD
   ||||  ||||   |||| = P(Op |Op   )P(Op   )P (BT|∏Op )
   ||||  ||||   ||{ P(λ|BT,O ⟦1...N⟧)P (T |BT, Opt)  Ni=1P(Oi)
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(Opt|Opt-1) = Dirac (filtering)
   ||||  {   ||||      t    t  t-1    t-1         t      t- 1
 De|||{scri||ption|||| P(Op  = otp|Op   = op   ) = 1 iff op == op  ,0 else
Bayesian prog||||ram |||| P(BT |Op = op) = Categorical(|BT |,pop)
   |||  ||||   |||| P(λ|BT,O ⟦1...N⟧) = functional Dirac (coherence)
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(T|BT = bt,Opt = op) = discreteN (μbt,op,σ2bt,op)
   ||||  ||||   |(
   ||||  ||||
   ||||  |||| Identificationt        1+count(bt,op)
   ||||  |||| P(BT  = bt|Op = op) = |BT-|+count(op)
   ||||  |||| (μbt,op,σbt,op) = argmaxμ,σP(T|BT = bt,Opt = op;μ,σ2)
   ||||  |(
   ||||     t                             ∑      ∑
   |||(P (Op |T = t,O⟦1...N⟧ = o⟦1...N⟧,λ = 1) ∝ Opt- 1  BT JD


Figure 7.11: P(T,BT|Opt = ReaverDrop) Values of BT are in y-axis and values of T in x-axis. We have sparse 1-dimensional Gaussian distributions depending on T for each value of BT.

7.6.2 Results


For each match-up, we ran cross-validation testing with 9/10th of the dataset used for learning and the remaining 1/10th of the dataset used for testing. We ran tests finishing at 5, 10 and 15 minutes to capture all kinds of openings (early to late ones). To measure the predictive capability of our model, we used 3 metrics:

After 3 minutes, a Terran player will have built his first supply depot, barracks, refinery (gas), and at least factory or expansion. A Zerg player would have his first overlord, zergling pool, extractor (gas) and most of the time his expansion and lair tech. A Protoss player would have his first pylon, gateway, assimilator (gas), cybernectics core, and sometimes his robotics center, or forge and expansion.

Predictive power

Table 7.8 sums up all the prediction probabilities (scores) for the most probable opening according to our model (compared to the replay label) in all the match-ups with both labeling of the game logs. The first line should be read as: in the Protoss vs Protoss (PvP) match-up*, with the rule-based openings labels (Weber’s labels), the most probable opening* (in the Op values) at 5 minutes (“final”) is 65% correct. The proportion of times that the most probable opening twice (“OT”) in the firsts 5 minutes period was the real one (the game label for this player) is 53%. The proportion of times that the most probable opening after 3 minutes (“OO3”) and in the firsts 5 minutes periods was the real one is 0.59%. Then the other columns show the same metrics for 10 and 15 minutes periods, and then the same with our probabilistic clustering.

Note that when an opening is mispredicted, the distribution on openings is often not P(badopening) = 1,P(others) = 0 and that we can extract some value out of these distributions (see the bot’s strategy adaptation in chapter 8). Also, we observed that P(Opening = unknown) > P(others) is often a case of misprediction: our bot uses the next prediction in this case.


Figure 7.12: Evolution of P(Opening) with increasing observations in a TvP match-up, with Weber’s labeling on top, our labeling on the bottom. The x-axis corresponds to the construction of buildings. The interpolation was obtained by fitting a second order polynomial.

Figure 7.12 shows the evolutions of the distribution P(Opening) during a game for Weber’s and our labeling or the openings. We can see that in this game, their build tree* and rule-based labeling (top plot) enabled the model to converge faster towards FastDropship. With our labeling (bottom plot), the corresponding drop opening peaked earlier (5th building vs 6th with their labeling) but it was then eclipsed by two_facto (while staying good second) until later with another key observation (11th building). This may due to unorthodox timings of the drop opening, probably because the player was delayed (by a rush, or changed his mind), and that the two_facto opening has a larger (more robust to delays) support in the dataset.

Robustness to noise

Figure 7.13 shows the resistance of our model to noise. We randomly removed some observations (buildings, attributes), from 1 to 15, knowing that for Protoss and Terran we use 16 buildings observations and 17 for Zerg. We think that our model copes well with noise because it backtracks unseen observations: for instance if we have only the core observation, it will work with build trees containing core that will passively infer unseen pylon and gate.


Figure 7.13: Two extreme evolutions of the 3 probabilities of opening recognition with increasing noise (15 missing attributes/observations/buildings correspond to 93.75% missing information for Protoss and Terran openings prediction and 88.23% of missing attributes for Zerg openings prediction). Zerg opening prediction probabilitly on top, Protoss bottom.

Table 7.5: Prediction probabilities for all the match-ups, at 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, both for Weber’s labels and for our labels. The three metrics are 1) final: what is the most probable at the end of the time equals compared to the label, 2) OT: (online twice) what was the most probable in two different inferences during the game compared to the label, 3) OO3 (online once > 3 minutes) what was the most probable opening after 3 minutes of game compared to the label.

Weber and Mateas’ labels
Our labels

5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes

PvP 0.650.530.590.690.690.710.650.670.730.780.740.680.830.830.830.850.830.83
PvT 0.750.640.710.780.860.830.810.880.840.620.690.690.620.730.72 0.6 0.790.76
PvZ 0.730.710.66 0.8 0.86 0.8 0.820.87 0.8 0.61 0.6 0.620.660.660.690.610.620.62
TvP 0.690.630.76 0.6 0.750.770.550.730.750.500.470.54 0.5 0.6 0.690.420.620.65
TvT 0.570.550.65 0.5 0.550.62 0.4 0.520.580.720.750.770.680.890.84 0.7 0.88 0.8
TvZ 0.840.820.810.880.910.930.890.910.930.710.780.770.720.880.860.680.820.81
ZvP 0.630.590.640.870.820.890.850.830.870.390.560.520.35 0.6 0.570.410.610.62
ZvT 0.590.510.590.680.690.720.570.68 0.7 0.540.630.610.520.670.620.550.730.66
ZvZ 0.690.640.670.730.740.77 0.7 0.730.730.830.850.850.810.890.940.810.880.94

overall 0.680.620.680.730.760.780.690.760.770.630.670.670.630.750.750.630.750.74

Computational performances

The first iteration of this model was not making use of the structure imposed by the game in the form of “possible build trees” and was at best very slow, at worst intractable without sampling. With the model presented here, the performances are ready for production as shown in Table 7.6. The memory footprint is around 3.5Mb on a 64bits machine. Learning computation time is linear in the number of games logs events (O(N) with N observations), which are bounded, so it is linear in the number of game logs. It can be serialized and done only once when the dataset changes. The prediction computation corresponds to the sum in the question (III.B.5) and so its computational complexity is in O(N M) with N build trees and M possible observations, as M << N, we can consider it linear in the number of build trees (values of BT).

Table 7.6: Extremes of computation time values (in seconds, Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz)

Race Nb GamesLearning timeInference μInference σ2

T (max) 1036 0.197844 0.0360234 0.00892601
T (Terran) 567 0.110019 0.030129 0.00738386
P (Protoss) 1021 0.13513 0.0164457 0.00370478
P (Protoss) 542 0.056275 0.00940027 0.00188217
Z (Zerg) 1028 0.143851 0.0150968 0.00334057
Z (Zerg) 896 0.089014 0.00796715 0.00123551

Strengths and weaknesses of StarCraft openings

We also proceeded to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of openings against each others. For that, we labeled the dataset with openings and then learned the P(Win = true|Opplayer1t,Opplayer2t) probability table with Laplace’s rule of succession. As can be seen in Table 7.1, not all openings are used for one race in each of its 3 match-ups*. Table 7.6.2 shows some parts of this P(Win = true|Opplayer1t,Opplayer2t) ratios of wins for openings against each others. This analysis can serve the purpose of choosing the right opening as soon as the opponent’s opening was inferred.

Zerg | Protosstwo gatesfast dtreaver dropcorsairnony

speedlings 0.417 0.75 NED NED 0.5
lurkers NED 0.493 NED 0.445 0.533
fast mutas NED 0.506 0.5 0.526 0.532

Terran | Protossfast dtreaver dropcorsairnony

two facto 0.552 0.477 NED 0.578
rax fe 0.579 0.478 0.364 0.584

Table 7.7: Opening/Strategies labels counted for victories against each others for the PvZ (top, on 1408 games) and PvT (bottom, on 1657 games) match-ups. NED stands for Not Enough Data to conclude a preference/discrepancy towards one opening. The results should be read as win rates of columns openings vs lines openings.

7.6.3 Possible uses

We recall that we used this model for opening prediction, as a proxy for timing attacks and aggressiveness. It can also be used:

Possible improvements

First, our prediction model can be upgraded to explicitly store transitions between t and t + 1 (or t- 1 and t) for openings (Op) and for build trees* (BT). The problem is that P(BTt+1|BTt) will be very sparse, so to efficiently learn something (instead of a sparse probability table) we have to consider a smoothing over the values of BT, perhaps with the distances mentioned in section 7.5.2. If we can learn P(BTt+1|BTt), it would perhaps increase the results of P(Opening|Observations), and it almost surely would increase P(BuildTreet+1|Observations), which is important for late game predictions.

Incorporating P(Opt-1) priors per match-up (from Table 7.1) would lead to better results, but it would seem like overfitting to us: particularly because we train our robot on games played by humans whereas we have to play against robots in competitions.

Clearly, some match-ups are handled better, either in the replays labeling part and/or in the prediction part. Replays could be labeled by humans and we would do supervised learning then. Or they could be labeled by a combination of rules (as in [Weber and Mateas2009]) and statistical analysis (as the method presented here). Finally, the replays could be labeled by match-up dependent openings (as there are different openings usages by match-ups*, see Table 7.1), instead of race dependent openings currently. The labels could show either the two parts of the opening (early and late developments) or the game time at which the label is the most relevant, as openings are often bimodal (“fast expand into mutas”, “corsairs into reaver”, etc.).

Finally, a hard problem is detecting the “fake” builds of very highly skilled players. Indeed, some progamers have build orders which purpose are to fool the opponent into thinking that they are performing opening A while they are doing B. For instance they could “take early gas” leading the opponent to think they are going to do tech units, not gather gas and perform an early rush instead. We think that this can be handled by our model by changing P(Opening|LastOpening) by P(Opening|LastOpening,LastObservations) and adapting the influence of the last prediction with regard to the last observations (i.e., we think we can learn some “fake” label on replays). If a player seem on track to perform a given opening but fails to deliver the key characteristic (heavy investment, timing attack...) of the opening, this may be a fake.

7.7 Army composition

We reuse the predictions on the build tree* (P(BT)) directly for the tech tree* (P(TT)) (for the enemy, so ETT) by estimating BT as presented above and simply adding the tech tree additional features (upgrades, researches) that we already saw6 . You can just assume that BT = TT, or refer to section 7.3.1.

7.7.1 Bayesian model

In this model, we assume that we have some incomplete knowledge of the opponent’s tech tree and a quite complete knowledge of his army composition. We want to know what units we should build now, to adapt our army to their, while staying coherent with our own tech tree and tactics constraints. To that end, we reduce armies to mixtures of clusters that could have generated a given composition. In this lower dimension (usually between 5 to 15 mixture components), we can reason about which mixture of clusters the opponent is probably going to have, according to his current mixture components and his tech tree. As we learned how to pair compositions strengths and weaknesses, we can adapt to this “future mixture”.


For tech trees (TT and ETT) values, it would be absurd to generate all the possible combinations, exactly as for BT (see the previous two sections). We use our previous BT and the researches. This way, we counted 273 probable tech tree values for Protoss, 211 for Zerg, and 517 for Terran (the ordering of add-on buildings is multiplying tech trees for Terran). Should it happen, we can deal with unseen tech tree either by using the closest one (in set distance) or using an additional value of no knowledge.


The joint distribution of our model is the following:

        t  t+1  t+1   t+1   t+1      t   t    t+1   t+1    t
   P(T T ,C t  ,C c  ,C m ,C f ,ET T ,EC  ,EC   ,U   ,EU  )(7.8)
=  P(EU t|ECt )P(ECt |ECt+1 )P (ECt+1 |ET Tt)P (ET T t)        (7.9)
        t+1   t+1    t+1    t+1  t+1   t+1
   ×P (Cc t+|E1C  t+1)P(Ctt+1)P(Cmt  |C tt,Cc t+)1  t+1         (7.10)
   ×P (λ|C f ,C m )P(Cf  |TT )P(TT )P(U   |Cf  )        (7.11)
This can also be see as Figure 7.14.

Figure 7.14: Left: the full Gaussian mixture model for Q armies (Q battles) for the enemy, with Kmixtures components. Right: Graphical (plate notation) representation of the army composition Bayesian model, gray variables are known while for gray hatched variables we have distributions on their values. Ct can also be known (if a decision was taken at the tactical model level).


Identification (learning)

We learned Gaussian mixture models (GMM) with the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm on 5 to 15 mixtures with spherical, tied, diagonal and full co-variance matrices Pedregosa et al. [2011]. We kept the best scoring models according to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) Schwarz [1978].


The question that we ask to know which units to produce is:

   P(U t+1|eut,ttt,λ = 1)                             (7.12)
        ∑       [     t+1     t       t
∝     t   t  t+1 P(EC   |ET T )P(ET T )            (7.13)
   ETT ,EC ,EC        ∑        [
   ×P (eut|ECt)                 P(Ctc+1|ECt+1 )       (7.14)
        t+1    t+1 t      t+1  t+1    t+1  t+1 ]]
   ×P (Ct  )P (C f  |tt)P(λ|Cf  ,C m  )P (U   |Cf  )     (7.15)
or we can sample Ut+1 from P(Cft+1) or even from cft+1 (a realization of Cft=1) if we ask P(Cft+1|eu1:Mt,ttt= 1). Note that here we do not know fully neither the value of ETT nor of Ct so we take the most information that we have into account (distributions). The evaluation of the question is proportional to |ET T|×|EC |2 ×|C|4 = V ′×K2 ×K4. But we do not have to sum on the 4 types of C in practice: P(Cm|Ct,Cc) is a simple linear combination of vectors and P(λ = 1|Cf,Cm) is a linear filter function, so we just have to sum on Cc and practical complexity is proportional to V ′× K2 × K. As we have most often 10 Gaussian components in our GMM, K or Kare in the order of 10 (5 to 12 in practice), while V and V are between 211 and 517 as noted above.

Bayesian program
   (  (   (
   |||  |||   || V ariables
   ||||  ||||   |||| TT t,Ct+t1,Ct+c1,Ct+m1,Ct+f1,ET Tt,ECt,ECt+1, Ut+1,EU t
   ||||  ||||   |||| Decomposition
   ||||  ||||   ||||      t  t+1   t+1   t+1   t+1     t    t   t+1  t+1    t
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(TT  ,Ctt ,Ct c ,C mt ,Ctf+1,ET Tt,+E1C  ,ECt   ,U  t,EU  )
   ||||  ||||   |||| = P(EU  |EC  )P(EC |EC    )P (EC    |ETT  )P (ET T )
   ||||  ||||   |||| ×P (Ctc+1|ECt+1 )P(Ctt+1)P (Ct+m1 |Ctt+1,Ctc+1)
   ||||  ||||   |||| ×P (λ|Ct+f1,Ct+m1)P(Ctf+1|TTt)P(TT t)P(U t+1|Ctf+1)
   ||||  ||||   |||| F orms
   ||||  ||||   ||||      t   t                 2
   ||||  ||||   |{ P(EU t|EC t+=1 ec) =t+N1(μec,σec)       ′
   ||||Sp||||ecifica|tioPn(E(Cπ)|EC    = ec   ) = Categorical(K ,pect+1)
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(ECt+1 |ET T t = ett) = Categorical(K ′,pett)
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(ET Tt) = Categorical(V ′,pett), comes from an other model
   ||||  ||{   |||| P(Ct+1|ECt+1 = ec) = Categorical(K,pec)
 De||||scription||||    ct+1
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(Ctt+1) =tC+a1tegto+r1ical(K, ptat+c1)           t+1
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(Cm  |Ct  ,Cc  ) = αP (C t ) +(1 - α)P (Cc )
   ||{  ||||   |||| P(λ = 1|Cf ,Cm  = cm) = 1 iff P (Cf = cm ) ⁄= 0, else 0
Bayesian prog||||ram |||| P(Ctf+1 = cf|TT = tt) = 1 iff cf producible with tt, else 0
   ||||  ||||   |||| P(U t+1|Ct+1= c) = N (μc,σ2)
   ||||  ||||   ||(         f               c
   ||||  ||||
   ||||  |||| Identification
   ||||  |||| μc,σc learned by EM on the full dataset
   ||||  |||| μec,σec learned by EM on the full dataset
   ||||  |||| P(ECt = ect|ECt+1 = ect+1) = 1+P(ect)P-(ect+1)×count(ect→ect+1)
   ||||  ||||      t+1         t        1+P(ecK)×+cPo(uenctt(+e1c∧)×ectot)unt(ect+1)
   ||||  |||| P(EC    = ec|ETT  = ett) =    K′+count(ett)
   ||||  |||| P(Ct+c1 = c|ECt+1 = ec) = 1+PK(c+)PP(e(ec)c×)ccoouunnttbbatattltleses((cec>)ec)
   ||||  |(
   ||||    t+1  t  t
   ||||P (∑U   |eu ,tt ,λ = 1[)
   ||||∝   ET Tt,ECt,ECt+1 P (ECt+1 |ETT t)P (ET T t)
   ||||×P (eut|ECt )∑  t+1 t+1 t+1  t+1[P (Ct+1|ECt+1 )
   ||||              Cf ,Cm ,Cc ,Ct      c        ]]
   ||||×P (Ctt+1)P(Ctf+1|ttt)P (λ|Ctf+1,Ctm+1)P(Ut+1|Ct+f1 )

7.7.2 Results

We did not evaluate directly P(Ut+1|eut,ttt= 1) the efficiency of the army compositions which would be produced. Indeed, it is difficult to make it independent from (at least) the specific micro-management of different unit types composing the army. The quality of P(ETT) also has to be taken into account. Instead, we evaluated the reduction of armies compositions (EU and U sets of variables) into clusters (EC and C variables) and the subsequent P(Cc|EC) table.

We use the dataset presented in section 6.4 in last chapter (tactics). It contains everything we need about the state and battles, units involved, units lost, winners. There are 7708 games. We only consider battles with about even force sizes, but that lets a sizable number on the more than 178,000 battles of the dataset. For each match-up, we set aside 100 test matches, and use the remaining of the dataset for learning. We preferred robustness to precision and thus we did not remove outliers: better scores can easily be achieved by considering only stereotypical armies/battles. Performance wise, for the biggest dataset (PvT) the learning part takes around 100 second on a 2.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo CPU (and it is easily serializable) for 2408 games (57 seconds to fit and select the GMM, and 42 seconds to fill the probability tables / fit the Categorical distributions). The time to parse all the dataset is far larger (617 seconds with an SSD).

Evaluation of clustering

We will look at the predictive power of the P(Cc|EC) (comprehending the reduction from U to C and EU to EC) for the results of battles. For each battle, we know the units involved (types and numbers) and we look at predicting the winner.

Each battle consists in numbers of units involved for each types and each parties (the two players). For each battle we reduce the two armies to two Gaussian mixtures (P(C) and P(EC)). To benchmark our clustering method, we then used the learned P(Cc|EC) to estimate the outcome of the battle. For that, we used battles with limited disparities (the maximum strength ratio of one army over the other) of 1.1 to 1.5. Note that the army which has the superior forces numbers has more than a linear advantage over their opponent (because of focus firing7 ), so a disparity of 1.5 is very high. For information, there is an average of 5 battles per game at a 1.3 disparity threshold, and the numbers of battles per game increase with the disparity threshold.

We also made up a baseline heuristic, which uses the sum of the values of the units (see section 6.3.2 for a reminder) to decide which side should win. If we note v(unit) the value of a unit, the heuristic computes unitv(unit) for each army and predicts that the winner is the one with the biggest score. Of course, we recall that a random predictor would predict the result of the battle correctly 50% of the time.

A summary of the main metrics is shown in Table 7.8, the first line can be read as: for a forces disparity of 1.1, for Protoss vs Protoss (first column),

And then it is given for all match-ups* (columns) and different forces disparities (lines). The last column sums up the means on all match-ups, with the whole army (military units plus static defenses and workers involved), for the three metrics.

Also, without explicitly labeling clusters, one can apply thresholding to special units (observers, arbiters, science vessels...) to generate more specific clusters: we did not include these results here (they include too much expertize/tuning) but they sometimes drastically increase prediction scores.

Predictive power
We can see that predicting battle outcomes (even with a high disparity) with “just probabilities” of P(Cc|EC) (without taking the forces into account) gives relevant results as they are always above random predictions. Note that this is a very high level (abstract) view of a battle, we do not consider tactical positions, nor players’ attention, actions, etc. Also, it is better (in average) to consider the heuristic with the composition of the army (prob×heuristic) than to consider the heuristic alone, even for high forces disparity. These prediction results with “just prob.”, or the fact that heuristic with P(Cc|EC) tops the heuristic alone, are a proof that the assimilation of armies compositions as Gaussian mixtures of cluster works.

Army efficiency
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, we can view the difference between “just prob.” results and random guessing (50%) as the military efficiency improvement that we can (at least) expect from having the right army composition. Indeed, we see that for small forces disparities (up to 1.1 for instance), the prediction with army composition only (“just prob.”: 63.2%) is better that the prediction with the baseline heuristic (61.7%). It means that we can expect to win 63.2% of the time (instead of 50%) with an (almost) equal investment if we have the right composition. Also, we predict 58.5% of the time the accurate result of a battle with disparity up to 1.5 from “just prob.”: these predictions are independent of the sizes of the armies. What we predicted is that the player with the better army composition won (not necessarily the one with more or more expensive units).

forces scores
disparity in % mwsmwsmwsmwsmwsmws ws

heuristic 636358585858656570705656 61.7
1.1 just prob. 545868726061555669696263 63.2
prob×heuristic616369725961626470736669 67.0

heuristic 737366666969757272727070 70.3
1.3 just prob. 565765665455565762616361 59.5
prob×heuristic727370706666717272707575 71.0

heuristic 757573737575788076767575 75.7
1.5 just prob. 525561615454555661635660 58.2
prob×heuristic757674757272787873767780 76.2

Table 7.8: Winner prediction scores (in %) for 3 main metrics. For the left columns (“m”), we considered only military units. For the right columns (“ws”) we also considered static defense and workers. The “heuristic” metric is a baseline heuristic for battle winner prediction for comparison using army values, while “just prob.” only considers P(Cc|EC) to predict the winner, and “prob×heuristic” balances the heuristic’s predictions with Cc,ECP(Cc|EC)P(EC).

Analysis of the clustering


Figure 7.15: 2 dimensional Isomap projection of a small dataset of battles for Zerg (vs Protoss) with most probable Gaussian mixture components as labels. The clusters are (Gaussian components) are labeled in colored numbers and projected in this 2 dimensional space.

Figure 7.15 shows a 2D Isomap [Tenenbaum et al.2000] projection of the battles on a small ZvP dataset. Isomap finds a low-dimensional non-linear embedding of the high dimensionality (N or Ndimensions, as much as unit types, the length of U or EU) space in which we represent armies. The fact that the embedding is quasi-isometric allows us to compare the intra- and inter- clusters similarities. Most clusters seem to make sense as strong, discriminating components. The clusters identified by the numbers 2 and 7 (in this projection) are not so discriminative, so they probably correspond to a classic backbone that we find in several mixtures.

Figure 7.16 shows a parallel plot of army compositions. We removed the less frequent unit types to keep only the 8 most important unit types of the PvP match-up, and we display a 8 dimensional representation of the army composition, each vertical axis represents one dimension. Each line (trajectory in this 8 dimensional space) represents an army composition (engaged in a battle) and gives the percentage8 of each of the unit types. These lines (armies) are colored with their most probable mixture component, which are shown in the rightmost axis. We have 8 clusters (Gaussian mixtures components): this is not related to the 8 unit types used as the number of mixtures was chosen by BIC* score. Expert StarCraft players will directly recognize the clusters of typical armies, here are some of them:


Figure 7.16: Parallel plot of a small dataset of Protoss (vs Protoss, i.e. in the PvP match-up) army clusters on most important unit types (for the match-up). Each normalized vertical axis represents the percentage of the units of the given unit type in the army composition (we didn’t remove outliers, so most top (tip) vertices represent 100%), except for the rightmost (framed) which links to the most probable GMM component. Note that several traces can (and do) go through the same edge.

Analysis of dynamics

Figure 7.17 showcases the dynamics of clusters components: P(ECt|ECt+1, for Zerg (vs Protoss) for Δt of 2 minutes. The diagonal components correspond to those which do not change between t and t + 1 (t + 2minutes), and so it is normal that they are very high. The other components show the shift between clusters. For instance, the first line seventh column (in (0,6)) square shows a brutal transition from the first component (0) to the seventh (6). This may be the production of Mutalisks9 from a previously very low-tech army (Zerglings).


Figure 7.17: Dynamics of clusters: P(ECt|ECt+1) for Zerg, with Δt = 2 minutes


Here, we focused on asking P(Ut+1|eut,ttt= 1), and evaluated (in the absence of ground truth for full armies compositions) the two key components that are P(U|C) (or P(EU|EC)) and P(Cc|EC). Many other questions can be asked: P(TTt|eut) can help us adapt our tech tree development to the opponent’s army. If we know the opponent’s army composition only partially, we can benefit of knowledge about ETT to know what is possible, but also probable, by asking P(ECt|Observations).

7.8 Conclusion

We contributed a probabilistic model to be able to compute the distribution over openings (strategies) of the opponent in a RTS game from partial and noisy observations. The bot can adapt to the opponent’s strategy as it predicts the opening with 63 - 68% of recognition rate at 5 minutes and > 70% of recognition rate at 10 minutes (up to 94%), while having strong robustness to noise (> 50% recognition rate with 50% missing observations). It can be used in production due to its low CPU (and memory) footprint.

We also contributed a semi-supervised method to label RTS game logs (replays) with openings (strategies). Both our implementations are free software and can be found online10 . We use this model in our StarCraft AI competition entry bot as it enables it to deal with the incomplete knowledge gathered from scouting.

We presented a probabilistic model inferring the best army composition given what was previously seen (from replays, or previous games), integrating adaptation to the opponent with other constraints (tactics). One of the main advantages of this approach is to be able to deal natively with incomplete information, due to player’s intentions, and to the fog of war in RTS. The army composition dimensionality reduction (clustering) can be applied to any game and coupled with other techniques, for instance for situation assessment in case-based planning. The results in battle outcome prediction (from few information) shows its situation assessment potential.

Chapter 8

Dealing with failure is easy: Work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handled: You’ve solved the wrong problem. Work hard to improve.

Alan J. Perlis (1982)

IN this chapter, we present some of the engineering that went in the robotic player (bot) implementation, which may help the comprehension of the organization and utility of the different chapters. We will also present the different flows of informations and how decisions are made during a game. Finally we will present the results of the full robotic player to various bots competitions.

8.1 Code architecture

Our implementation1 (BSD licensed) uses BWAPI2 to get information from and to control StarCraft. The bot’s last major revision (January 2011) consists of 23,234 lines of C++ code, making good use of boost libraries and BWTA (Brood War Terrain Analyzer). The learning of the parameters from the replays is done by separated programs, which serialize the probability tables and distribution parameters, later loaded by BROODWARBOTQ each game.

The global (simplified) view of the whole bot’s architecture is shown in Figure 8.1. There are three main divisions: “Macro” (economical and production parts), “Intelligence” (everything information related) and “Micro” (military units control/actions). Units (workers, buildings, military units) control is granted through a centralized Arbitrator to “Macro” parts and Goals. This is a bidding system in which parts wanting a unit bid on it relatively to the importance of the task they will assign it. There may (should) be better systems but it works. We will now detail the parts which were explained in the previous three chapters.


Figure 8.1: Simple view of the code architecture of BROODWARBOTQ, the most important interactions are shown: every piece which has responsibility for the control of units refer to the Arbitrator, all macro components compete for resources, all other arrows represent orders or important transfers of information.

8.1.1 Units control

As presented in chapter 5, units are controlled in a sensory-motor fashion through Bayesian fusion of physical or abstract influences. Units pursuing a common objective are regrouped in a UnitsGroup, which sets this objective for every unit it commands. This objective is generated for each unit from the needs of a higher-up Goal (see below) through achieve() or cancel().

The BayesianUnit class has different fusion modes (see section 5.3.3) set by the UnitsGroup depending on the Goal type and on the situation (number and types of enemies, terrain...). Its sensory inputs are fed by the UnitsGroup (objectives) and by the MapManager (potential damages, terrain) and the EUnitsFilter (enemy units).

A derivative (child) of the BayesianUnit class is instantiated for each unit that is controlled. A BayesianUnit is a modal FSM* as shown in Figure 5.7. It presents a simple interface to move and fight (the micro() method). Some parameter can be specialized depending on the particularities of unit types:

A call to micro() then decides of the course of actions during a fight (applying Bayesian fusion with the right sensory inputs when moving).

8.1.2 Tactical goals

The decision that we want our AI system to make at this level is where and how to attack. This is reflected in the StarCraft bot as a Goal creation. Goals are interfacing high level tactical thinking with the steps necessary to their realization. A Goal recruits units and binds them under a UnitsGroup (see section 5.3.3). A Goal is an FSM* in which two states are simple planners (an FSM with some form of procedural autonomy), it has:

In the in progress and in cancel modes, the “plan” is a simple search in the achievable subgoals and their “distance” to realization.

The tactical model can specify where to attack by setting a localized subgoal (Formation/See/Regroup/KillSubgoal...) to the right place. It can specify how by setting the adequate precondition(s). It also specifies the priority of a Goal so that it has can bid on the control of units relatively to its importance. The GoalManager updates all Goals that were inputed and act as a proxy to the Arbitrator for them.

8.1.3 Map and movements

The MapManager keeps track of:

It also provides threaded pathfinder services which are used by UnitsGroups to generate objectives waypoints when the Goal’s objectives are far. This pathfinder can be asked specifically to avoid certain zones or tiles.

8.1.4 Technology estimation

The ETechEstimator does constant build tree* prediction as explained in section 7.5, and so it exposes the distribution on the enemy’s tech tree* as a “state estimation service” to other parts of the bot taking building and production decision. It also performs openings* prediction during the first 15 minutes of the game, as explained in section 7.6.

New enemy units observations are taken into account instantly. When we see an enemy unit at time t, we infer that all the prerequisites were built at least some time tearlier according to the formula: t= t - ubd - umd with ubd being the unit’s building duration (depending on the unit type), and umd being the unit’s movement duration depending on the speed of the unit’s type, and the length of the path from its current position to the enemy’s base. We can also observe the upgrades that the units have when we see them, and so we take that into account the same way. For instance, if a unit has an attack upgrade, it means that the player has the require building since at least the time of observation minus the duration of the upgrade research.

The distribution on openings* computed by the ETechEstimator serves the purpose of recognizing the short term intent of the enemy. This way, the ETechEstimator can suggest the production of counter measures to the opponent’s strategy and special tactics. For instance, when the belief that the enemy is doing a “Dark Templars” opening (an opening aimed at rushing invisible technology before the time at which a standard opening reaches detector technology, to inflict massive damage) pass above a threshold, the ETechEstimator suggests the construction of turrets (Photon Cannon, static defense detectors) and Observers (mobile detectors).

8.1.5 Enemy units filtering

At the moment, enemy units filtering is very simple and just diffuse uniformly (with respect to its speed) the probability of a unit to be where it was last seen before totally forgetting about its position (not its existence) when it was not seen for too long. We will now shortly present an improvement to this enemy units tracking.

A possible improved enemy units tracking/filtering

We consider a simple model, without speed nor steering nor See variable for each position/unit. The fact that we see positions where the enemy units are is taken into account during the update. The idea is to have (learn) a multiple influences transition matrix on a Markov chain on top of the regions discretization (see chapter 6), which can be seen as one Markov chain for each combination of motion-influencing factors.

The perception of such a model would be for each unit if it is in a given region, as the bottom diagram in Figure B.2. From there, we can consider either map-dependent regions, regions uniquely identified as they are in given maps that is; or we can consider regions labeled by their utility. We prefer (and will explain) this second approach as it allows our model to be applied on unknown (never seen) maps directly and allows us to incorporate more training data. The regions get a number in the order in which they appear after the main base of the player (e.g. see region numbering in Fig. 6.2 and 8.2).

The full filter works on n units, each of the units having a mass in the each of the m regions.

Joint Distribution
We consider all units conditionally independent give learned parameters. (This may be too strong an assumption.)

   P(Agg,U T1:m,Xt1-:m1,,t1:n)                            (8.1)
         ∏n [                                ]
=  P(Agg)    P(U Ti)P(Xt-i 1)P(Xti|Xt-i 1,U Ti,Agg )      (8.2)


Identification (learning)

P(Xit|Xit-1,UTi,Agg) is learned with a Laplace rule of succession from previous games. Against a given player and/or on a given map, one can use P(Xit|Xit-1,UTi,Agg,Player,Map) and use the learned transitions matrices as priors. When a player attacks in the dataset, we can infer she was aggressive at the beginning of the movements of the army which attacked. When a player gets attacked, we can infer she was defensive at the beginning of the movements of the army which defended. At other times, P(Agg = true) = P(Agg = false) = 0.5.

   P P(Xti = r|Xti-1= r′,UTi = ut,Agg = agg)
              1+ ntransitions(r′ → r,ut,agg)P(agg)
∝   #{entries_to_r-}+-∑m---ntransitions(r′ →-rj,ut,agg)P(agg)

Note that we can also (try to) learn specific parameters of this model during games (not a replay, so without full information) against a given opponent with EM* to reconstruct and learn from the most likely state given all the partial observations.

Update (filtering)



Offline learning of matrices (as shown in Fig. 8.2) of aggressive and defensive probable region transitions (for a given unit type). With online learning (taking previous offline learned parameters as priors), we could learn preferences of a given opponent.


Figure 8.2: Example of the units filter transition matrices on a simple map (same as in Fig. 6.2) for aggressive and defensive sets of parameters for a given unit type. The thickness of the arrows is proportional to the transition probability between regions.

By considering a particle filter [Thrun2002], we could consider a finer model in which we deal with positions of units (in pixels or walk tiles or build tiles) directly, but there are some drawbacks:

The advantages are not so strong:

We would like to implement our regions-based enemy units filtering in the future, mainly for more accurate and earlier tactical prediction (perhaps even drop tactics interception) and better tactical decision making.

8.2 A game walk-through

We will now show key moments of the game, as was done with a human-played game in section 4.1.2, but from the bot’s point of view (with debug output).


Figure 8.3: A full screen capture of some debug output of economical parts of BroodwarBotQ. The orange text at the top left shows the minerals/minute and gas/minute rates as well as the resources reserved for planned buildings and additional supply. The teal (light blue) rectangle at the bottom of the game’s view shows the buildings that will be constructed (and their future tentative positions). The big transparent (translucent) blue ellipses show the Pylons construction coverage. The yellow rectangles (with numbers in their top left corners) show the future buildings planned positions.

First, Figure 8.3 shows some economical elements of BBQ. The yellow rectangles show future buildings placements. In the light blue (teal color) rectangle are the next buildings which are planned for construction with their future positions. Here, the Protoss Pylon was just added to the construction plan as our Producer estimated that we will be supply* blocked in 28 seconds at the current production rate. This is noted by the “we need another pylon: prevision supply 84 in 28 sec” line, as supply is shown doubled (for programmatic reasons, so that supply is always an integer): 84 is 42, and we have a current max supply* of 41 (top right corner).

Our buildings placer make it sure that there is always a path around our buildings blocks with a flow algorithm presented in the appendix in algorithm 9 and Figure B.7. It is particularly important to be able to circulated in the base, and that newly produced units are not stuck when they are produced (as they could is there was a convex enclosure as in Fig. B.7). Buildings cannot be placed anywhere on the map, even more so for Protoss buildings, as most of them need to be build under Pylon coverage (the plain blue ellipses in the screenshot). At the same time, there are some (hard) tactical requirements for the placement of defensive buildings3 .


Figure 8.4: Crops of screenshots of the first scouting (discovery) of an opponent’s base in a Protoss vs Protoss game. The buildings shown here are the ones of the opponent. The yellow squares represent the pathfinding output. On the bottom, in the blue rectangle, are displayed the possible openings for the Protoss opponent and their respective probabilities (in percentage) according what we have seen. The top picture was captured a few seconds before the right one and thus we had less information about the opponent’s buildings (the upper right part is black because of the fog of war).

At the beginning of the game, we have no idea about what the opponent is doing and thus our belief about their opening equals the prior (here, we set the priori to be uniform, see section 7.6.3 for how we could set it otherwise) we send a worker unit to “scout” the enemy’s base both to know where it is and what the enemy is up to. Figure 8.4 shows when we first arrive at the opponent’s base in a case in which we have a strong evidence of what the opponent is doing and so our beliefs are heavily favoring the “Fast Legs” opening (in the blue rectangle on the right). We can see that with more information (the bottom picture) we make an even stronger prediction.


Figure 8.5: Crops of screenshots of an attack towards a Protoss opponent. The first screenshot (top) shows the units arriving at their formation SubGoal objectives (purple disks), the second shows the switch to the fight mode (for ground units) with the first enemy units appearing on the right. The third (bottom left) and fourth (bottom right) screenshots show the battle as it happens. The small squares (white to blue) show the attraction of one unit for its possible directions (P(Diri)i): the whiter it is, the higher the probability to go there.

If our bot does not have to defend an early rush by the opponent, it chooses to do a “push” (a powerful attack towards the front of the opponent’s base) once it has a sufficient amount of military units, while it expands* (take a second base) or opens up its tech tree*. The first push is depicted in Figure 8.5:

BroodwarBotQ then goes up the ramp and destroys the base of the built-in AI.

8.3 Results

BroodwarBotQ (BBQ) consistently beats the built-in StarCraft: Broodwar AI4 , to a point that the original built-in AI is only used to test the stability of our bot, but not as a sparing/training partner.

BroodwarBotQ took part in the Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AAAI AIIDE) 2011 StarCraft AI competition. It got 67 games counted as “crashes” on 360 games because of a misinterpretation of rules on the first frame5 , which is not the real unstability of the bot (0,75% as seen in B.8). The results of AIIDE are in Table 8.1.

bot race refs win ratenotes

Skynet Protoss 0.889 openings depending on opponent’s race
UAlbertaBot Protoss[Churchill and Buro, 2011] 0.794 always 2-Gates opening
Aiur Protoss 0.703 robust and stochastic strategies
ItayUndermindZerg 0.658 6-pooling
EISBot Protoss[Weber et al., 2010b,a] 0.606 2-Gates or Dragoons opening
SPAR Protoss[Kabanza et al., 2010] 0.539 uses Dark Templars
Undermind Terran 0.517 Barracks units
Nova Terran [Pérez and Villar, 2011] 0.475 robust play
BroodwarBotQProtoss 0.328 adapts to the opening
BTHAI Zerg [Hagelbäck and Johansson, 2009] 0.319 Lurkers opening
Cromulent Terran 0.300 Factory units
bigbrother Zerg 0.278 Hydralisks and Lurkers
Quorum Terran 0.094 expands and produce Factory units

Table 8.1: Result table for the AIIDE 2011 StarCraft AI competition with 360 games played by each bot.

Also in 2011 was the Computational Intelligence and Games (IEEE CIG) 2011 StarCraft AI competition. This competition had 10 entries6 and BroodwarBotQ placed 4th with a little luck of seed (it did not have to play against Aiur). The finals are depicted in Table 8.2.

bot race crashesgameswins

Skynet Protoss 0 30 26
UAlbertaBot Protoss 0 30 22
Xelnaga7 Protoss 3 30 11
BroodwarBotQ Protoss 2 30 1

Table 8.2: Result table of the finals for the CIG 2011 StarCraft AI competition (10 entries)

Finally, there is a continuous ladder in which BroodwarBotQ (last updated January 2012) is ranked between 7 and 9 (without counting duplicates, there are 20 different bots) and is on-par with EISBot [Weber et al.2010b,a] as can be seen in Figure B.8 (February 2012 ladder ranking). We consider that this rating is honorable, particularly considering our approach and the amount of engineering that went in the other bots. Note that the ladder and all previous competitions do not allow to record anything (learn) about the opponents.

We want to give a quick analysis of the performance of BroodwatBotQ. We did not specialize the bot for one (and only one) strategy and type of tactics, which makes our tactics less optimized than other concurrents higher up in the ladder. Also, our bot tries to adapts its strategy, which has two drawbacks:

Chapter 9

Man’s last mind paused before fusion, looking over a space that included nothing but the dregs of one last dark star and nothing besides but incredibly thin matter, agitated randomly by the tag ends of heat wearing out, asymptotically, to the absolute zero.
Man said, “AC, is this the end? Can this chaos not be reversed into the Universe once more? Can that not be done?”

Isaac Asimov (The Last Question, 1956)

9.1 Contributions summary

We classified the problems raised by game AI, and in particular by RTS AI. We showed how the complexity of video games makes it so that game AI systems can only be incompletely specified. This leads to uncertainty about our model, but also about the model of the opponent. Additionally, video games are often partially observable, sometimes stochastic, and most of them require motor skills (quick and precise hands control), which will introduce randomness in the outcomes of player’s actions. We chose to deal with incompleteness by transforming it into uncertainty about our reasoning model. We bind all these sources of uncertainty in Bayesian models.

Our contributions about breaking the complexity of specifying and controlling game AI systems are resumed by:

We used machine learning to help specifying our models, both used for prediction (opponent modeling) and for decision-making. We exploited different datasets for mainly two separate objectives:

Finally, we produced a StarCraft bot (chapter 8), which ranked 9th (on 13) and 4th (on 10), respectively at the AIIDE 2011 and CIG 2011 competitions. It is about 8th (on 20) on an independent ladder containing all bots submitted to competitions (see Fig. B.8).

9.2 Perspectives

We will now present interesting perspectives and future work by following our hierarchical decomposition of the domain. Note that there are bridges between the levels presented here. In particular, having multi-scale reasoning seems necessary to produce the best strategies. For instance, no current AI is able to work out a “fast expand*” (expand before any military production) strategy by itself, in which it protects against early rushes by a smart positioning of buildings, and it performs temporal reasoning about when the opponent is first a threat. This kind of reasoning encompasses micro-management level reasoning (about the opponent units), with tactical reasoning (of where and when), buildings positioning, and economical and production planning.

9.2.1 Micro-management

Reactive behaviors

An improvement (explained in subsection 5.6.1) over our existing model usage would consist in using the distributions on directions (P(Dir)) for each units to make a centralized decision about which units should go where. This would allow for coordinated movements while retaining the tractability of a decentralized model: the cost for units to compute their distributions on directions (P(Dir)) is the same as in the current model, and there are methods to select the movements for each unit which are linear in the number of units (for instance maximizing the probability for the group, i.e. for the sum of the movements).

For the problem of avoiding local optima “trapping”, we proposed a “trailing pheromones repulsion” approach in subsection 5.6.1 (see Fig. 5.14), but other (adaptive) pathfinding approaches can be considered.

Parameters identifications

Furthermore, the identification of the probability distributions of the sensors knowing the directions (P(Sensor|Direction)) is the main point of possible improvements. In the industry, behavior could be authored by game designers equipped with an appropriate interface (with “sliders”) to the model’s parameters. As a competitive approach, reinforcement leaning or evolutionary learning of the probability tables (or probability distributions’ parameters) seems the best choice. The two main problems are:

As the domain (StarCraft) is large, distributions have to be efficiently parametrized (normal, log-normal, exponential distributions should fit our problem). The two main approaches to learn these sensors distributions would be:


9.2.2 Tactics

We explained the possible improvements around our model in subsection 6.7.2. The three most interesting research directions for tactics would be:

9.2.3 Strategy

Higher-level parameters as variables

Strategy is a vast subject and impacts tactics very much. There are several “strategic dimensions”, but we can stick to the two strategy axes: aggressiveness (initiative), and economy/technology/production balance. These dimensions are tightly coupled inside a strategical plan, as putting all our resources in economy at time t is not aimed at attacking at time t + 1. Likewise, putting all our resources in military production at time t is a mistake if we do not intend to be aggressive at time t + 1. However, there are several combinations of values along these dimensions, which lead to different strategies. We detailed these higher order views of the strategy in section 7.1.

In our models (tactics & army composition), the aggressiveness is a parameter. Instead these two strategic dimensions could be encoded in variables:

A possibility is yet again to try and use a multi-armed bandit acting on this two variables (A and ETP), which (hyper-)parametrize all subsequent models. At this level, there is a lot of context to be taken into account, and so we should specifically consider contextual bandits.

Another interesting perspective would be to use a hierarchy (from strategy to tactics) of reinforcement learning of (all) the bot’s parameters, which can be seen as learning the degrees of liberty (of the whole bot) one by one as in [Baranès and Oudeyer2009]. A more realistic task is to learn only these parameters that we cannot easily learn from datasets or correspond to abstract strategical and tactical thinking (like A and ETP).

Production & construction planning

A part of strategy that we did not study here is production planning, it encompasses planning the use (and future collection) of resources, the construction of buildings and the production of units. Our bot uses a simple search, some other bots have more optimized build-order search, for instance UAlbertaBot uses a build-order abstraction with depth-first branch and bound [Churchill and Buro2011]. Planning can be considered (and have been, for instance [Bartheye and Jacopin2009]), but it needs to be efficient enough to re-plan often. Also, it could be interesting to interface the plan with the uncertainty about the opponent’s state (Will we be attacked in the next minute? What is the opponent’s technology?).

A naive probabilistic planning approach would be to plan short sequences of constructions as “bricks” of a full production plan, and assign them probability variables which will depend on the beliefs on the opponent’s states, and replan online depending on the bricks probabilities. For instance, if we are in a state with a Protoss Cybernetics Core (and other lower technology buildings), we may have a sequence “Protoss Robotics Facility Protoss Observatory” (which is not mutually exclusive to a sequence with Protoss Robotics Facility only). This sequence unlocks detector technology (Observers are detectors, produced out of the Robotics Facility), so its probability variable (RO) should be conditioned on the belief that the opponent has invisible units (P(RO = true|Opening = DarkTemplar) = high or parametrize P(RO|ETT) adequately). The planner would both use resources planning, time of construction, and this posterior probabilities on sequences.

9.2.4 Inter-game Adaptation (Meta-game)

In a given match, and/or against a given player, players tend to learn from their immediate mistakes, and they adapt their strategies to each other’s. As this can be seen as a continuous learning problem (reinforcement learning, exploration-exploitation trade-off), there is more to it. Human players call this the meta-game*, as they enter the “I think that he thinks that I think...” game until arriving at fixed points. This “meta-game” is closely related to the balance of the game, and the fact that there are several equilibriums makes the interest of StarCraft. Also, clearly, for human players there is psychology involved.

Continuous learning

For all strategic models, the possible improvements (subsections 7.5.3, 7.6.3, 7.7.2) would include to learn specific sets of parameters against the opponent’s strategies. The problem here is that (contrary to battles/tactics) there are not much observations (games against a given opponent) to learn from. For instance, a naive approach would be to learn a Laplace’s law of succession directly on P(ETechTrees = ett|Player = p) = 1+nbgames(ett,p)
#ETT+nbgames(p), and do the same for EClusters, but this could require several games. Even if we see more than one tech tree per game for the opponent, a few games will still only show a sparse subset of ETT. Another part of this problem could arise if we want to learn really in-game as we would only have partial observations.

Manish Meta [2010] approached “meta-level behavior adaptation in RTS games” as a mean for their case-based planning AI to learn from its own failures in Wargus. The opponent is not considered at all, but this could be an interesting entry point to discover bugs or flaws in the bot’s parameters.

Bot’s psychological warfare

Our main idea for real meta-game playing by our AI would be to use our models recursively. As for some of our models (tactics & strategy), that can be used both for prediction and decision-making, we could have a full model of the enemy by maintaining the state of a model from them, with their inputs (and continually learn some of the parameters). For instance, if we have our army adaptation model for ourselves and for the opponent, we need to incorporate the output of their model as an input of our model, in the part which predicts the opponent’s future army composition. If we cycle (iterate) the reasoning (“I will produce this army because they will have this one”...), we should reach these meta-game equilibriums.

Final words

Finally, bots are as far from having a psychological model of their opponent as from beating the best human players. I believe that this is our adaptability, our continuous learning, which allows human players (even simply “good” ones like me) to beat RTS games bots consistently. When robotic AI will start winning against human players, we may want to hinder them to have only partial vision of the world (as humans do through a screen) and a limited number of concurrent actions (humans use a keyboard and a mouse so they have limited APM*). At this point, they will need an attention model and some form of hierarchical action selection. Before that, all the problems arose in this thesis should be solved, at least at the scale of the RTS domain.


AI directors
system that overlooks the behavior of the players to manage the intensity, difficulty and fun. 22
action per minute, an input speed frequency in competitive gaming. 78, 239, 242, 436

Bayesian game
a game in which information about knowledge about payoffs is incomplete. 58, 66
Bayesian information criterion, a score for model selection. For a given model with n data points, k parameters and L the maximum likelihood, BIC = -2ln(L) + k ln(n). 305, 307, 385
Bayesian program. 98
branching factor
(average) number of nodes at each level of a search tree, i.e. base b of the complexity of a search of depth d in a tree, which is O(bd). 13, 36, 43, 44, 66
build order
a formal specification of timings (most often indexed on total population count) at which to perform build actions in the early game.. 133, 290, 296
build tree
abbrev. for “buildings tree”, state of the buildings (and thus production) unlocked by a player. 127, 285, 289–291, 320, 340, 354, 366, 367, 401, 430
Brood War Application Programmable Interface. 239
BroodWar Terrain Analyser. 229, 459

Case-Based Reasoning. 228, 289, 433

Dark Spore
a fast-paced, sci-fi action-RPG, with PvP and cooperative (vs AI) modes. 22
Domain Specific Language. 23

expectation-maximization, an iterative method to optimize parameters of statistical models depending on unobserved variables. The expectation (E) step gives the likelihood depending on the latent variables, and the maximization (M) step computes maximizing parameters for the expectation of this likelihood.. 298, 305, 306, 404
either placement of a new base or the action to take a new base (to collect more resources).. 147, 419, 431

fog of war
hiding of some of the features (most often units and new buildings) for places where a player does not have units in range of sight.. 22, 64, 77, 128, 129, 147, 232, 469
First Person Shooter: egocentric shooter game, strong sub-genres are fast FPS, also called “Quake-likes”, e.g. Quake III; and team/tactical FPS, e.g. Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2. 21, 63, 77, 78, 82, 89, 215
finite state machine. 23, 60, 176, 289, 399

describes the interactive aspects of game design, which constraints the players possible behaviors and the players’ goals in a given game. Also, the category/type of the game.. 20, 59, 127, 128, 215
the use of game mechanics and game design to enhance non-game contexts. 22
also called vespene, short for vespene gas. Advanced resource in StarCraft, use for all advanced units, technological buildings, upgrades and researches. It can be harvested only once an assimilator/refinery/extractor has been built on the gas geyser and maximally fast with 3 workers only at the closest (standard) distance to the resource depot.. 127, 130, 132, 243
Gaussian mixture model, a generative model in which observations are the outcomes of mixtures of normal distribution.. 298, 305, 430
board used for the game of Go. 44

hierarchical finite state machine. 23, 186
Hidden Markov Model, a dynamic Bayesian network estimating hidden states following a Markov process from observations. 90, 290
hierarchical task network. 23, 61, 290

Left 4 Dead
a teamplay (cooperative vs AI) survival horror FPS in which players have to fight and escape zombie hordes. 22

the pairing of two factions in StarCraft for a match in the form XvY, with X and Y being factions. When we consider only one race’s strategy, it should be in front. For instance, PvT is the Protoss versus Terran match-up, with Protoss being studied if the features are not symmetric.. 293, 304, 319, 331, 350, 363, 367, 378
max supply
also total supply, maximum number of units that a player can control at a given time, can be increased up to a hard limit (200 in StarCraft).. 130, 132, 243, 413
Monte-Carlo Markov chain. 282
Monte-Carlo Tree Search. 44, 47, 282
Markov decision process. 77
preparation and maneuvering before (and between) games to exploit: current trends, opponent’s style and weaknesses, map’s specificities (safe zones, back doors, timings), and psychological “mind games”.. 435
gameplay actions that are manually addressed by the player; the way of maximizing one’s army efficiency by using the units to the maximum of their potential.. 127, 143, 147, 157, 160, 161, 165, 175, 485
basic resource in StarCraft, used for everything. It can be harvested increasingly faster with the number of workers (up to an asymptote).. 127, 130, 132, 243
radar view of the full game area, shown in the bottom corner of the interface in StarCraft.. 132
Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game, distinct of RPG by the scale of cooperation sometimes needed to achieve a common goal, e.g. Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft. 21, 89, 100, 101

non-playing characters: game AI controlled third party characters, which were not conceived to be played by humans by opposition to “bots”. 20–22, 124

in Chess as in RTS games: the first strategic moves of the game, the strategy of the early game. 133, 142, 144, 289, 291, 292, 298, 350, 401, 430

(game) which is not impartial, in which a player can do actions another can not do (move a faction while the other player(s) cannot). 36
(game) in which all the players have complete knowledge of the (board) state of the game. 36
partially observable Markov decision process. 77, 78, 157, 223
positional hashing
a method for determining similarities in (board) positions using hash functions. 53
professional gamer, full-time job. 21, 128
Players vs Environment. 22, 62, 101
Players versus Players. 22

the record of all players’ actions during a game, allowing the game engine to recreate the game state deterministically. 21, 129, 239, 243, 292
replay value, entertainment value of playing the game more than once. 22
reinforcement learning. 166
Role Playing Game, e.g. Dungeons & Dragons based Baldur’s Gate. 21, 63, 78, 82, 215
Real-Time Strategy games are (mainly) allocentric economic and military simulations from an operational tactical/strategist commander viewpoint, e.g. Command & Conquer, Age of Empires, StarCraft, Total Annihilation. 13, 14, 21, 77, 78, 82
quick aggressive opening. 291

solved game
a game whose outcome can be correctly predicted from any position when each side plays optimally. 25
StarCraft: Brood War
a science fiction real-time strategy (RTS) game released in 1998 by Blizzard Entertainment. 21
cost in population (or supply) of a given unit, or current population count of a player. Originally, the Terran name for population/psi/control.. 130, 132, 243, 413

tech tree
abbreviation for “technological tree”, state of the technology (buildings, researches, upgrades) which are unlocked/available to a given player.. 127, 130, 142, 147, 232, 235, 237, 275, 285, 288–291, 367, 368, 401, 419, 426, 430, 472

Upper Confidence Bounds for Trees. 47, 282

zero-sum game
a game in which the total score of each players, from one player’s point-of-view, for every possible strategies, adds up to zero; i.e. “a player benefits only at the expense of others”. 25


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Appendix A
Game AI

A.1 Negamax

Algorithm 7: Negamax algorithm (with closures)
 function NEGAMAX(depth)
  if depth 0 then
  return value()
  end if
  α ←-∞
  for all possible moves do
  α max(α,-negamax(depth - 1))
  end for
  return α
 end function

A.2 “Gamers’ survey” in section 2.9 page 85


How good are you?

How important is the virtuosity? (to win the game) reflexes, accuracy, speed, "mechanics"

How important is deductive thinking? (to win the game) "If I do A he can do B but not C" or "I see E so he has done D", also called analysis, forward inference."

How important is inductive thinking? (to win the game) "He does A so he may be thinking B" or "I see D and E so (in general) he should be going for F (learned)", also called generalization, "abstraction".

How hard is decision-making? (to win the game) "I have options A, B and C, with regard to everything I know about this game, I will play B (to win)", selection of a course of actions.

You can predict the next move of your opponent: (is knowledge of the game or of the opponent more important)

What is more important:


-1: subjectivity
-1: map
1: objectivity
1: game
top rest n top rest n top rest n top rest n top rest n top rest n

Chess X X X1.7141.815341.7141.429351.7141.64335 0.714 0.286 35 X X X
Go X X X2.0001.667162.0001.600162.0001.60016 1.000 0.533 16 X X X
Poker X X X1.6670.938221.6671.562221.3331.62522-0.167-0.37522 X X X
Racing 2.0001.750190.2860.250190.5710.000191.2860.83319 0.571 0.455 18-0.286-0.33319
TeamFPS 1.9171.607401.0831.000391.4170.929401.4171.18539 0.000 0.214 40-0.083-0.11538
FFPS 2.0002.000221.2501.000211.1251.077211.1251.23121 0.250 -0.15421 0.250 0.083 20
MMORPG1.1181.000291.2350.833291.1761.000291.2351.25029 0.471 0.250 29 0.706 0.833 29
RTS 1.9411.692861.9121.808861.7061.673831.8821.76986 0.118 0.288 86 0.412 0.481 86

Table A.1: Results of the survey (means) for “top” players and the “rest” of answers, along with the total number of answers (n).

Appendix B
StarCraft AI

B.1 Micro-management

Algorithm 8: (Simplified) Target selection heuristic, efficiently implemented with a enemy units damages bidirectional map: bimap : u,d (left : u d, right : d u)
 function ON_DEATH(unit)
 end function
 function REGISTER_TARGET(unit,target)
  add_incoming_damages(target,damages(unit,target)) target
 end function
 function SELECT_TARGET(unit)
  for all eunit focus_fire_order(enemy_units) do
  if eunit.type priority_targets(unit.type) then
  if in_range(unit,eunit) then
  else if unit.prio_target == NULL then
  unit.prio_target eunit
  end if
  end if
  end for
  if == NULL then
  for all eunit focus_fire_order(enemy_units) do
  if in_range(unit,eunit) then
  end if
  end for
  end if
  if == NULL and unit.prio_target == NULL then unit.prio_target closer(unit,enemy_units)
  end if
 end function


Figure B.1: Plate diagram of a Bayesian unit with N possible directions.

B.2 Tactics

frameplayer name player idorder/actionX pos.Y pos.unit

... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6650 L.Nazgul[pG] 0 Train Probe
6720 SaFT.eSu 1 Train Probe
6830 L.Nazgul[pG] 0 Train Probe
7000 SaFT.eSu 1 Train Probe
7150 L.Nazgul[pG] 0 Build 39 108 Forge
7245 L.Nazgul[pG] 0 Build 36 108 Citadel of Adun
7340 L.Nazgul[pG] 0 Train Probe
7405 SaFT.eSu 1 Train Probe
7415 L.Nazgul[pG] 0 Train Probe
7480 SaFT.eSu 1 Train Shuttle
7510 SaFT.eSu 1 Build 26 24 Robotics Support Bay
. ..
. ..
. ..
. ..
. ..
. ..

Table B.1: Example of what is in a replay (in human readable format), lines with non-empty positions are constructions of buildings. Several other action types are not represented (current selection, move/attack orders...)


Figure B.2: Top: StarCraft’s Lost Temple map (one of the most famous maps with Python). We can see features like cliffs, ramps, walls, waters and resources (minerals and gas). Bottom: output of BWTA* with the regions slicing. We can see regions with one or several chokes, but also isolated regions as gray is non walkable terrain (crossable by flying units only).

[Replay Start]  
RepPath: $(PATH/TO/REP)  
MapName: $MAPNAME  
NumStartPositions: $N  
The following players are in this replay:  
<list of  
separated by newlines>  
Begin replay data:  
<list of  
separated by newlines>  

Figure B.3: Template of an RGD (replay general data) file from the dataset (see section 6.4)

<list of  
separated by newlines>

Figure B.4: Template of an ROD (replay order data) file from the dataset (see section 6.4)

[Replay Start]  
<list of  
separated by newlines>

Figure B.5: Template of an RLD (replay location data) file from the dataset (see section 6.4)

B.2.1 Decision-making: soft evidences and coherence variables

Here we will present the full tactical model for decision making, with soft evidences of variables we know only partially (variables we have only the distribution).


In the tactical model (section 6.5), for some variables, we take uncertainty into account with “soft evidences”: for instance for a region in which no player has a base, we have a soft evidence that it belongs more probably to the player established closer. In this case, for a given region, we introduce the soft evidence variable(s) B and the coherence variable λB and impose P(λB = 1|B,B) = 1.0 iff B = B, else P(λB = 1|B,B) = 0.0; while P(λB|B,B)P(B) is a new factor in the joint distribution. This allows to sum over P(B) distribution (soft evidence). We do that for all the variables which will not be directly observed in decision-making.


The joint distribution of our model contains soft evidence variables for all input family variables (E,T,B,GD,AD,ID) as we cannot know for sure the economical values of the opponent’s regions under the fog of war* (E), nor can we know exactly the tactical value (T) for them, nor the possession of the regions (B), nor the exact defensive scores (GD,AD,ID). Under this form, it deals with all possible uncertainty (from incomplete information) that may come up in a game. For the n considered regions, we have:

   P(A1:n,E1:n,T1:n,TA1:n,B1:n,B′1:n,λB,1:n,T′1:n,λT,1:n,       (B.1)
   E′1:n,λE,1:n,ID ′1:n,λID,1:n,GD ′1:n,λGD,1:n,AD ′1:n,λAD,1:n,    (B.2)

   H1n:n,GD1:n,AD1:n,ID1:n,HP, T T)                       (B.3)
=  ∏  [P (A )P(E ,T ,TA ,B |A  )                           (B.4)
   i=1     i   i  i   i  i  i
   P(λ  |B   ,B ′ )P(B′  )P (λ   |T  ,T ′ )P (T ′ )           (B.5)
      B,i 1:n  1′:n    1′:n    T,i 1:n  1:n ′ 1:n   ′
   P(λE,i|E1:n,E 1:n)P(E1:n)P(λID,i|ID1:n,ID1:n)P(ID 1:n)      (B.6)
   P(λGD,i|GD1:n,GD ′1:n)P (GD ′1:n)P (λAD,i|AD1:n,AD ′1:n)P(AD ′1:n()B.7)
   P(ADi, GDi,IDi|Hi)P(Hi|HP )]P (HP |T T)P(TT )          (B.8)

The full plate diagram of this model is shown in Figure B.6.


Figure B.6: Plate diagram (factor graph notation) of the Bayesian tactical model in decision-making mode. Hatched nodes are nodes on which we only have a distribution. We know TA (our tactical scores as we are the attacker) and TT (our tech tree*).


To the previous forms (section 6.5.1), we add for all variables which were doubles (X with X):

  P(λX|X,X ′) = 1.0 iff X = X′
  P(λX|X,X ′) = 0.0 else

The identification and learning does not change, c.f. section 6.5.1.

   ∀∫i∈reg∫ions P∫(Ai|tai,λB,i = 1,λT,i = 1,λE,i = 1)
∝                P (Ei,Ti,tai,Bi|Ai)P (Ai)P(B ′i)P(Ti′)P(E′i)
    Bi,B′i Ti,Ti′Ei,Ei′
   ∀∫i∈regio∫ns P(Hi|tt,∫λID,i = 1,λGD,i = 1,λAD,i = 1)
∝                       ∑  P(ADi,GDi,IDi|Hi)P(Hi|HP )P(HP |tt)P(ID′)P(AD′)P(GD ′)
    IDi,ID′i GDi,GD′i ADi,AD′iHP                                  i    i     i

Bayesian program

The Bayesian program of the model is as follows:

  (  (   (
  ||||  ||||   ||||Variables               ′        ′        ′
  |||||  |||||   |||||A1:n′,E1:n,T1:n,TA1′:n,B1:n,B1:n,λ′B,1:n,T1:n,λT,1:n,E1:n,λE,1:n,
  |||||  |||||   |||||ID1:n,λID,1:n,GD 1:n,λGD,1:n,AD1:n,λAD,1:n,H1:n,GD1:n,AD1:n,ID1:n,HP, TT
  |||||  |||||   |||||Decomposition             ′        ′        ′
  |||||  |||||   |||||P(A′1:n,E1:n,T1:n,T′A1:n,B1:n,B1:n′,λB,1:n,T1:n,λT,1:n,E1:n,λE,1:n,
  |||||  |||||   |||||I=D1∏:nn,λI[PD(,1A:n,)GPD(E 1:,nT,λ,GTDA,1,:nB,A|AD1):Pn,(λλAD,|B1:n,H,B1:n′,G)PD(1B:n′,A)DP1(:λn,ID|T1:n,,HTP′,)PT(TT)′ )
  |||||  |||||   |||||P(λi=1|E1:ni,E ′ i)P(Ei′ )iP(λi i|ID1:nB,,iID1′:n)P1(I:Dn′ )P1(:nλ   |T,GiD11:n:n,GD1:n′ )P(1G:nD ′ )
  |||||  |||||   ||{P(λEA,iD,i|AD1:1n:,nAD′ 1):nP(ADI′D,)iP (ADi,GD1i:n,IDi|Hi1:)nP(Hi|GHDP,i)]P(HP|TT)1:Pn(TT)  1:n
  |||||Spe|||||cificatio||nF (oπr)ms        1:n     1:n
  |||||  |||||   |||||P(Ar) prior on attack in region i
  |||||  |||||   |||||P(E,T,TA,B|A ) covariance∕probability table
  |||||  |||||   |||||P(λX|X, X′)=1.0 iff X = X′, else P(λX|X,X ′)= 0.0 (Dirac)
De|||||scrip{tion|||||P(AD,GD,ID |H ) covariance∕probability table
  |||||  ||||   |||||P(H|HP)= Categorical(4,HP)
  ||{  |||||   |||||P(HP = hp|TT)= 1.0 iff TT → hp, else P(HP |TT)= 0.0
Bayesianpr||ogra|||||m  ||||(P(TT) comes from a strategic model
  |||||  |||||
  |||||  ||||| Identification (using δn)         μbattles∕game
  |||||  ||||| P(Ar = true)= nbattlesb+atntlneots battles = μregions∕map (probability to attack a region)
  |||||  ||||| it could be learned online (preference of the opponent):
  |||||  ||||| P(Ar = true)= 2+-∑i1+∈nrebgaiottnlessnb(ra)ttles(i) (online for each game)
  |||||  ||||| P(E = e,T = t,TA = ta,B =b|A = True)=-----------1+nba∑ttles(e,t,ta,b)-----------
  |||||  |||||                               --|E|×|T|×|TA1|×+|n∑Bb|+attlesE(,aT,d,TgdA,,Bid,hn)battles(E,T,TA,B)
  |||||  ||||| P(AD =ad,GD =gd,ID =id|H = h)= |AD|×|GD |×|ID|+ AD,GD,ID nbattles(AD,GD,ID,h)
  |||||  ||||| P(H = h|HP =hp)= |H|+1+∑nHbanttbleas(tthle,hsp(H),hp)
  |||||  (
  ||||| Questions
  ||||| decision - making
  ||||| ∀i∈regionsP(Ai|tai,λB,i = 1,λT,i =1,λE,i = 1)
  ||||( ∀i∈regionsP(Hi|tt,λID,i = 1,λGD,i = 1,λAD,i =1)

B.3 Strategy


Algorithm 9: Flow algorithm making sure there are no convex closures
 function INIT(region)
  {diri,j list()|(i,j) region}
  updated ←{(i,j)|(i,j) entrance(region)}
  {diri,j dir_towards(region)|(i,j) updated}
  while diri,j == list() do
  (sources,new_updated) neighbours_couples(updated)
  for all ((x,y),(i,j)) (sources,new_updated) do
  if (x - i,y - j)∈∕dirx,y then
  diri,j.append((i - x,j - y))
  end if
  end for
  updated new_updated
  end while
 end function
 function BUILD(i,j)
  refill list()
  for all (x,y) neighbours(i,j) do ⊳  cut the flow arround
  dirx,y.remove((x - i,y - j))
  if dirx,y.empty() then
  build(x,y) ⊳  Recursively cut the flow
  end if
  end for
  while ¬fixed_point do ⊳  refill as in the initialization...
  current dir
  for all (x,y) refill do
  if (i,j) neighbours(x,y) such that currenti,jlist() then ⊳  non empty flow
  dirx,y.append((x - i,y - j))
  end if
  end for
  end while
 end function
 function IS_ISOLATED?(i,j)
  if diri,j.empty() then
  return True
  return False
  end if
 end function


Figure B.7: Example of the algorithm 9 in a case in which there are buildings A, B, C, D and building in the new cross spots would close the paths to the interior and trap units. Left: flood filling of the region with the source at the choke (bottom right). The arrows show the dir vectors for each tile. Right: recursive calls to build which drain the interior zone. Refilling will not be able to refill the middle.


Figure B.8: Bots ladder on February 12th, 2012. With BROODWARBOTQ using a Bayesian model for opponent’s strategy prediction as well as for micro-management*.

Nani gigantum humeris insidentes.
Des nains sur des épaules de géants.
Standing on the shoulders of giants.